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  • Changing

    Hello, I am currently and have been a rdm 75/ (tons of 37 sjs) in the midgardsormr server for about 8 months now. I really have seen most of what my red mage has been and I'm tired of it, really. Not only this but getting the drops I want have been harder to obtain than I have ever imagined. I decided to quit my RDM job for personal purposes. I have tried to quit for other jobs such as ninja and monk but I seriously hate the fact that there are not many good players left in my server and I just can't deal with 1k/per hour parties no more.

    My buddy and I are planning to go bst from lv 1 to 75, no time limit, we just want to have a good, fun, and safe journey as newborn bsts in our server.

    I am writing this to see if you guys can help me out and give me some information on the bst job. How it works and how duoing would work. He is a taru and im an elvaan.


    a) What sub jobs should we use for duoing and soloing?

    b) Level Guide?

    c) Bst at higher levels, how to xp, solo, party (bst only) or can my duo still work?

    d) Expenses, how much from 1-75.

    e) BCNMs, which can be solo/duoed?

    f) NMs BST can solo/duo.

    g) BST at HNMs, how can BST benefit the linkshell as their job?

    h) Is BST faster or slower to level from 1-75 compared to other jobs?

    i) How lonely feels to be a bst?

    j) Equipment Guide?

    k) Ability Usage?

    l) To every BST, from the scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy BST and why?

    Thank you guys, help will be much appreciated, you can answer any question if you like, but if you answer all of them I'll seriously be very happy ^^, I'll wait for your replies and I'll also hope to be in the BST boards again having BST as my main job soon enough, Thanks again.


  • #2
    a) What sub jobs should we use for duoing and soloing?

    Most people choose whm to sub onto bst for soloing purposes, the skilled ones choose nin. For duoing I'd say its a toss up between /whm and /nin again, but one of you guys must have a healing sub in case things get outta hand.

    b) Level Guide?

    Theres one posted on Allah, and some pretty good ones out there, I cant remeber the link off the top of my head, but im sure one of the veteran bst's can help you in that direction.

    c) Bst at higher levels, how to xp, solo, party (bst only) or can my duo still work?

    I havent experienced much higher lvl pting, but from about 45+ duoing was great xp, if you can find a great duo partner and stick with it.

    d) Expenses, how much from 1-75.

    LOL I started BSt with about 100k, at lvl 54 I have roughly 2mil with all great gear. BST is the only job i know in this game where money actually comes to you while xping as opposed to going out your way wasting more time farming instead of xping. In other words dont worry about money.

    e) BCNMs, which can be solo/duoed?

    The other vets can help you better than I can with this.

    f) NMs BST can solo/duo. Soloed plenty, biggest challenge being the spider in Korolloka tunnel, manevering him so you can use all the other spiders on him is indeed a challenge. Did him in the early 30's. Most classes cant touch him till 45+

    g) BST at HNMs, how can BST benefit the linkshell as their job?

    The vets can help you on this better than i can

    h) Is BST faster or slower to level from 1-75 compared to other jobs?

    Its slower from lvls 12-34, after 35 you blow other classes out the water, after finding a great duoing partner after 40, you might just stab yourself for not starting BST as you 1st advance job.

    i) How lonely feels to be a bst?

    It can get pretty lonely if you have no good ls, or all BST ls to chat with. I for one chose BST to get away from people and just enjoy the game and scenery without worrying about dieing off someone elses mistake. So I loved being out in the wild by myself or at least 1 other person for safty in duoing.

    j) Equipment Guide?

    Havent played FFXI in over 2 months so cant help you there with all the changes and whatever. But as I recall, you pretty much wear the same armor as most wars, drgs. Chr is very important, stock up on +Chr items and equipments.

    k) Ability Usage?

    I dont understand? BST have plenty of nice abilitys to survive.

    l) To every BST, from the scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy BST and why? 11 Honestly the best class I've played in this game, I only wished i played it as my 1st advance job before I got wore out and had to focus more on life. Very good challenging class that WILL take time to get used to.
    BST 53, Rng 55, War 37, Drg 43, Nin 18, Thf 17, Whm 27, Blm 15.....


    • #3
      a) Generally /whm is used, it reduces downtime greatly. The new lvl 50 armor with refresh is great for bst. I've duo'd from lvl 14 or so to where I am now, but still have quite a ways to go. We've always used /whm.

      b) Level guides... there are many available, a link off of Dara's post here is very helpful. Basically you look for somewhere that you will have a good selection of pets that are dc/even and a good amount of prey around tough to start and vt-it at later levels.

      c) How to exp... I don't solo ever, but to do that you pretty much set up a camp by popping evens for yourself to use, then alternate between pets. This generally means switching during battle if needed. Duo or in pt, everyone has a pet, everyone tries to fight along (unless they need to rest during the fight), and then you release and finish the thing off with ws's. A lot of the time someone will grab an alternate pet to pull with while the one that they used while fighting can heal, while the other people wait at the camp to recharm as well.

