Red text indicates stuff that needs verified, tested, unkown data, or links to allakhazam threads. Feel free to post/PM if you have an answer/new guide to be added.
Current Version May 2006
I. The Basics
How to Unlock
Skill Caps, Skill Ratings, and Weaponskills
BST Abilities/Levels Learned/Recast/Explanation
BST Macros
Sub Jobs to Use
Food and Equipment Usage
II. How Do I Do this?
Basic Fight
Where the Heck do I go?
III. Jug Pets and Pet Food
Jug List + Recipes
Pet Food List, Recipes, and Potency
Status Effect Removal with Pet Food
IV. AF*(PT suggestions)
Barbaroi Axe
Beast Gaiters
Beast Gloves
Beast Helm
Beast Jackcoat
Beast Leggings
V. Relic Information
Monster Gear
Relic Axe---->Guttler Process
Spiral Hell
VII. Ballista
Job Abilities
IX. Misc. Links and Old Threads
X. Credits
I. The Basics
How to Unlock
Step 1: Go to the door above the choco stables in Lower Jeuno. Examining it will cause a CS with Dietmund. He tells you to get him night flowers.
Step 2: Go to Upper Jeuno Stables and talk to Shallot.
Step 3: Head out to the Kraken's humble home at F-8 in Qufim between 20:00 and 4:00 (night flowers, get it?).
Step 4: Either kill it, use Silent Oil/Sneak, or hit Perfect Dodge. Once the ??? spawns, click it to start another CS.
Step 5: Go to the Dietmund's house again, then Brutus (Upper Jeuno Stables), then the house, then Brutus again. You can now set job as BST, recieve 2100 gil, and a Beast Whistle.
Skill Caps, Skill Ratings, and Weaponskills
Thank you Arlys, I want to have your babies.

WS Status Modifiers
Aden's Renkai Chart
Beastmaster Abilities/Levels Learned/Recast/Explanation

BST Macros
I list <t>/<stnpc> because people use both, you can choose which suits you best.
To change equipment: /equip "Slot" "Name"
To Charm: /ja "Charm" <t>/<stnpc>
To Familiar: /ja "Familiar" <me>
To Fight: /pet "Fight" <t>/<stnpc>
To Heel: /pet "Heel" <me>
To Sic: /pet "Sic" <me>
To Stay: /pet "Stay" <me>
To Guage: /ja "Guage" <t>/<stnpc>
To Release: /pet "Leave" <me>
Call Beast: /ja "Call Beast" <me>
Pet HP: <pethpp>
Pet TP: <pettp>
Sub Jobs to use
Soloing Subs:
/WHM: This is the most common sub for a BST because of it's access to -na spells, -ra spells, Stoneskin, Blink, and Divine Seal. Both WHM and RDM have debuffs, but those will become nearly useless as you progress in levels.
/RDM: Another good sub, about the same as WHM, just a little less MP, a little more HP, and you trade Divine Seal for Phalanx. Also you get the en-spells, so have a little added melee power. Also minimal CHR differences. You also get Blink/Stoneskin later, no auto-regen, no -na spells, and no teleports.
/NIN: The second most popular sub, right behind /WHM. You rely on Utsu to avoid damage, so you need to avoid -aga mobs and things that will hit you with status effects, or you will be having a lot of downtime. Big plus sides are that if played right, the exp can pour in, as well as you get to look cool whacking at things with 2 weapons.
/PLD: Has less MP than WHM or RDM, but will have some added def/VIT. Not a very common SJ, but has been known to be used.
PT subs:
/WAR: Provoke, Bersek, Defender, Warcry, Double Attack, Physical Attack/Defense Up. All this adds up to a big beating on whatever you are hitting.
/SAM: Third Eye, Meditate, Store TP. More for use in HNM situations for spamming Spirits Within.
/THF: SATAing is where it's at. Can be used to stick hate on regular tanks in PTs or to place a good old Spiral Hell on a HNM to help your NINs keep hate off the mages.
/NIN: Utsu and Dual Wielding. One of the better DDing subs for in a PT, right up there by /WAR.
/RDM/WHM: Your damage will not live up to it's potential, but you may be able to save the PT with some well placed cures. Not the best melee sub, but better than nothing.
Food and Equipment Usage
What food should I use? Well, some BSTs (me) have leveled to 75 without any, some use Caviar, some use Tacos, some use Sushi. Whatever you want to use, has the best food guide out there.'s Food Guide
Now, what equipment should you concentrate on as a BST? The general rule of thumb is CHR > MP > Acc/att. Most of it really depends on what is on stock on your server at any given time.
I had originally typed a list of good thigs that most BSTs go through, then remembered this thread and am just going to link it.
II. How do I do this?
Basic Fight
A BST fight will typically follow this order:
1. Charm a pet. EM most of the time, DC at lower levels, T or higher if you plan on familiaring or it dieing very fast.
2. Select a target, and send pet in to attack it. The typical target is EM/T/VT.
3. Change to battle gear and melee if it is a 1 pet battle and attack. Debuff at will.(Optional)
4. After pet dies or gets too low HP and is released, switch back to charming gear, charm your next pet, and send it to attack the target.
5. Repeat stages 3-4 as needed.
6. Release or Ghetto Leave pet, then WS for the kill to get full exp.
7. Put Charm/resting gear on, repeat steps 1-7.
This has changed a lot after 12/12, you just need to remember your pet will disappear after being released, and plan accordingly.
The term Ghetto Leave is used to represent the process of heeling your pet and letting the target wail on it until dead so you can recieve full exp for each kill under level 35.
Where the heck do I go?
I am not going into places to level right now, since we have many good threads about where to go to solo, or go as a PT of BSTs.
Soloing Guides:
The BST Anthologies
Hunting Grounds 2.0 Allakhazam
Hunting Grounds 1.0 Allakhazam
Current Version May 2006
I. The Basics
How to Unlock
Skill Caps, Skill Ratings, and Weaponskills
BST Abilities/Levels Learned/Recast/Explanation
BST Macros
Sub Jobs to Use
Food and Equipment Usage
II. How Do I Do this?
Basic Fight
Where the Heck do I go?
III. Jug Pets and Pet Food
Jug List + Recipes
Pet Food List, Recipes, and Potency
Status Effect Removal with Pet Food
IV. AF*(PT suggestions)
Barbaroi Axe
Beast Gaiters
Beast Gloves
Beast Helm
Beast Jackcoat
Beast Leggings
V. Relic Information
Monster Gear
Relic Axe---->Guttler Process
Spiral Hell
VII. Ballista
Job Abilities
IX. Misc. Links and Old Threads
X. Credits
I. The Basics
How to Unlock
Step 1: Go to the door above the choco stables in Lower Jeuno. Examining it will cause a CS with Dietmund. He tells you to get him night flowers.
Step 2: Go to Upper Jeuno Stables and talk to Shallot.
Step 3: Head out to the Kraken's humble home at F-8 in Qufim between 20:00 and 4:00 (night flowers, get it?).
Step 4: Either kill it, use Silent Oil/Sneak, or hit Perfect Dodge. Once the ??? spawns, click it to start another CS.
Step 5: Go to the Dietmund's house again, then Brutus (Upper Jeuno Stables), then the house, then Brutus again. You can now set job as BST, recieve 2100 gil, and a Beast Whistle.
Skill Caps, Skill Ratings, and Weaponskills
Thank you Arlys, I want to have your babies.

