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Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

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  • #16
    Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

    Yes you will have problems leveling WHM as a Galka.

    You will also have problems leveling BST/WHM as a Galka.

    You will also have problems eating spicy foods late at night with a quart of tequila.

    Should you do them all?

    Sure, why not?

    Well, at least once on the third thing.... /sigh optional on the third thing, I guess.

    Live a little!


    • #17
      Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

      Leveling whm as a galka, long as you have the best/better mage gear, drink juice, eat cookies, know how to conserve MP, you won't have a problem...

      getting Parties to know you do those things, = problem, which is why I started many a party as a WHM Galka and procided to blow their minds on how WHM is played with 100 mp XD

      as far as lvling bst/whm as a Galka... long as you wear good DEF+ VIT+ Gear, drink Selbina milk, eat Tacos (Spicy tacos work as well as Silenus pointed out) you're gold.

      I've lvled on both Galka bst/whm and Taru bst/whm and I LOVE Galka much more...

      Taru's just can't take a hit like galka's can, then again, MANY MANY a time I was as galka, 2 mp, resting BEGGING for 1 tick to cast a cure just to have that extra 30 hp since I was down in the 50's with my pet dieing and the prey a good 80% health...

      it's all about how you wanna play, try stuff out

      get whm to 37, and bst to 75 and Bam. You got your Gold medal. :D

      above image has not been photoshopped
      yes I have no life, yes those are my jobs
      reason blu/cor/pup aren't lvled is... well... I have a girlfriend now


      • #18
        Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

        Gratz on the GF!

        Tell her how fat she is, and how she's ruined your life, and how her friend is much cuter than she is.

        More time to play FFXI!



        • #19
          Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

          Galka Galka!

          I had a lot of fun leveling WHM. Now... that may actually indicate that I am slightly sociopathic... but its true. It was my first job over 18 (I leveled WAR to 18 to unlock subjobs, started over again getting BLM to 17, and then began WHM to 30) and that being said I didn't have the means to go all out on MP gear.

          I used what i could afford, which meant no Astral Rings, no expensive equips that were out of reach to me at the time. I did fine. Perhaps i didn't have the MP to toss out extra Banishes or skill up my Divine Magic on the side =P but i had enough to keep my PTs alive.

          I leveled cooking as soon as I could for Pineapple Juice, as being able to make it constantly when i needed to in the PT went a long way. I knew when to rest MP, i quickly learned how to conserve and make the most of my limited MP.

          And yes... once RSE was wearable, it was much smoother. I leveled WHM to 30, also with limited playtime like yourself, and it still only took me a week if that. At 30 I unlocked BST, and I didn't look back at WHM until i was in my late 50s on BST. Then... because i had grown SO accustomed to leveling on my own, i leveled WHM to 37 (now 39) with WHM/BST which is a LOT of fun.

          I am just now toying with BST/NIN (6 more levels to go before its 37 and a full sub, but i have been able to use it for capped CoP missions and the like) and that is also a lot of fun.

          So to wrap up a very long answer, will it be hard for you level your sub as Galka. No, not if you come as prepared as you can afford (you don't NEED luxury MP gear) and you quickly learn how to make the MOST of your MP. I never left a PT feeling like i let them down as WHM, as a Galka WHM, and i life many many parties feeling like i impressed them as a Galka WHM. Its all down to knowing your capabilities, your limits, and playing to them as much as possible.

          Good luck. I have soloed 99% of my BST career, and continue to do so on Subs, and random jobs i feel like leveling from time to time with /BST. Galka is a great BST. Have fun!
          ~Beastmaster 75 | White Mage 41 | Ninja 50~


          • #20
            Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

            Fat girls need love too Silenus, not my fault you don't have someone special in your life.

            This topic is about Galka bsts, not personal lives. please keep the 2 seperate.


            above image has not been photoshopped
            yes I have no life, yes those are my jobs
            reason blu/cor/pup aren't lvled is... well... I have a girlfriend now


            • #21
              Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

              Originally posted by GaugeChambers
              Fat girls need love too Silenus, not my fault you don't have someone special in your life.

              This topic is about Galka bsts, not personal lives. please keep the 2 seperate.

              Whoa. I think we may have taken a joke too seriously.

              "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

              My job levels and goals.


              • #22
                Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?


                That was about your siggie, and I certainly didn't mean to offend you^^

                Kinda funny anyway..I always tell people to dump their jobs, friends, school and lives to play I'm the antidote for the SE warning you get when you load up the game.


                • #23
                  Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

                  Originally posted by Silenus

                  That was about your siggie, and I certainly didn't mean to offend you^^

                  Kinda funny anyway..I always tell people to dump their jobs, friends, school and lives to play I'm the antidote for the SE warning you get when you load up the game.
                  You know... do you think GMs have to accept that warning when they load up? "Don't forget your work..."

                  "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                  My job levels and goals.


                  • #24
                    Re: Plan to be Galka, will that be a problem?

                    They work?

                    lol news to me.

                    wth do they do, anyway? I'll bet they're all logged onto the beta server still lol

                    What a great job.

