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BST/RDM Viable?

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  • #16
    Re: BST/RDM Viable?

    Okay this is easy, your bare minimum come lvl 14 which should last you well into your BST'ly career.

    Noble's Ribbon
    Hope Rings x2
    Bird Whistle

    That's your main concern. Anything else is optional.

    Lvl 1-7 - Bronze armor set. Best axe at your lvl. (I'd also advice grabbing a scythe and keep it capped. Save yourself ALOT of trouble in later levels.)

    7-10 - Eh leather gear. Nothing special here. I think there is a lvl 8 axe that's pretty good.

    10-16 - Scale armor. If you want you can pick up two astrals if you have the means, if not no biggie. Then you got the big lvl 14 buys up above. Think I used the lvl 13 Light axe for a while until the bone axe.

    There are other options. Fasting Ring which drops from a spawned NM in Tahrongi Canyon is a nice little ring at lvl 15. -20 hp +10hp +1 str.
    If you don't want to put out for the noble's ribbon you can hunt rarab NM that spawns in East Saru. Drops a ribbon with +5 def +2 charm.

    16-20 - Your choice bone or lizzie armor. Eh really on thing that is kinda manditory is those big four.

    I'd also ignore the monster signa. Honestly its been uttterly useless for me as a BST, unless you're Galka or Mithra I wouldn't advice getting one. On the field things are pretty easy to charm with the above mentioned stuff. Honestly between fights you might have some TP that you would like to keep and swapping out a weapon to charm means you loose TP any time. Charming doesn't get hard till you start using jellies and other charm resistant mobs. But by the time you are using mobs like that for exp the light staff is already available. Only one I can think of pre-level 51 is the jellies in korrakola tunnel.

    As for sub jobs.

    /whm really nice to have. RDM doesn't really come into its own until much later. The real crutch is having to wait much longer for cure II. One you get over that hump it should smooth out for you.

    /war is the most 'damage' efficient sub a BST could have, /nin doesn't have as many 'toys' but shadows are nice to have. (Though a BST in the party should be pretty low on the hate list, but we all know how parties are its always good to be prepared) But Duel-Wield means you'll swing those axes a little faster.

    /whm+/rdm Most people frown on BST subbing mage jobs in a party as most want BST to fill the DD slot. If you have a bard or a rdm that's willing to occassionally throw a refresh on you you can actually play the role of 'support melee' Throwing around a cure here and there. And if things get really bad you can drop to the back lines and take up the role of support healing.
    I can't count the times where something has gone wrong. Puller pulled the highest end super mob thats kicking out butt, a member d/c, anything really but disengaging with my dark staff equipped and a 25mp tick while resting I take a knee get mp throw out a cure ever few seconds.
    Also these sub jobs you can cast sneak and invis on yourself and go out and be the most effecient puller in the game.

    /pld I guess this can work a little better after lvl 70. You have your own refresh and can throw around the cures more freely.

    /thf is fun too. I like using this best when I am using a scythe, but also its fun to use Calamity+SA. Calamity is one critical hit so adding SA is a critical of a critical. Get some pretty nice damage off of it.

    /sam eh, what to say. Meditate. TP, fun stuff. If you keep your sword skill up nice for Spirits With In.

    Bonus Tips:
    Yeah I know the need to throw around those little pink hearts is very strong at early lvls but I'd say don't start charming till about lvl 12. Having reward to turn the tide of a fight in your pets favor is SO helpful. You can stick it out to lvl 14 to get your charm gear lvl 12 is just as good.

    Also alot of people, i don't know for the life of me, LOVE trying to do a ghetto-release. Killing off their pet to get maximum exp. Try not to do this. Its best to just eat the 30% cut. Its just alot more simply to just get a nice em pet and mow down everything dc-t.

    Lvl 17+ Yeah exception to the rule above. In the dunes I like to play a game called the Gobbie Gamble. The playing field is the area right before you get to the secret beach in the upper north west side of the map. There are TONS of pets and goblins VT-IT goblins spread around. The plan is simple, keep throwing pets at the Gobs till they go boom. ALWAYS know where your next pet is. Can't find your next pet, just head for Selbina. Get an easy 250 exp per boom, and zoning is easy.

    Umm. The trick to BST is not trying not to die. Its trying to die with as much style as possible when the opprotunity presents itself. Dying is an art form and mischarms are one of many tools in our trade.
    Last edited by Shoren; 05-10-2006, 08:25 PM.


    • #17
      Re: BST/RDM Viable?

      Shoren your post made me chuckle ^^ Thank you for the info though, it will be very useful.
      galkaBST: "What... what have you done to me!?"
      Sand Lizard: "Oh, that? I suppose you want... THE ANTIDOTE!"
      galkaBST: "You son of a..." /death

      Don't let that happen to you.
      Check out my rockin Myspace at


      • #18
        Re: BST/RDM Viable?