WS Status Modifiers
Aden's Renkai Chart
Beastmaster Abilities/Levels Learned/Recast/Explanation

BST Macros
I list <t>/<stnpc> because people use both, you can choose which suits you best.
To change equipment: /equip "Slot" "Name"
To Charm: /ja "Charm" <t>/<stnpc>
To Familiar: /ja "Familiar" <me>
To Fight: /pet "Fight" <t>/<stnpc>
To Heel: /pet "Heel" <me>
To Sic: /pet "Sic" <me>
To Stay: /pet "Stay" <me>
To Guage: /ja "Guage" <t>/<stnpc>
To Release: /pet "Leave" <me>
Call Beast: /ja "Call Beast" <me>
Pet HP: <pethpp>
Pet TP: <pettp>
Sub Jobs to use
Soloing Subs:
/WHM: This is the most common sub for a BST because of it's access to -na spells, -ra spells, Stoneskin, Blink, and Divine Seal. Both WHM and RDM have debuffs, but those will become nearly useless as you progress in levels.
/RDM: Another good sub, about the same as WHM, just a little less MP, a little more HP, and you trade Divine Seal for Phalanx. Also you get the en-spells, so have a little added melee power. Also minimal CHR differences. You also get Blink/Stoneskin later, no auto-regen, no -na spells, and no teleports.
/NIN: The second most popular sub, right behind /WHM. You rely on Utsu to avoid damage, so you need to avoid -aga mobs and things that will hit you with status effects, or you will be having a lot of downtime. Big plus sides are that if played right, the exp can pour in, as well as you get to look cool whacking at things with 2 weapons.
/PLD: Has less MP than WHM or RDM, but will have some added def/VIT. Not a very common SJ, but has been known to be used.
PT subs:
/WAR: Provoke, Bersek, Defender, Warcry, Double Attack, Physical Attack/Defense Up. All this adds up to a big beating on whatever you are hitting.
/SAM: Third Eye, Meditate, Store TP. More for use in HNM situations for spamming Spirits Within.
/THF: SATAing is where it's at. Can be used to stick hate on regular tanks in PTs or to place a good old Spiral Hell on a HNM to help your NINs keep hate off the mages.
/NIN: Utsu and Dual Wielding. One of the better DDing subs for in a PT, right up there by /WAR.
/RDM/WHM: Your damage will not live up to it's potential, but you may be able to save the PT with some well placed cures. Not the best melee sub, but better than nothing.
Food and Equipment Usage
What food should I use? Well, some BSTs (me) have leveled to 75 without any, some use Caviar, some use Tacos, some use Sushi. Whatever you want to use, has the best food guide out there.'s Food Guide
Now, what equipment should you concentrate on as a BST? The general rule of thumb is CHR > MP > Acc/att. Most of it really depends on what is on stock on your server at any given time.
I had originally typed a list of good thigs that most BSTs go through, then remembered this thread and am just going to link it.
II. How do I do this?
Basic Fight
A BST fight will typically follow this order:
1. Charm a pet. EM most of the time, DC at lower levels, T or higher if you plan on familiaring or it dieing very fast.
2. Select a target, and send pet in to attack it. The typical target is EM/T/VT.
3. Change to battle gear and melee if it is a 1 pet battle and attack. Debuff at will.(Optional)
4. After pet dies or gets too low HP and is released, switch back to charming gear, charm your next pet, and send it to attack the target.
5. Repeat stages 3-4 as needed.
6. Release or Ghetto Leave pet, then WS for the kill to get full exp.
7. Put Charm/resting gear on, repeat steps 1-7.
This has changed a lot after 12/12, you just need to remember your pet will disappear after being released, and plan accordingly.
The term Ghetto Leave is used to represent the process of heeling your pet and letting the target wail on it until dead so you can recieve full exp for each kill under level 35.
Where the heck do I go?
I am not going into places to level right now, since we have many good threads about where to go to solo, or go as a PT of BSTs.
Soloing Guides:
The BST Anthologies
Hunting Grounds 2.0 Allakhazam

Hunting Grounds 1.0 Allakhazam
