For all you guys that didnt lvl some sort of mage job from the start can probably feel where I'm coming from. Lvling Whm is the biggest pain I've had to put up with at the moment, dont get me wrong its easy, just sit back spamming cures. Then I gotta lvl Blm to sub onto my whm... /sigh I've been at this all week and only manage to get one damn lvl with Whm. Then I must have the ultimate bad luck for I am always dieing. Last night alone I went down to Qufim got a pt, went inside saw this guy getting mauled from a weapon, decided to help with cures, next thing I knew I'm my life is going down dramatically fast, and I am way out of the weapons range, I turn around 2 f'ing Banshee's behind me f*cking me up. I die pretty quick. Got raised. Got up to the hill after someone finally cleared the tunnel. We finnally got to fighting worms, midfight comes around we're doing well. I disconnect. I log back in, I'm lying fast down on the floor 0 hp :mad: . Got another Raise, asked what happend they say Giant aggro while I Dced, I'm halfway in between the cave entrance and out in the open bear in mind. So anyway after trying to figure out how the f'ck a giant came all the way in and aggro me of all the people there, I just gave up and went back to resting. Until my life came back to normal. Now pts are starting to pile up here. So I hid behind the rocks because I dont wanna rest in the cave near those bats. I have no idea what they aggro too. So I'm resting. Wham 65 dmg Worm AOE, I die again. Oh well. Not a rant on lvling subs just a pile of misfortune. Hopefully I can at least get a good pt tonight and I get to lvl 25 fast. Then good' ol kazam....