        Originally posted by Shinoda
        I just can't see myself posting on Killing Ifrit, the people there were mean to me lol.
        lol yeah their mean to every1 i said something about quiting sam cuz i could not memorize the SC chart and they said i should quit life cuz if i cant memorize that i wont be able to do anything past middle school

        Which FF Character Are You?

        And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?


        • #19
          Re: BST/RDM Viable?

          /rdm has about the same mp as a /whm does. However, cure spells come at a later lvl with rdm than whm. One you get past CureIII and regen both subs are almost the same. The only difference is later you get different spell selection. rdm = dispel and whm = erase. Both are nice to have and both are very handy in certain situations.

          If i were you'd i'd stick with rdm just so you don't have to go through the pain of lvl whm. barf... haha.


          • #20
            Re: BST/RDM Viable?

            Patrian, I couldn't agree with you more, no offense to the WHM's of Vanadiel or anything, and you all get kudos for me for keeping us alive, it's just that job is totally not for me. ^^
            galkaBST: "What... what have you done to me!?"
            Sand Lizard: "Oh, that? I suppose you want... THE ANTIDOTE!"
            galkaBST: "You son of a..." /death

            Don't let that happen to you.
            Check out my rockin Myspace at


            • #21
              Re: BST/RDM Viable?

              Lol well for those who DREAD lvling WHM. I'll post my lil guide on how to get it done by yourself.

              Since you have rdm.
              Level BST/RDM till level 20 and stop.

              From there go out and get on your whm and level as WHM/BST. Levels 1-15 you can get through without having to charm and can solo /rdm if you want (I'd advice this since you can where your lvl 14 charm gear). Then its out to charming and lvl'ing the BST'ly way. You can do two things. Charm the good old EM and crush through dc-em prey with the occassional tough. Or if you are feeling lazy just charm a pet and let it do all the work. Just always know where your next pet is just case the one you are using dies. I prefer the 2nd method. Lazy yes, but if your pet dies and the mob has too much hp you'll have too much hate on you to do a pet swap, and you can't save your pet via pet food till you hit lvl 24. So slow and safe is the way to go.

              Okay once your WHM hits lvl 20. You're done with it for now. A BST's charming ability is linked to the level of the BST. So you could take WHM to 40, but you'll be charming at the rate of a lvl 20 BST since that is where it caps at. So now you go back to lvl'ing BST. Easy enough with lvl 20 whm, you can take BST to lvl 40. You get your Cure II earlier which helps out ALOT. You can read any BST guide on how to get to lvl 40 as BST/WHM.

              Once you get BST to lvl 40 its back to the WHM/BST. Now BST is high enough lvl to finish soloing it. Come lvl 24 you'll get reward. This is where it gets fun. You can just keep the same pet with you for a LONG time, just give it a pet food zeta every now and then and you're good to go. You can melee without fear of your pet dying on your too quickly or anything like that. Now you can go out and lvl as WHM/BST in the same places you lvl'ed BST/WHM.

              Get WHM to lvl 37. Go back to BST main and know you never have to touch your whm again.

              Having whm lvl'ed is GREAT. Its more than just dispell = erase. You get -na spells, and the almighty divine seal. Turn that 200ish hp Cure III into a booning 400hp recovery. But the real kicker for /whm comes when you get BST to lvl 72. With a whm sub at lvl 36 you have your own teleports. Find yourself in a REALLY bad situation. Need to get you and your duo partner/party to a safe place? Or maybe you're just out farming and didn't feeling like subbing BLM. Exploring a new area but have no map, who cares if you get lost you can just teleport.

              Great thing about leveling ???/BST, it works for any job. You can lvl all your subs this way. And since you're soloing and not dealing with a party, you do it on your terms and to your own liking. You can even duo with other BST's if you like, though solo'ing is just as good if not better. Don't think of it as lvl'ing a sub. Just farming with benefits.


              • #22
                Re: BST/RDM Viable?

                I have to agree with Shoren on the utility of WHM. I have used both as subs for BST, and they both have a lot of strengths, but versatility is what makes BST so awesome in the first place. It may seem like a chore, but if you take the time to level your WHM, I promise you won't ever regret it. It's good to be able to change your sub for different prey... Plus, if you take WHM to 37 (or better, 42), you'll have access to all the teleports, which is never a bad thing.


                • #23
                  Re: BST/RDM Viable?

                  I have been /rdm for 70 levels now. You don't need /whm. Comes in handy sure, but if you don't like the job don't bother. It is not necessary. My WHM is stuck at level 4.


                  • #24
                    Re: BST/RDM Viable?

                    very true. i would totally stick with /nin if the prices of silent oils werent so crazy since most places i venture to now require a lot of sneak. i cant wait to get to an open area again so i can sub nin.
                    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫

