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Where did you level-up today?

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  • Where did you level-up today?

    Well we already know that there can't be a bst *ding* thread on these forums because (thankfully) the moderators try to minimize spam. But I thought I'd try something different. I think there should still be a way for members of the bst community to celebrate their accomplishments. So instead of just having a thread where we say stuff like "Yay I lvld!" I'd like to try a thread where we not only celebrate leveling but tell a bit about where we lvld. It doesn't just have to be those who are leveling either. I want to encourage those who are doing merit points to come in here as well.
    I figure with so many camps being a part of the bst experience we can all learn from each others experiences and possibly share new and unusual camp spots.

    That being said.... I dinged level 61 solo yesterday.

    I was in Torai[tab] Canal, right by the windurst zone. Great little set up with me using the bats near the flesh and mind cravers to whittle them down then using an EM pet I had waiting by the T junction to finish them. I'm a little bit put off with where to go next but hopefully I'll be 62 by the end of the week.

    Let's hear about your accomplishments!

    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65

  • #2
    Re: Where did you level-up today?

    Grats on 61. I leveled solo for 61 and 62 in Boyahada Tree, doing spider vs spider and funguar vs spider near the main entrance to the zone. There was a fair amount of competition with spider web farmers, but hopefully that has dropped off a bit as the webs have recently dipped in price (at least on Asura they have). Also, these levels are very duoable so if you see other BSTs give them a tell.

    I've been camping in the reverse 'E' camp in ifrits caudron from 69 until I just dinged 72. I highly suggest it to BSTs going through these levels. It dangerous and you will die a fair amount, but as long as you keep RR2 up and are level headed enough to know when you'll die and to die in a safe place, it is awesome. Even with the deaths my xp/hour was better than what I'd seen in the previous 4 levels (Upper Delk., Pso'xja). I'd often get chain 3-4 on these suicidal bombs.

    Now that I'm 72, I think I'll try Sky and do some flamingo v flamingo.
    75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
    99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
    Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
    FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


    • #3
      Re: Where did you level-up today?

      I was duoning and trioing in The Boyahda Tree just a few moments ago. I was leveling with a friend but then another friend I hadn't seen in a while came on and we started trioing. Well we did quite fine as long as we could keep pets EM. We were killing crabs and crawlers using funguars and spiders from the earlier rooms.

      About 50 mins before maintenance began Aquarius popped! I said: "Hey let's kill it! Seriously let's do it". So we heal up, get VT pets, 2h and start beating the crap out of him. After the familiared pets died we kept swapping funguars and spiders. We beat the crap out of him and guess what? Franny dropped too!

      We all kinda wanted the axe so all lotted and we congratulated the other one of my friend as he lotted 950.

      When is Aquarius soloable? I'm kinda tempted to try him out with BST60/NIN30. One more level for NIN needed though.

      That's my story about leveling today.
      Kitfox / BST69/THF47/WHM42/NIN32
      Server: Siren / Linkshell: Aequitas


      • #4
        Re: Where did you level-up today?

        Originally posted by Thoronas
        I'm a little bit put off with where to go next but hopefully I'll be 62 by the end of the week.

        Let's hear about your accomplishments!
        Congratulations. Yeah, 61-62 is kind of one of those in between levels that kind of sucks. I did Ulegrand Range in the valley by the buffaloes killing snolls with rabbits. You'll get a few DC snolls, but mostly they'll be EM and T for decent enough chains. 62-65 is gravey though. Cape Terrigan is where it's at. I loved the exp in that place.

        I'm 8k from 71. I'll post where I exp'd at after I ding, hopefully tonight.
        72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
        60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
        53 Clothcraft
        60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
        60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
        58 Alchemy
        40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
        15 Smithing
        5 Goldsmithing


        • #5
          Re: Where did you level-up today?

