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  • #46
    Re: Guts

    still, not to take anything away from BST, but throwing a pet at a mob is a whole lot different to using a conventional spell or ability. It's gotta be a whole lot tougher going just you and a pet against the mob, than sticking 6 on one i agree. In the same way, you and a pet or zoo of pets even, is a whole lot different to going toe to toe solo with a mob. You are worrying about gaining hate and taking damage instead of your pet, i'm worrying about being very dead... thats why DC is a challenge to most where as you take on toughs. The risk is probably similar (so i guess the guts are similar) between you fighting toughs, and me fighting DC, if you get a mischarm (bad luck) or handle your hate wrong (bad management) you get smacked (it's only the fact you take on toughs that makes this so risky, and you so gutsy). If i suffer a bad run of moves (bad luck) or mismanage my mp/hp or mistime my spells (bad managment) then even against a DC it can prove fatal.

    I guess this is why more people don't have the "guts factor" in general (mostly just bst) is that for most the rewards just aren't worth it. As a bst taking the same risk you actually get rewarded accordinly for that risk. We don't really. 50 exp for risking your life in a five minuite fight really. you get chains on toughs and thats a much more appealing reward.
    Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


    • #47
      Re: Guts

      I'm not too proud to admit that I haven't had much luck with BST in the past. I'm not sure if it's that I had ridiculous expectations (probably), didn't approach it the right way (likely), or that I'm just not very good at it in general (well, this is kind of true, but I aim to change it). I'd like to think that eventually I can get good enough at BST to try and push my limits. At the moment I'm just going through the motions though.


      • #48
        Re: Guts

        Though it's been touched on before, I feel I should elaberate on one point. Someone with guts will try risky things regardless of their job class.

        In my time playing I've:

        Farmed DC Yags in Oz for nin scrolls on my 50 thf when everyone said I couldn't do it.

        Farmed Goobbue and leeches in Zi'tah with both my 50 thf and 50 war when lvl 55-60 players say it's too tough to do.

        Have been mining in Oldton since 45 thf and often travel deep into Newton with my 50 thf to mine there.

        Soloed my AF 1s for War, Thf and Nin with my War at 40, my Thf at 40 and my Nin at 40

        Soloed all of Rank 5 as a 45 Thf and 45 War, including going one on one, War to War against Dhe'Vu the Headhunter who is lvl 45 himself.

        Soloed the DC leeches for my AF 2 War boots in Oz at 51 War

        Chained EP-T mobs in the dunes as a lvl 19 Drk/War solo for well over 4k exp

        Soloed 34-35 on my Mnk in the jungles against DC-EM mandies.

        Repeatedly soloed exp buffers for all my jobs at all lvls as I tend to die a lot (over 600 deaths since i started playing with no jobs past 55 yet >_>)

        And attempted many times, though never really succeded in soloing G1. Maybe if I lvled Bst past 9 I could have done it, but really I had no chance against mobs that resist sleep, blind and bloody bolts. =/

        I'm sure there's more I tried to solo on more jobs I decided to lvl. But I know that I love goin 'round killin stuff solo with War and thf. I'll lvl bst one day, but that's only after my first two mains are lvled and done with.
        "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


        • #49
          Re: Guts


          Please sit down.

          We need to talk.

          I know you have been trying very, very hard not to admit this, but you have a problem.

          You see, Ziero, it is a common problem, and one with a solution, but you need to come to grips with it before it gets out of hand.


          You are a BST.

          Welcome to the club!


          • #50
            Re: Guts


            I remember back in the old days when i was with the mind set:

            "I'm a true RDM! no other job can compare to this!"
            /wait 5 min
            "Humm a video of bsts doing BCNMs"
            /wait 2 min
            "Thats fun! I'm gonna lvl bst to lvl 40 to do that BCNM and get alot of gill"
            /wait 10 min
            "Woot! im lvl 75 BST! I Love this job!"

            Dont get me wrong i love RDM too and i have my kick a$$ gear for it but like Ziero i was in denial lol


            • #51
              Re: Guts

              I don't have any great solo stories since I duo with my brother so we're usually doing crazy stuff together. (Both Bsts)

              We did duo all Sandy Nation missions up to 9-2, except the shadowlord one (which I know for a fact we could duo if we could go back again. : )). Mission 5-1, 7-2 (I think, the one with 5 orcs in the burning circle), and 8-2 were really the only difficult ones though.

              Also duo'd Zilart Missions 4 and axe wsnm (well, techniquely it was a trio-A thf camping thieve's knife saw us fighting it and offered to help, SATA'd it, then died right away. ><)


              • #52
                Re: Guts

                Sup Extacy

                Great stories guys, I liked the one about soloing sandy 6-1. Ive been waiting for the day I will do that.

                36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                • #53
                  Re: Guts

                  /em pokes thread.

                  It's not dead yet! /montypythonoff

                  I'm gonna go with "it's gotta be the player"--I'm nuts even as a pld, or whm for that matter. I remember voking with 2 hp left near the end of a horrible link fight after bene and invincible were turned out to be enough as I evaded one attack (lol pld evasion ftw!) hell is unleashed and the second dang beetle finally drops dead. That's the fight I learned how awesome DRK can be...that guy was insanely good.

                  Come on, peeps! More stories! Guts! Glory! funfunfun!

