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Some questions from a new BST

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  • Some questions from a new BST

    Hello! I recently started playing BST, and I am level 15. The problem is, so far I have just been chaining Easy Preys because I am having difficulty with charming that seems to slow me down a lot. Unfortunately, that's getting difficult now, so I need to start playing BST properly.

    Some BST guides that I have read say that you should not melee with your pet until you get "Leave." This seems strange, to me, since you often have to take the last sliver of health, and if you don't melee, then your weapon skill won't get leveled. So, I tried to melee with my pet, but doing so either gets me hate right away (if I start immediately) or causes me to be unable to use "Heel" due to hate issues. What should I be doing here?

    That said, I remember reading a year or so ago that if you move far enough away so that you can no longer see your pet or your prey on your compass, it's safe to do things like Cure yourself. From this range, I noticed that you can use "Heel" and "Reward," which is nice, but it's hard to get this far away if you are meleeing and I'm not sure if I am actually not generating hate, or if I'm just not generating enough to pull the enemy away (I've only tested this after not doing ANYTHING to the mob). So: do you generate hate from this distance? Also, what is the maximum range of "Heel" and "Reward" like?

    Any other tips that you guys have are also welcome. This seems like a wonderful job, but I just don't feel like I'm doing it correctly.

  • #2
    Re: Some questions from a new BST

    People who have lvl'd BST have different opinions on the best way. Beastmaster is about learning how hate works and using your pets and surroundings to your advantage. Learning to do this means you have to just practice. There are many variables that will affect rather you should fight along side you pet or not. If you taru then at that lvl you can't take many hits say compared to a Galka race. Depending on what mob you are fighting and what type of pet you have and the lvls of both. The zone you are in effects this decision as well. Is there aggro mobs that you have to avoid? Can you use a safe camp? Are you near the zone? So giving you a straight answer is not really possible.

    To be honest you do want to fight along side your pet if you can, but you will have to test your ability to do this. Yes, it will cost you some deaths and you will have to spend time "getting the feel" for this. You will learn more about the zones you lvl in than you ever dreamed. By lvl'n in certain zone you will learn what type of mob spawn, where and about there appox respawn timers as well as agro ranges and such. Things you never needed to know as a "normie".

    To answer your question... yes fight along side you pet when you can BUT you have to examine the area, mobs, pets, your race, your gear, and your skill to decide if you can do it this particular time.

    Good luck with BST
    {Mikb}Human - 75-BST 37-WHM 42-RDM 37-NIN 17-BLM 17-WAR 15-THF 12-BRD 7-SMN

    {Mikeb}Taru(mule for now) - 58-WHM 42-BRD31-BLM 5-BST 3-SMN 1-RNG 1-NIN

    So many jobs... so little time ;( Bastok - Siren / Cooking lvl 62
    Full BST AF complete
    Limit 1 [X] Limit2 [X] Limit3 [X] Limit4 [X] Maat(Yay)

    It's Nice to solo something as a 35 BST that gives my 58WHM a hard time to kill.

    LS- Strikeforce /Kagedragons /BeastHut


    • #3
      Re: Some questions from a new BST

      A little more information on your prefered setup would help us give advice. Let's start with the meleeing. Personaly I meleed with my pet at some point during the battle from around level 13 on. Never at the start of battle though. My prefered sub has been whm from the begining. In the early levels the debuffs from /whm will let your pet hold hat better if you've chosen your prey correctly.

      My pattern was find a dc-em pet. Toss pet at EM-low T prey. After four or five attack rounds have passed use what ever debuffs your sub has granted you thus far. Rest to full mp then join my pet. Now here's the somewhat complicated part. If you're looking to get full exp you need to either use the "ghetto leave" method if you're at a high enough level for it to be an option or have learned to gauge when your pet will die. I got good at making sure my pet was dead near the end of battle and never made much use of the "ghetto leave" method. It's done mostly by knowing when/if to join your pet in battle and when to turn your back if your pet is getting to far ahead.

      The debuffs, from whm start to lose effectiveness in the mid-late 20's, so you'll have to change your tactics a bit but by then your pets will hold hate a little better.

      You also asked about maximum pet command distance. Reward has a maximum something around provoke, but generates next to no hate in my experience. "Heel" I've used from clear across a zone and still had it work. Very usefull for pulling in some situations.
      "The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success"


      • #4
        Re: Some questions from a new BST

        Reward has range approximately equal to spellcasting distance, I think. Pet commands that affect ONLY your pet (Heel, Stay, Leave) can be used from anywhere in the same zone. Abilities that require targets have short range, generally about the same as Provoke, as stated - usually more than enough to remain out of aggro range if approached properly.