          I am just starting into level 69, doing leech Vs. Colibri in Bhaflau Thickets. Gettin 6-8k/hr. lovin it. hopin for 70 by wednesday.
          BLM 75 / BST 75 / RDM 37 / WHM 37 / NIN 37 / SMN 35 / SAM 34
          Clothcraft: 82.3 +2
          Fishing: 36.0
          Rank 10 / Zilart 14 / CoP 5.1
          Let's support Gil Sellers!
          Useful Links Graveyard
          Third Law of Beastmastery: He who hath attained a higher level shall soon again visit his past level.


          • #6
            Re: Where did you level-up today?

            Well I dinged 71 last night as planned, after doing 3 back-to-back Beseigeds shortly after logging on. I spent almost all of 70-71 exping near the Halvung zone in Wajaom Woodlands. Carmine Erucas vs Woodtroll Warrior/Ranger & Eruca. (C-8/D-8 on the Woodlands map). The really great aspect about this camp is there are three Erucas to use which all level 70. There is absolutely no fluctuation in level. They always spawn at level 70 so you can despawn them all you want, you'll always have an EM pet. I always killed one off just for chaining purposes. The Trolls all con Tough, but chaining can be hard because of their Diamondhide move which is an uber stoneskin that takes a good while to chip away at. I highly recommend subbing RDM if you have it leveled high enough for Dispel (which I didn't) because their Stoneskin really sucks, but it's managable. Other than that, they do no TP move that is troubling at all. The only AoE move they do is a Defense/Magic Defense Down move that does no damage and wears off rather quickly making RDM the preferred sub for this camp to speed up kills. I did just fine with WHM sub however.

            There is a Woodtroll Warrior that roams the Eruca area that I always killed just for that reason. The Ranger near the zoneline is much easier than the warrior, and I highly recommend not even thinking about touching the Monk one. The Dark Knight isn't any harder than the Warrior, but you have to deal with the spells. The respawns are fast enough here that you can kill the Warrior, then pull and kill the Ranger and the Warrior should be respawning by the time the Ranger is down or with a short time. I just filled the gap with an Eruca since you only need two of them to get a chain.
            72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
            60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
            53 Clothcraft
            60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
            60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
            58 Alchemy
            40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
            15 Smithing
            5 Goldsmithing


            • #7
              Re: Where did you level-up today?

              Well, today I dinged 20 farming EPs in Tahrongi Canyon 'cause I didn't have time to get to the spot I was doing previously (Hexmarsh in Pashhow). Easiest exp in the world (Dhalmels kick the crap out of everything else in the entire zone =) ), and made half a stack of Beehive Chips, Silk Thread, and Silver Beastcoins.

              If you're getting frustrated with the normal EM -> T levelling, give this a try - go back to the last zone you levelled in and switch the order of pets and prey around. Your higher-levelled prey will kick the snot out of your old pets with you helping, and will still probably outdamage you so you won't get any hate. Even better if they're DC's as you won't have to recharm as often and will miss only rarely.

              Cakewalk 30-50 exp per kill, plus drops. Not exciting, but watching HP bars keeps you just involved enough to not get bored. You never even have to stop fighting to rest, as you already well know!

              "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

              My job levels and goals.


              • #8
                Re: Where did you level-up today?

                Grats to everyone The way bst share their experiences and have a community that transcends servers is one of the main reasons I love this job. It goes beyond Vanadiel.

                On a side note Caedarva Mire kicks so much ass at 61. I thought I was going to take a week to lvl to 62 but I could hit 62 tonight. I'm loving Toau.

                36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                • #9
                  Re: Where did you level-up today?

                  I'm around 5k tnl to 61. I'd really want to try the new camps in ToAU areas but I can't find the expansion pack anywhere around here.

                  Today I wasted my whole playing time trying to get limit 3 done. I got Yag crest done but then wandering in Davoi for the Crimson Orb just drove me to the edge of sanity. No map and running through the same places for the 5th time was REALLY starting to get me. Then got into an orc ambush and had to warp... I got 2 pools checked. I've only found 3 of the pools before. Having no map sucks big time.

                  Not exacly leveling but trying to make progress. Guess I just needed to rant.

                  Best cure for insanity? Loud punk rock for 15 mins! (Made me calm down anyways)

                  Edit: Clarity
                  Last edited by Kitfox; 05-16-2006, 12:35 PM.
                  Kitfox / BST69/THF47/WHM42/NIN32
                  Server: Siren / Linkshell: Aequitas


                  • #10
                    Re: Where did you level-up today?

                    Originally posted by Kitfox
                    I got Yag crest done but then wandering in Davoi for the Crimson Orb just drove me to the edge of sanity. No map and running through the same places for the 5th time was REALLY starting to get me. Then got into an orc ambush and had to warp... I got 2 pools checked. I've only found 3 of the pools before. Having no map sucks big time.
                    You realize you can just buy the map in San d'Oria and save yourself some headache?

                    Southern San d'Oria G-10 Violitte
                    72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
                    60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
                    53 Clothcraft
                    60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
                    60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
                    58 Alchemy
                    40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
                    15 Smithing
                    5 Goldsmithing


                    • #11
                      Re: Where did you level-up today?

                      Also note that if you have a friend who already has a Crimson Orb completed, they can open the door for you (preferably a Bard or mage who can cast Horde Lullaby or Sleepga so they can put the nearby orcs to sleep for safety - they'll aggro at any level, including 75).



                      • #12
                        Re: Where did you level-up today?

                        Got 62 today after another whirl-wind session in the mire, got 11k in about 2.5 hours. This place really is quite amazing. The pace at which you chain is higher than anything I've ever experienced on bst before. I can't wait to try out the other exp camps in Toau. I'm sure there are plenty of spots we haven't found yet.

                        36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
                        Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65


                        • #13
                          Re: Where did you level-up today?

                          Well, looks like this is at least "semi-blessed" by the mods, since Icemage has the title
                          of "Super Moderator", and impersonating the mods is instant perma-ban territory.

                          58, Ulegeurand Range, a few days ago.

                          Been a long time since i worked a spot where none of the mobs in the area checked EM,
                          but at 57 up there, Variable Hares (my pets) check T at the best. Gave me a good time
                          figuring out when to pet swap on the Tigers I was killing.

                          Died a few times during the level of course, thank SE for the Reraise Gorget.

                          I'm avoiding Garlaige for a couple reasons. 1: Getting behind Gate #2 sucks.
                          And 2: People camp the basement constantly when i'm usually on.


                          • #14
                            Re: Where did you level-up today?

                            Ding! BST 67 XD

                            Wajaom Woodlands. BST66/WHM33, 1.5k tnl... getting sleepy... /shutdown

                            work... off... Log In!

                            Buff, cast reraise, heal to full. Then I began...

                            Charm bee, Fight, Sic, Leave, WS... dead Puk...


                            {Fast Forward}

                            Ding! BST67/WHM33 didn't stop... kept going...

                            Charm, Fight, Sic, Leave, WS... dead Puk...


                            2.5k into the level... Sic... Bee used Final Sting... Puk survived and still at around 35% HP... Call Beast... Fight... Didn't lose hate... BST dead... Level down...

                            Raised! Got level back... AFK {Short time}... Full heal, buff, reraise, full heal...

                            Fight... Fight... Fight...

                            . . . . . . . . Dead... Level Down...

                            Raised! Got level back... AFK {Short time}... Full heal, buff, reraise, full heal...

                            Fight... Fight... Fight...

                            . . . . . . . . Dead... Level Down...


                            Raised! 300 tnl

                            Killed 1 Puk, Level up!

                            Ding! BST67/WHM33

                            Fought 2 more Puks and warped back to my homepoint...

                            The End~
                            Gravityluke -The Elvaan Beast of Stolen Linkshell-
                            Paragon of Beastmaster Excellence


                            • #15
                              Re: Where did you level-up today?

                              I hit 44 last night in yutunga jungle fighting goblins with crawlers behind the outpost. Was pretty good xp, although I think I have to find a new camp now. Most of my pets are conning EP, and too many DC gobs. I think i'm going to try Crawlers nest or Yhoater now.
                              BST 59 | THF 40 | NIN 30 | SAM 22 | BLU 21 | WAR 15

