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BST /anon

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  • #46
    Re: BST /anon

    Beastmaster community, as in most of the posters in this forum, not the bst on the actual servers.

    Jerks will be jerks regardless of job, but (for the most part) the bst forums are basically free of people starting flame battles and simultaneously flinging around insults while making asinine comments about personal attacks being childish.

    "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

    My job levels and goals.


    • #47
      Re: BST /anon

      Originally posted by samarium
      Beastmaster community, as in most of the posters in this forum, not the bst on the actual servers.
      Thank you so much to prove me right on 2 counts.

      To state that this forum is the "Beastmaster community" is pure ego, because it is clamed that what is said here goes for all bst all servers. Thats overwhelming arrogance because of what a small percentage of who that represents. Furthermore, all those who do not use forums are still left out. So to start camping on top of them and being rude because you come across other bst that are anon ends up only one person is in the wrong and its not the anon bst.

      Let me see my post was #45. Its just a litttle hard to blame me for starting a flame war that late in the posts.
      FOXFIRE! One hot, axe wielding, red headed, mirtha riding gracefully atop a scorpion.


      • #48
        Re: BST /anon

        Originally posted by FoxFire
        Thank you so much to prove me right on 2 counts.

        To state that this forum is the "Beastmaster community" is pure ego, because it is clamed that what is said here goes for all bst all servers. Thats overwhelming arrogance because of what a small percentage of who that represents. Furthermore, all those who do not use forums are still left out. So to start camping on top of them and being rude because you come across other bst that are anon ends up only one person is in the wrong and its not the anon bst.

        Let me see my post was #45. Its just a litttle hard to blame me for starting a flame war that late in the posts.
        OK, now you're just being deliberately thick.

        "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

        My job levels and goals.


        • #49
          Re: BST /anon

          Ahhh.. You can't even be bothered to post anything what so ever to do with the topic? Just going to make an attack because you do not like what I said? Yet again you prove me right.
          FOXFIRE! One hot, axe wielding, red headed, mirtha riding gracefully atop a scorpion.


          • #50
            Re: BST /anon

   a brick.

            Dang I'm old. Hope somebody else caught that.

            "Beastmaster community" is a big ol vague euphamism. We don't have a roster, and we don't all congregate in the same place, or on the same forum, or on the same server.

            Nevertheless, there is an ideal "Beastmaster community" that people of conscience try to establish and maintain out of pride and honor. I am proud to say that I am a member of that Beastmaster community, and I strive to hold up the standards of the proud Beastmasters before me.

            Certainly not all Beastmasters feel this way; however, there are a significant number that do, and they are my brothers. They will never step over my dead body. You will see them instantly take a knee beside me because they only have 49 mp when they find me, and then they will raise me, as I will them.

            They will never camp on top of me. We will be in a duo.

            They will never MPK me, and I will never MPK them.

            They will never steal my pets or my mobs, because I do not own either.

            They will stand by and watch me during a close fight to see if they need to throw in a Cure III.

            They will /cheer when they don't.

            They will ask me for anything I own, and return it when they say they will, as will I.

            We will /wave to each other as we scramble through town to gather supplies and rush back into the field where we feel comfortable.

            It is to this community I belong, and it is for this reason I play this game.


            • #51
              Re: BST /anon

              /target point (Yes you need it!)

              Do you expect all bst of all levels to know of and follow this bst rote? Do you feel those that do not, deserved to be punished for it? That is what is being sugested by some of the posters to this topic.
              FOXFIRE! One hot, axe wielding, red headed, mirtha riding gracefully atop a scorpion.


              • #52
                Re: BST /anon

                I notice the two posters who are going against the grain aren't Beastmaster main jobs. They both leveled other jobs to 75 before ever starting Beast. You have a completely different perspective on playing Beastmaster for your entire career. You obviously don't interact with a Beastmaster only community, because you're other 75 jobs show you are part of regular LS communities. Pretty much the majority of asshole Beastmasters you will run across, are the ones who are leveling it as a side project. I have never met a career BST who was a jerk, the only jerks were the ones I saw later on other 75 jobs.

                All that is being stated here is exping solo /anon is rude. If you do it, don't expect the other person(s) you inconvienced to take it lightly. Learn the unwritten rules of the community if you want to be a part of it instead of antagonizing it.
                Last edited by Harrison; 06-22-2006, 08:06 AM.
                72+2 Bonecrafting (Bone Purification, Filing, Protective Spectacles, Boneworker's Apron)
                60+1 Leathercraft (Leather Ensorcellment, Tanning, Tanner's Gloves)
                53 Clothcraft
                60 Woodworking (Lumberjack, Wood Ensorcellment)
                60 Cooking (92+1 Mule)
                58 Alchemy
                40 Fishing (Frog Fishing, 3,704/10,000 MC for Lu Shang)
                15 Smithing
                5 Goldsmithing


                • #53
                  Re: BST /anon

                  Originally posted by FoxFire
                  /target point (Yes you need it!)