        Reward does cause a minute amount of hate on you (all commands except for Gauge do), but this is vastly overshadowed by the pet healing itself for hundreds of HP. By the time the mob hits the pet enough to cancel this hate, your personal hate has descended back to zero.

        I have very little interaction with my prey aside from finishing it off at the end for one simple reason: I don't want the mob to get glued to me and not kill my pet. I wants exp durnit!

        After Leave, I'll melee just enough to not get dead. As a Taru, I deal damage small enough to not get noticed more than a few hits a fight, even at level 19, if I do choose to melee for variety.

        "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

        My job levels and goals.


        • #5
          Re: Some questions from a new BST

          When I was this level as BST I did the ghetto-leave trick pretty much every time. This was slow but safe. Don't worry about your axe not capping using this method, it worked just fine for me and you'll still be meleeing enough to cap it.

          If I were to repeat BST, I would probably try and ride the hate line and fight along side my pet. This would cause a 30% cut in xp for each kill...but I bet I would be able to kill at least 30% more prey to make up for it.

          So maybe try and figure out which style suits you better and then go for it. Remember, you will die a ton getting this figured out. I'd suggest setting your HP at the nearest outpost to cut down on travel time.
          75BST 75BLU 40BLM 40DRK 38WHM 37RDM 37NIN 37THF 20WAR
          99.1 Cooking / 20 Alchemy / 15 Woodworking
          Asura Hume LS=Illuminaire
          FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Page
          FFXI Wiki - Beastmaster Cooking Guide


          • #6
            Re: Some questions from a new BST

            I think it's best for BSTs to learn their own way of leveling in the early stages. As a taru, I did not have much hate problems. I tried almost every way of leveling, and the fastest and safest way I could find was grabbing an evm, and killing every ep and dc. It might looks like you're gaining nothing compared to fighting evms and Ts, however your overall seals and exp/hr is higher. It's just very, very boring.

            If you cannot see your pet's HP, then you are out of hate range.

            BRD72 BST58 Windurst 8
            Got to charm em all!


            • #7
              Re: Some questions from a new BST

              Well let me tell you the GREAT thing about BST.
              There is NO wrong way to play it. With BST you can suck as much as you want, or not suck as much as you want. Play it safe and get slow but steady exp, or play balls to the wall where every fight puts you at 7 to 10 odds that it'll end in your demise. The only wrong way to play BST is to not have fun while you are playing it. BST is not a rush job, there's no race to 75. I like to think of BST as the 'scenic' route of FFXI. Just enjoy it learn to enjoy the good times and laugh during the bad and you'll be just fine.

              With all that said. My tips.

              /charm <stnpc>

              Your best friend if you haven't gotten to know it yet. Unlike /charm <t> it doesn't fire off soon as you hit the macro. It instead puts up a little blue arrow over the target whiching you can move around view the left and right buttons. Put it over the mob you want to hit and confirm. This not only cuts down misfiring your charm on the wrong mob but it also helps when your pet uncharms in the middle of a fight. Just hit the charm macro and move the arrow over the misbehaving pet. No need to disengage to recharm.


              As a BST get used to turning off the Lock-On function when you engage a mob. I rarely if never stay locked on to a mob. When you're locked off a mob you'll still be able to run around and have your axes out. This is VITAL to BST survival. It allows you to turn your back at a moments notice incase you get too much hate. Or simply run around the mob to scope out the area around out. Being out there by yourself your pet isn't going to warn you if something pop's behind you so you gotta keep a look out for yourself.

              Ghetto-Release vs. Fighting beside your pet.

              I'm against ghetto release. It slows you down and has its risks if not done right. Too many BST use heel and stay too close to aggro range and find themselves the target. If you don't engage a mob sometimes you'll have the mob at 5% hp and your pet at 50% hp. Waiting it to die off can take a while. But this does have one advantage. You don't have to guess when your pet is going to mischarm as you kill it off every fight. This kind of fighting is not really good for the 'camping' BST. More of the nomadic BST as you go through pets rather quickly doing this.

              Fighting beside your pet is dangerous for one reason. Many BST don't pay attention to charm duration and go from one fight to the next and next thing you know in the midde of the third fight or so their pet uncharms and the BST is screwed. All hate the pet had is gone and all hate the BST gained is still all there. Even if the BST lands the recharm it might be a while before the BST sheds hate. In these kinds of situations mischarms are deadly.

              I find it best not to use one type exclusively but use both methods in a kind of hybrid way of leveling. First your grab your pet and throw it on your prey. Then you simply watch for the first 3-5 rounds. If your pet is holding its own goodie jump in and kick butt. If your pet is getting owned just scout for your next pet just incase. Its always nice to know where your next pet is at all times. If your pet is getting beat but you have pet food, jump in and when it gets low give it some pet food.

              That's the first fight. Now if your pet is at full health or near full you can try to sneak in another fight. If your pet is kind of weak say under 50% then throw it on your prey but don't engage this time. Scout for your next pet, let your pet die and charm. Don't waste petfood on this pet that will most likely mischarm just get a fresh pet. Even if it uncharms, if you are far enough away from your pet when it does it'll forget all about you. (But don't count on this) Let your fresh pet finish off the weakened prey.

              After this you can get in another fight, maybe a third. You fight beside your pet and feed it a treat if it needs it. Then after that let it die in the next fight. Just rinse and repeat. The benefit of non-stop killing that comes for fighting beside your pet and the benefit of knowing your pet isn't going to mischarm on you that comes from killing your pet off all in one.

              Now how many fights you can get in between killing off your pet depends on pet vs. prey level.

              If pet is fighting stronger prey (ep vs dc - dc vs. em - em vs t) I say stick to fighting with your pet on the first fight and letting it die in the second. As these fights can drag out longer than your charm duration.

              If pets are on the same level as your prey (em vs em, ect.) I say tread with caution. Sometimes you get a low end em vs. a high end near tough em. You can try to sneak in another fight. If doing dc vs dc I say definitly go for a third fight though as your charm will last longer. If you are doing ep vs. ep...shame on you.

              If pets are going for weaker prey (em vs. dc - dc vs. ep) Go for 2-3 fights fighting beside your pet before killing it off. Two for em vs dc. and 3 for dc vs ep.
              For off-set mobs (em vs ep, dc vs t, and the sometimes inevitable t vs t or t vs vt) em vs ep is easy. Just mow them own, don't even worry about pet coming uncharmed just keep its hp up and you can keep the same pet with you the entire time. Though not good for exp its fun for farming.
              Dc vs T, throw your pet on the mob but don't engage immediately scout for your next pet. You might have to use 2 or 3 pets . If the DC can get it down half way then you'll only need that second pet and just engage with your pet and use pet food if needed.
              T vs T, Pretty decent exp. Your charm will last about 40 seconds give or take. I wouldn't say it is worth engaging as uncharming frequently will be a problem if you start gaining hate.
              T vs VT, Pretty much the same as DC vs T. But generally not used till later levels (blink) as VT will hit you VERY hard during pet swaps and mischarming can be utterly deadly. Very risky but sometimes a good option when all the other zones you exp in are filled with dc and ep mobs.

              Of course there is one more special way of exping. Post lvl 23. If you want to take the easy route. Jug pet + zone filled with low end EP = BST'ly FUN! Sure you'll get around 20-35exp a kill. But you'll kill so fast you can get around 2-2.5k exp in an hour or so. No great exp but great for gil. You could techniquely take BST to lvl 75 doing this and never have to stress yourself your entire BST career but then whats the fun in that.

              Any rate. Hope this info helps you out. Enjoy BST. If you want more tips or having any more problems just ask? We BST are happy to help.


              • #8
                Re: Some questions from a new BST

                Thanks, guys! I have dinged level 16, and charming is feeling quite a bit more natural, already. The only thing that bugs me is that every once in a while (less often than before, thankfully), I will be stuck with a pet with like 5% HP and I don't know what to do with it. Of course, I throw it at weaker enemies until it's dead, and it usually dies against an enemy leaving it with 75% health left. Of course, I can handle this NOW... but I know that I won't be able to, later. I actually found myself logging out a few times, just to get rid of the pet! I guess the obvious action for this is to go find another pet, I guess!

                BST is very fun; certainly quite refreshing after leveling in bad parties on WHM up to 60. I can't wait until I can use "Leave" It seems like it would make it so much easier.


                • #9
                  Re: Some questions from a new BST

                  Ah , I hated that too sometimes.

                  When you are left with a really really weak pet after a fight. You can do a bit of a ghetto swap. Just throw your pet on another mob you want to charm and let that mob kill your pet for you. After that just charm the mob and put it to work.


                  • #10
                    Re: Some questions from a new BST

                    Whew. My patience is certainly being tried, lately. All of the hunting grounds people mention for 16 are crowded with people leveling the new jobs. I couldn't believe it when I saw a level 15 BLU killing a tough dhalmel; I wouldn't be able to kill that without a pet in million years!