      d) You can spend as much or as little on this job as you want. If your whm has all of the spells through 37, you won't need to worry about that part. I've seen people who use af and the cheapest gear possible in pt with people who pimp out all of their melee gear, charm gear, bazaar, w/e. At the moment I'm using hauberk, alkyoneus' bracelets, thick stuffs, optical hat, life belt, dex/acc rings, assault/merman's earrings, amemit mantle, kabraken's axe, balance buckler. My partner uses scorpion harness instead of hauberk, we've played with guys that use their full af for charming and fighting, and they do just fine too.

      e) I'm not sure about solo/duo bcnms, but you can do the traditional bc40's with a pt of bst. If you do any bc30's later on, a pt of 6 bst is generally what you'll need. You're going to have to do SOMETHING with more than just the two of you.

      f) The bracelets that I use my partner and I got as a drop while leveling in delkfutt's tower. You can solo/duo amemet and aqua quite easily from 64+. Pretty much anywhere that there is a bunch of charmable mobs, you can take on the nms. LoO is an option with a few more bst, or you can take on wyvernpoacher with a pugil. You've got options.

      g) HNM... I'm not in an HNM shell, but it's mostly dealing with links in areas that are full of them, or fighting along with a broth pet if you are doing gods or something. BST is very situational, we're quite useful in some places, but totally useless in others.

      h) You can level this job as fast or as slow as you please. I had a couple of friends who whored it day after day and went from 1-75 in a few months, where my buddy and I have funny schedules, and he leveled mnk to 75 and is doing stuff in his hnm shell as well, so we take some time to level bst. Again, it's really at whatever pace that you please.

      i) It's not TOO lonely, esp. if you duo all the time. A good ls for talking is nice.

      j) equipment.. You can use most of the gear that is war/drk/bst such as thick set and hauberk. You will also have access to a fair amount of +chr gear for charming. Pretty much hack it with whatever you can at low levels, you'll use noble's ribbon and bird whistle for a LONG TIME. Once you hit the 60's you'll start to have more to choose from, just check out some bst at the AH in jeuno.

      k) Abilities.... The most useful and welcome ability you will ever learn is "Leave" at level 35. Until then, every kill that you get while you still have a pet will yield 70% exp onry. Leave is the best thing ever. Sic is at 25 and it will allow your pet to use a ws at random when it has tp to do so. tame is good for failed charms and clearing hate if it lands. Others... meh.

      l) 10. This job is very versitile and you will enjoy it if you stick with it. You will be incredibly strong in certain areas and situations, but horribly gimped in others. Overall it is quite rewarding.
      war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


      • #4

        Since you guys are duoing, I suggest one of you take /whm and the other /nin. Or trade off whenever. The /nin should be the first to engage the mob after doing {Leave} to commence the deathblow.
        Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
        My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

        Play golf? Check out my items.


        • #5
          a) What sub jobs should we use for duoing and soloing?

          WHM or NIN. At least 1 person with WHM would be nice, or both. /Nin takes less damage, but the damage you do take (from AoE and whatnot) slows you down more.

          b) Level Guide?

          Allahkazam has one. If you have a strategy guide, look for areas with strong mobs around your level (bats, funguars, dhalmels, etc...), and weak mobs (crawlers, crabs, worms) your level to several levels above.

          c) Bst at higher levels, how to xp, solo, party (bst only) or can my duo still work?

          Duo works well at pretty much any level, you can also solo to 75. All BST parties are also nice. BST is very versatile.

          d) Expenses, how much from 1-75.

          Don't worry about it, BST makes money as it levels up...

          e) BCNMs, which can be solo/duoed?

          Duoed - BCNM 20, none can be soloed as far as I know. 4 BST or more can do BCNM 40 easily, 6 BST parties can do many others...

          f) NMs BST can solo/duo.

          Same ones RDM can solo/duo...

          g) BST at HNMs, how can BST benefit the linkshell as their job?

          BST can do very good damage with pets and jugs, so they are a DD. They can also help outside the alliance by controlling links and whatnot...

          h) Is BST faster or slower to level from 1-75 compared to other jobs?

          Depends... If you have a static then a full party would level faster, but a BST can level faster than someone looking for pickup groups.

          i) How lonely feels to be a bst?

          Sometimes it's lonely, but thats what LS chat is for. BST are very useful for missions, quests, so you can still spend alot of time with others...

          j) Equipment Guide?

          Before AF, lots of +CHR and defence gear. AF for charming at higher levels, DRK-type gear (Hauberk, thick set) for HNM, fighting...

          k) Ability Usage?

          Charm (obviously), Heel (pet stops attacking, comes back to you) - useful for killing your pet to get full XP before release, Stay - useful if you want to run away - pet distracts mob. Sic - pet does TP move. Tame - if you mischarm, it has a chance to reset hate and make mob easier to charm. Release - you can release your pet for full EXP before the end of a fight, lots of other uses.

          l) To every BST, from the scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy BST and why?

          9 - its nice not having to rely on others much, being able to exp on your own time, etc... Just a lil lonely sometimes...
          Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK

