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Trio looking for help

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  • Trio looking for help

    Hello and thanks in advance for any and all advice you can give. I'm part of, and sort of leading a Trio of bsts.

    We have a bst/nin, a bst/war and me the sole bst/whm. We treat the group as a regular party, with our pets being DDs. The /war eats tank food (fishkas), the nin was eating Jack'o lanterns, and I'm dancing back and forth between rolanberry pies (the +1s cost way to much) and mushroom stew. It works pretty well, even with the very low amount of healing (the others 2 bsts are cooks, so They keep me suplied with Juice).

    We've been using jug pets for the convienience, and for part of the night the two of us with NPCs have been using them. Our little 3 man group is 8 toons strong for a good portion of the night.

    We've found that we can easily keep up with regular parties, although the gobs in yahtunga jungle beat us hard, we were doing mandies there for nice easy exp to get into the swing of things. We COULD follow the normal party exp path, but a few levels behind, but we all want to try different areas. We tried exping in promy mea (the MR went down almost too easy) but the silence kept stalling us.

    What we'd like is to exp in those other zones, you know all the ones that normally only get used to pass through to the regular exp zones, and I was hoping that some of you out there could offer some advice on alternative zones that would be good for us to exp in. I'd be very grateful for some help and advice from anyone who has a suggestion.
    Last edited by thepirateking; 05-22-2006, 05:55 AM. Reason: had to fix punctuation.
    Better far to live and die, under the great black flag I fly....

  • #2
    Re: Trio looking for help

    Stating your actual levels would help in getting you advice.

    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


    • #3
      Re: Trio looking for help

      I'm guessing from your level locations that you are somewhere between 25 and 30. I have a couple spots depending on which levels you are now.

      I did 26-30 as a NIN/BST WHM/BST and BST/WHM trio (me and a buddy were trying to get our NIN and WHM subs up to snuff, so we teamed up with another buddy who wanted to work on BST).

      First camp Lvl 26-28: Rolanberry Fields.

      Charm: Bees, Crawlers and Bats. (you might be able to just use jugs)
      Fight: Quadavs and Goobbues.

      Your camp will be a very large swath of the zone. The trick is to keep moving and have the path you take be a large enough loop that your pets and prey respawn by the time you get back to the same area. You will seriously mow the areas you pass down to almost zero mobs, which is perfect. You won't be getting big xp numbers per kill (well maybe on the highest level Quadavs when you're 26), but you will get good chains and decent xp/hr.

      It's a ton of fun and it's right outside Jeuno so the three of you don't have to do a lot of travel to get there.

      Second camp 29-30: Korrokola Tunnel.

      Charm: Bats, spiders, leeches, jellies (in the main trench) (probably also jug-able, but you might run into link problems if you don't use the native pets)
      Fight: Bats, spiders, Gigas (Aim for Ts but you might need to fight EMs for chains)

      This is basically the same story as in Rolanberry, kill everything T+ for long chains and great xp/hr. You'll just march up and down the whole tunnel.

      Ok, that's it. These camps will not give you better xp than if you were in a good 6-man party, but will definitely be a new way to play at this level. It is also about as much fun as I've had playing BST or /BST.
      75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
      99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
      Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
      FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
      FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


      • #4
        Re: Trio looking for help

        Yeah...sorry about the lack of levels....I just plain forgot that. We're all 28 with about 800TNL
        Better far to live and die, under the great black flag I fly....

