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Disappointing Weekend

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  • Disappointing Weekend

    Looks like the Rumors are true, I've dreaded making it to 31-32 because of the slow down I heard so much about. But I havent really noticed it that much I was about 3k deep to 32 but some friends decided to do the BCNM30 which I never did, and we ended up getting our asses handed to us from the stupid birds! I'm not even sure if thats the one we should fight! Someone told me lizzies! :mad: The first time I managed to charm 1 bird and siced it on the middle tough bird but the other bird raped the whm before we could go help, so it went down hill from there. The second time we had a plan for me to charm the left sic in on middle and war/nin battle middle also. We get there "failed charm" 6 times in a row!! I couldnt charm the stupid thing so we ended up getting owned again and calling it a night! I wish we had another bst to do this, it might of been easier. Its strange cause they conned Impossible to Gauge, but I managed to charm 1 my 1st time there. Then the 2nd time, jack sh*t! Oh well went back to korrolloka played for about 2hrs killed a Sea Monk for old times sake and called it a night. Oh yeh i walked pass another morion worm without even recognizing it until i checked my widescan, then i thought to myself bah someone must've gotten it by now...So I actually run around find a jelly battle about 2 spiders checked my widescan for the NM spider and go figure mr.morion worm is still there. So first off I think to myself hmm thats a weird spot for it to spawn I never saw it here on the map, outside the room with the crabs and pugs on one side and spider room on the other. So I ran out, hang the corner and the bastard was right there still this is like 10-15 min later, I originally passed it. But as soon as I saw it some drg jumped on it :mad:
    BST 53, Rng 55, War 37, Drg 43, Nin 18, Thf 17, Whm 27, Blm 15.....

  • #2
    I'm not even going to attempt BCNM until 40.

    As for the weekend, played 2 rounds of golf, watched baseball and spent some time with the GF, so not much time to play. Played saturday for a few hours, and sunday for a few.

    Friday night was spent skilling up my RDM in Kuftal. I was soloing Robber Crabs to get the final skill point I needed for Vorpal Blade (sword lvl 200) Ironically, it was the Haunt aggro that gave my the necessary skillups I needed to get it, but nonetheless I got it. Man its sweet finally being able to do a WS that does more than 250 dmg. My max was 589 on a Sabertooth in Batallia with about 130 TP. Too bad I cant really make use of it when farming since I need to sub THF. Once I lvl DRK some more, I will be a solo master though ^^

    As for BST... got up to about 1.2k into 28 on saturday before I had to turn it off. Think I died once which set me back 500+ exp. Man that sucks. Last night was pretty good. Other than a death, it went pretty smooth. The death really, really sucked. Had a glow bat fighting a Wight when all of a sudden another Wight aggros me. I'm not stupid... I run. On my way to the tunnel, I see a PLD in full AF so I ask for help. He kills that wight, so I make my way back. By now my glow bat has died and the Wight has maybe 10% health. I go to find another pet, and what happens? A freakin worm BINDS me. I am not close enough to any pets to charm, so I quickly bring out my Crab Familiar, but unfortunately not quick enough. DEAD. Wight had 2 crits in a row, plus 3 regular hits. A nearby RDM raised me which was nice, but it put me back to 4800/5600 when I was only a few hundred away. I ended up getting 29, and a 1k exp buffer before hopping an Airship to bastok. I had earlier purchased a Tomahawk +1 since I was not happy with the low damage of my previous weapon. I'm finding it harder and harder to get involved in battle to skill up. I get hate way too easily.

    Anyway, got to Korroloka and started hunting spiders. I've realized that spiders are damn strong at lvl 29. They do 40 dmg to me easy if they are EM or tough. Best not to get on their bad side. The cool thing about Korroloka is that there are almost unlimited Combats to charm, and they all con DC-EM, with a rare Tough. I can just keep throwing them at spiders till they die without taking much damage myself. I came close to dying when I had a bat fighting a spider and DC'ed about half way through the fight. I knew the spider would win and come after me so I was praying for a quick disconection. I logged back in 10 mins later to find I had 67 HP left. Wow... close.

    So now I stand lvl 29 and 2500/5700. Not too bad, but a long way to go.

    For any BST 35+ that may be reading this, what do you think of Jugner Forest Knight Crabs to level for 35? All the crabs are the same level which is very rare, so you could get very consistent, constant exp without worry about your pet being overmatched. Does this sound viable or is there an undisputed better spot for 35? BTW, Knight Crabs are level 35, so they are all EM.
    FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
    FFXI: Shiva Server


    • #3
      Knight Crabs in Jugner!? Is this a secret spot place cause I used Widescan alot as Ranger farming in jugner and never saw any knight crabs
      BST 53, Rng 55, War 37, Drg 43, Nin 18, Thf 17, Whm 27, Blm 15.....


      • #4
        Originally posted by Beastlord
        Knight Crabs in Jugner!? Is this a secret spot place cause I used Widescan alot as Ranger farming in jugner and never saw any knight crabs
        They are on the NW side of the lake. This area can only be accessed by going through King Ranperres Tomb. It's awesome... every crab is the same level. Be careful if you decide to go there, not only do they link, but they aggro too. At this point, you would have Leave/Release so use it wisely ^^
        FFXIV: ARR - Leviathan Server - 50 Bard, 47 Dragoon, 50 All crafts, 48 Botany, 48 Miner
        FFXI: Shiva Server