                    • #11
                      Re: Some questions from a new BST

                      I did 16 in La Theine Plateau in the area by the pool at L-10. There are funguars, worms, crabs, a goblin fisher and bats here. The only thing you need to watch out for is a water elemental that spawns when it rains, but it will only aggro you if you cast magic near it, and it's easy to stay out of its way.

                      Hope that helps and don't get discouraged. At 17 you can go to Buburimu Penninsula, which is a good zone until 23 when you can head to Korroloka Tunnel. Even with lots of people around, there's still plenty of mobs there.

                      Good luck .
                      I have heard that those who celebrate life
                      walk safely amongst the wild animals.
                      When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
                      the animals find no place to attack them
                      and weapons are unable to harm them.
                      Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


                      • #12
                        Re: Some questions from a new BST

                        Hmm. L-10 in La Theine just has easy preys. I have spent hours running all over Vana'diel trying to figure out where to level today--with no luck at all.


                        • #13
                          Re: Some questions from a new BST

                          Don't get discouraged if you can't find the ideal EM-T matchup. Keep in mind that lower exp also equals lower risk, and the the rewards of the BST job are really more along the way than they are at endgame (though bst has plenty to do after 75), it's the actual levelling of the job that is enjoyable and relaxing yet stimulating. No pressure to chain x infinity or the whm will get sick and leave. You can kick back and chat on your LS anytime you feel like it, even during battle, and the worst that happens is you have to hit escape and go charm something fast.

                          Not to mention how cool it is to be able, after a while, to dodge fearlessly between sound aggro Quadavs and Goblins across an entire zone without getting aggroed once unless you want to.

                          That said, you can do what I did and go to Valkurm and do bunnies against sand lizards - stupid on several levels. 1) full of parties 2) stony gaze 3) TOO MUCH WHITE SAND AARGH.

                          If I were to repeat levels 16-17-18, I would do Buburimu or Tahrongi canyon, probably a combination of both for variety; Dhalmels will own crawlers at this level, plus they'll drop silk, which at this time on my server goes for 60,000 gil a stack. Sweet.

                          Or if you're not a die-hard traditionalist, put up your /inv flag. I partied once as a low-level bst; it was fun for a while, but the tank kept 'voking and killing my pet when it uncharmed. Before Jug Pets it's less rewarding, but it is a nice break. Plus you can pull like a champ by Staying your pet when it accrues links and letting it die.

                          "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                          My job levels and goals.


                          • #14
                            Re: Some questions from a new BST

                            Well when all my good exp spots are packed do what I do. Farm on easy prey.
                            You can take them down relatively easy and with little trouble. Just as effectively, charm the highest level IT++ mob and two hour it. Spend that time just murdering t-em-dc prey. You'll get the same ammount of exp but its none stop and at that level a pet food zeta is godly. You'll have no reason at all to stop. Just watch your "Familiar' 2 hour recast timer to gauge how long you've had it charmed. Come the passing of 30 minutes that IT+++ will uncharm and do you nasty.So around 20 minutes into it stop healing your pet and start letting the mobs you're fighting slowly kill your pet off.

                            When it comes to BST, think of it like this. Farming.

                            Lets say two BSTS are 5000 exp from level.

                            BST one gets 100-150 exp a kill. They'll level faster but they'll get less drops as fights will take longer and getting more exp means they'l level up faster.

                            A BSt who gets 20-30 exp a kill. Won't level as fast but they'll be getting more drops per exp gained. So no leveling as faster they are getting items at a faster rate and leveling slower they can stay there much longer before having to move on.

                            So low exp = high gil.
                            Though high exp doesn't always = low gil (if you're fighting say goobues or any other valuable drop mob)

                            So yeah don't think of it as exping. Think of it as farming with a little exp on the side and you'll be fine.

                            If exp is really your thing and you are fighting REALLY easy prey and not healing yourself alot. I highly suggest leveling Corsair to leve 5 to get Corsair Roll. You can use your exp ring + Corsair roll to really buff that easy prey exp. Just bring some hp regen drinks just incase. But shouldn't be too much of a thing dealing with easy prey.


                            • #15
                              Re: Some questions from a new BST

                              I found carpenters landing (zone in from san'dora) to be very nice from lvl 16 all the way up to lvl 20. If you're finding other zones too crowded, give that a try.
                              BST 59 | THF 40 | NIN 30 | SAM 22 | BLU 21 | WAR 15