                  Do you expect all bst of all levels to know of and follow this bst rote? Do you feel those that do not, deserved to be punished for it? That is what is being sugested by some of the posters to this topic.
                  LOL OMG! Go Foxfire!

                  Thats it in a nutshell.................


                  • #54
                    Re: BST /anon

                    How do you explain blue to a blind man?


                    • #55
                      Re: BST /anon

                      Parties routinely do a /search of the area they're about to exp in, knowing very well how many useable camp spots there are - they count the people in that level range and divide.

                      In this way they avoid wasting enormous chunks of time travelling around the globe looking at occupied camps.

                      There are very few circumstances where all six members of a party will be playing anonymously, so you can make some sort of estimate.

                      A lone BST can, with one stroke, cause a similar level of inconvenience for others.

                      After the MPK patch, useable camps for a solo player with pets and prey of the appropriate level nearby each other are dwindling, some spots - as stated - have one good camp.

                      You are not protecting beastmasters from some evil bst conglomerate looking to force them to all act a certain way; you are defending - encouraging - purposely acting selfishly.

                      I can't stop you from being selfish. You have a right to act however you want. However, encouraging such behavior is not a responsible stance to take to this problem.

                      "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                      My job levels and goals.


                      • #56
                        Re: BST /anon

                        Originally posted by samarium
                        You are not protecting beastmasters from some evil bst conglomerate looking to force them to all act a certain way; you are defending - encouraging - purposely acting selfishly.

                        I can't stop you from being selfish. You have a right to act however you want. However, encouraging such behavior is not a responsible stance to take to this problem.

                        Please Quote any post I have made where I tell other people to go anon. What Xorlarren has said and what I agree with is you should not attack another bst just because they are anon and assume they are being rude by doing it. Why is this so hard to understand?

                        Did you not read the first post in this thread?
                        He was shocked that someone would take it as "a personal insult" that he was anon. Yet until that guy, he had never heard that anyone would think its rude. The following posts several people say that guy was a jerk, an ass, and was overreacting. I just suggest no one follows that same route. Make love not war!
                        FOXFIRE! One hot, axe wielding, red headed, mirtha riding gracefully atop a scorpion.


                        • #57
                          Re: BST /anon

                          Originally posted by FoxFire
                          Why is this so hard to understand?

                          Do NOT condescend to me three posts after you accuse me of making personal attacks.

                          This is very simple. It's courtesy. I'll do you the courtesy of letting you know where I camp and saving you the trouble of coming the whole way out if you'll do the same for me.

                          Beastmasters do not have in their possession a fast easy way to travel around the globe - BLM is not a suitable subjob, and /WHM won't get any teleports until level 74.

                          A party complete with whm and blm (post-40) can be whisked across the world in seconds, but we have to walk.

                          If you see fit to be discourteous to me, and see fit to persuade others to do the same, you'll happily stomp on any future courtesy I would offer you.

                          My message is very simple: be nice! And you're both arguing with that.

                          I will happily attempt to share the spot with you because you haven't signalled to me that you're using it! I'm not doing it specifically to harm your exp; I'm doing it to get some exp of my own for my time invested, which as stated, is considerable.

                          "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                          My job levels and goals.


                          • #58
                            Re: BST /anon

                            Originally posted by samarium
                            Do NOT condescend to me three posts after you accuse me of making personal attacks.
                            Ahh. You sound so mad. Someone needs to stop thinking everything is about them or is that guilt? That you lowered yourself by making a personal attack when you had nothing of value to add.

                            Originally posted by samarium
                            My message is very simple: be nice! And you're both arguing with that.
                            Please clarify how suggesting anon bsts who like the person who posted this thread NOT getting attacked, just because thet are anon, is against being nice? What? Attacking them is?
                            Again, bsts who do not know other bsts view anon as rude.
                            FOXFIRE! One hot, axe wielding, red headed, mirtha riding gracefully atop a scorpion.
                            ALL MONSTERS SHALL LOVE ME AND DISPAIR!


                            • #59
                              Re: BST /anon

                              Originally posted by FoxFire
                              Ahh. You sound so mad. Someone needs to stop thinking everything is about them or is that guilt? That you lowered yourself by making a personal attack when you had nothing of value to add.

                              Please clarify how suggesting anon bsts who like the person who posted this thread NOT getting attacked, just because thet are anon, is against being nice? What? Attacking them is?
                              Again, bsts who do not know other bsts view anon as rude.
                              Oh. I think I finally see what's going on here.

                              Yer a troll.
                              "And NO sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find... I shall kill you." -Stewie Griffin

                              My job levels and goals.

