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  • Heel

    So I was reading some BST soloing strategies lately and I don't know why but for some reason I haven't figured out how to properly use heel yet.

    I am fighting, and if it looks like my mob will kill the other I use heel, and then instead of the mob finishing off my charmed mob, it attacks me...

    So how do you fix that? because it doesn't matter how dead the mob is, it will always stop attacking my charmed one and attack me

    Please help! lol

  • #2
    Re: Heel

    In order for heel to not give you hate you MUST use it when the enemy is off your radar. If you do it while it is still on your radar, it will aggro you unless your pet has a good deal of hate. This goes for all pet commands by the way, sic, fight, heel, stay but does not happen with reward.

    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


    • #3
      Re: Heel

      Before using heel:
      1. You should stay far enough from the mob. Ideal range is when you no longer see the log scrolling while you still can see the pet's HP.
      2. Try not to melee with your pet if you know you're gonna use heel or pet swap.

      Good luck.


      • #4
        Re: Heel

        Learn to make use of your radar screen. You will see the two little dots representing your pet and your prey. Just move until the little dots disappear, then take a couple more steps to make extra sure that you're out of range. At that point you can cure yourself and use pet commands with total impunity. Also, make the local terrain work for you. I have found (and maybe I'm talking out of my rear here, but it works for me ) that sometime moving up or down will let you get out of range without having to move quite so far.


        • #5
          Re: Heel

          You've been given some good advice here, but I'll try and put it in my own words too.

          Basically, using Heel as a "ghetto Leave" as you're suggesting requires you to have very little hate. If you do some meleeing/dubuffing/curing too close to the fight near the beginning of the fight, it might not work at all. Using the radar is a great way to gauge hate distance. Another way (which is overkill I know but works if you have the room) is to move to the point where you can still see your prey but can not see their animations for attacks. This is significantly beyond the hate radius so any curing or pet commands will gain no hate for you. You can Heel from this distance and your prey should kill off your pet so that you can pummel it for that last sliver.

          Also once you get the pet command Stay you can easily use Heel and Stay one after another to get your prey to finish your pet off at a safe distance. This is nice for mobs that have AoE TP moves that you don't want to be hit by. This animation-free range is a nice range to make sure that you can get both Heel and Stay off while the prey is outside of the hate radius.
          75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
          99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
          Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
          FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
          FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


          • #6
            Re: Heel

            In a semi-related tidbit of information, this hate range is also very important if you have to pet pull later in your career.

            BST can pull link-free by sending a throwaway pet at the link-prone mob, then Heeling it so it runs back to the party. However, links will aggro whoever currently has hate - if you're pulling ITs with EPs, then, that's YOU, if you use any command at all.

            So do pet fight, then run out of hate range, then heel while running back to camp, watching for links - if it does, use Leave - or, before 35, get close to your party, make sure you do nothing, and just let the link + mob kill your pet. Pet commands will generate hate on the link, and then it'll come after you.

            But, back on topic.

            I've used Heel + Stay many times - it also will not work if the mob is currently affected by a status ailment such as Dia. The DoT generated by Dia will eventually outpace the hate your pet has, and the mob will peel off and come get you.


            P.S. The Reward command does generate hate like any other pet command - the reason you never see the mob come at you is because your pet just healed itself for xxx amount of HP. This spike of hate will take longer to degenerate than the hate generated by the pet command.

            Just FYI.
            Last edited by samarium; 06-13-2006, 11:52 AM.
            "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

            My job levels and goals.


            • #7
              Re: Heel

              I use my pet to attack mob once or twice then I start to run to where I want to camp and use Heal. If your fighing and you just want your pet to die then stop your attack and move away a bit. You can just hit your Lock On button and move away yet still be in attack mode. So mob should only attack pet till dead then move to you and once its in range again you Lock On again. If your attacking any commands you use add to hate your building up.


              • #8
                Re: Heel

                Originally posted by Samarium
                Pet commands will generate hate on the link, and then it'll come after you.
                Ya this is almost right. I think you know what you're saying but just said it slightly wrong, so I wanted to clarify.

                Pet commands won't generate hate on the link, once it's linked. They'll generate hate on the inital target that you sent your pet at, if you use the pet command within the hate radius. So if you use a pet command (or cure or some other hate-building action) too close to the mob you're trying to pull, it'll turn to you instead of hitting your pet. If it then links other mobs as it's turning to you, then you'll be the target of those links.

                If on the other hand you use heel outside of hate radius and get a ton of links they'll all have hate on the throw-away pet, and nothing you can do (except direct actions against the links) will cause the links to turn to you. You can sit there and melee along side your pet on the initial mob you were trying to pull while a whole swarm of mobs is bashing your pet right next to you, and they won't turn to you. You can continue to keep your pet on that initial prey by using the pet command Fight, and still the links won't get any hate for you.

                Once your pet dies, all the links will stop fighting and pause for a second. Then if they're outside of hate radius, they'll all deswpawn, or if they're inside they'll do whatever they would normally do (aggro you, or link with the one mob you're still fighting, or wander around like normal if the mob you killed is dead).

                Linking aggro is sortof wierd. Once you get a link on your pet it will stay on that pet until that pet dies or until someone directly acts on that link to get hate.
                75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
                99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
                Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
                FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
                FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


                • #9
                  Re: Heel

                  Originally posted by Bov
                  Ya this is almost right. I think you know what you're saying but just said it slightly wrong, so I wanted to clarify.

                  Pet commands won't generate hate on the link, once it's linked. They'll generate hate on the inital target that you sent your pet at, if you use the pet command within the hate radius. So if you use a pet command (or cure or some other hate-building action) too close to the mob you're trying to pull, it'll turn to you instead of hitting your pet. If it then links other mobs as it's turning to you, then you'll be the target of those links.

                  If on the other hand you use heel outside of hate radius and get a ton of links they'll all have hate on the throw-away pet, and nothing you can do (except direct actions against the links) will cause the links to turn to you. You can sit there and melee along side your pet on the initial mob you were trying to pull while a whole swarm of mobs is bashing your pet right next to you, and they won't turn to you. You can continue to keep your pet on that initial prey by using the pet command Fight, and still the links won't get any hate for you.

                  Once your pet dies, all the links will stop fighting and pause for a second. Then if they're outside of hate radius, they'll all deswpawn, or if they're inside they'll do whatever they would normally do (aggro you, or link with the one mob you're still fighting, or wander around like normal if the mob you killed is dead).

                  Linking aggro is sortof wierd. Once you get a link on your pet it will stay on that pet until that pet dies or until someone directly acts on that link to get hate.
                  Yeah, I mentioned above that the link will go after whoever has hate at the time of the link, but I was also under the impression that issuing pet commands counted as hate-generating abilities that affect another person.

                  For instance, if my fight gets a link, and I issue a command, I thought that would put ME on the link's hate list.

                  "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                  My job levels and goals.


                  • #10
                    Re: Heel

                    Actually it doesn't. You'll only get on the link's hate list by acting directly on the link. Linked hate is odd like that. Go test it out on too weak linking mobs. You'll be glad you did, because knowing it like the back of your hand will save your life more than once.

                    I use this feature of linked hate all the time while farming. Take for instance, spiders. I'll farm the ones in western altepa from time to time with funguar familiar. Funguar caps at 65 and can pretty much destroy anthing out there, but it lasts longer if I don't get links. Because of this, when I do get a link, I want it to focus on one of the spiders instead of bouncing hate back and forth between two and taking hits from two for a longer time. In order to keep the funguar on one pet only, I'll spam the Fight command, so every time it's ready he moves back to the same spider. The linked spider will never turn to me even after a lot of Fight commands.

                    The same works while getting xp. If a DC-EM bat links onto my pet, I don't see it as too much of a problem, I see it as my next pet. I'll just spam the Fight command on my original target so my pet keeps dealing as much damage as possible to the initial target before it dies. Then when my pet dies, the linked bat doesn't turn to me, it just sits there inactive. I charm it and use it as my next pet.
                    75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
                    99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
                    Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
                    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
                    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


                    • #11
                      Re: Heel

                      Bovineaddiction O.o

                      Great info....the name...*cough*, there's perhaps a story behind that? he says hopefully?


                      • #12
                        Re: Heel

                        Originally posted by Bov
                        Actually it doesn't. You'll only get on the link's hate list by acting directly on the link. Linked hate is odd like that. Go test it out on too weak linking mobs. You'll be glad you did, because knowing it like the back of your hand will save your life more than once.

                        I use this feature of linked hate all the time while farming. Take for instance, spiders. I'll farm the ones in western altepa from time to time with funguar familiar. Funguar caps at 65 and can pretty much destroy anthing out there, but it lasts longer if I don't get links. Because of this, when I do get a link, I want it to focus on one of the spiders instead of bouncing hate back and forth between two and taking hits from two for a longer time. In order to keep the funguar on one pet only, I'll spam the Fight command, so every time it's ready he moves back to the same spider. The linked spider will never turn to me even after a lot of Fight commands.

                        The same works while getting xp. If a DC-EM bat links onto my pet, I don't see it as too much of a problem, I see it as my next pet. I'll just spam the Fight command on my original target so my pet keeps dealing as much damage as possible to the initial target before it dies. Then when my pet dies, the linked bat doesn't turn to me, it just sits there inactive. I charm it and use it as my next pet.
                        I consider myself enriched by this knowledge.


                        "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                        My job levels and goals.

