Re: That's all folks
Yea you dont release the pet just so it can recharge, you also release so you can get full exp.
But why would they still allow a BST to release a pet for MPK purposes? My guess is that either the released pets will not agro others, i suppose they could make it so that way, like, once you release a pet, it starts walking back to it's home point, i guess a pet would only agro ONCE it entered the said radius, but that's a big IF, IF SE wants it that way, and IF SE turns the other cheek on how BSTs are using their pets, the EXP penalty is probably there for a reason, releasing a pet for maximum exp is, in my opinion, an overlooked glitch, however I also feel like BSTs should be able to solo IT's easily like a normal pt does, i guess that's where the flaw is... i think if you used your pet to kill the enemy you would get the desired ammount of exp if it was an IT mob, even with the penalty.
The solution... BST has free space for improvement anyway you look at it, first of all, Leave should be avaliable sooner, second of all, you should be able to let your pet rest for healing, and lastly, make it so that a BST can solo an IT mob without needing a full deck of pets... another solution i could see would be lowering the penalty, something like a passive ability that you would get at a certain level that would lower the penalty, it simply makes no sense that you want to release you pet, if that's how SE planned it to be, then please, on the next update they should change the Beastmaster job name to Beastleecher or something >.>
Yea you dont release the pet just so it can recharge, you also release so you can get full exp.
But why would they still allow a BST to release a pet for MPK purposes? My guess is that either the released pets will not agro others, i suppose they could make it so that way, like, once you release a pet, it starts walking back to it's home point, i guess a pet would only agro ONCE it entered the said radius, but that's a big IF, IF SE wants it that way, and IF SE turns the other cheek on how BSTs are using their pets, the EXP penalty is probably there for a reason, releasing a pet for maximum exp is, in my opinion, an overlooked glitch, however I also feel like BSTs should be able to solo IT's easily like a normal pt does, i guess that's where the flaw is... i think if you used your pet to kill the enemy you would get the desired ammount of exp if it was an IT mob, even with the penalty.
The solution... BST has free space for improvement anyway you look at it, first of all, Leave should be avaliable sooner, second of all, you should be able to let your pet rest for healing, and lastly, make it so that a BST can solo an IT mob without needing a full deck of pets... another solution i could see would be lowering the penalty, something like a passive ability that you would get at a certain level that would lower the penalty, it simply makes no sense that you want to release you pet, if that's how SE planned it to be, then please, on the next update they should change the Beastmaster job name to Beastleecher or something >.>