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Will people learn?

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  • Will people learn?

    Ok, im sure any BST above 57 has leveled in Garilage Cit. doing hellmines at least once (if not you are missing out).

    Well yesterday I am in that back corner trying to hit 60 before i log for the night. Everything is going smooth since there was only 1 PT in the basement when i showed up. I was using 2 beetles and a bat to kill the hellmines rotating through, staying in the tunnel/back corner.
    A party shows up and decides to camp in the tunnel. I let them know that I release pets so they may not want to camp there, and hellmines may explode on them (not to mentioned they decided to camp right where i was).
    I was mid-battle while telling them this and released my bats, the party got aggro (like i warned) and started telling me to "go camp somewhere else" and "go fight elsewhere".
    I was thinking WTF is wrong with these people? If i was a party of 6 they wouldnt dare camp right on top of me, but becasue i am one person, they feel like they can tell me to leave?? Like the whole game is filled with spot to camp for a BST at 59??

    Incidents like this make MPKing so much easier on the conscience. I swear i would not have had one guilty bone in my body in letting a beetle lose on them while fighting a beetle. I have tried in the past reorganizing my routine to compensate for a newly camping party, and end up with less XP or death....never again!
    Fortunatly for them, they decided to move, but not after /slapping me a few times.
    I have helped so many people with links and coffer keys while hunting in there, but at the same time grow more and more aggravated with people who disrepect me becasue i am one person.

    Anyone else come to the point where "MPK=OK"?
    **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
    +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

    If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.

  • #2
    No, and never will.

    However I was happy to get out of garlaige when I hit 60.


    • #3
      I am not a BST, but agree with you. It shouldn't matter if u are one person lvling there or an alliance of 18 lvling there. In my book its first come first take camp spot. All others should vacate the premises. Then if they do not and you warned them of your intentions, then let them die by all means. Its not MPK'ing at all, u told them what you are doing and warned them to leave or face possible death. So they did not listen and therefore let them die. I would have laughed at their deaths. does this make me an insensitive Di*k, maybe but they intruded on my camp and did not listen to my warning so bye bye.

      Sorry for this type of post but it just makes me upset to hear this. One thing that EQ has over this game is that ppl were more respectful of others camps. Most of the time users would come by and see that a particular camp was being camped and they sould ask how long til they can have it or they sould leave and try again later. FFXI is the opposite. Too many pricks out there caring for nuttin except theirselves when it comes to others camp sites. Its those ppl that should be MPK'd all the time. Then maybe they will know the meaning of respect.

      Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
      Genkai FINISHED!!
      Maat finally went down.
      All BLM AF1 - Acquired
      All WHM AF1 - Acquired
      Windurst Rank 7


      • #4
        Happened to me too. My duo buddy and I were pulling a hellmine. A group ran into our camp as I got there. We were warning them as I was incoming and right after we warend them a second time the Hellmine went BOOM. We then sat and raised the three of their members that died. I also nearly died cause I stayed trying to keep warning them.

        My other incident involved CN and another groups member casting cure on me while we(my duo buddy and I) were fighting a helm beetle. They got aggro and then went cure crazy on each other. Their SMN ended up dying at the end and they blamed us. Go figure.
        BST / WHM / BRD
        Status: Duo
        Current Leveling Spot: Boyadah Tree
        Current XP/HR: 2.5-3k (unparsed)
        Alchemy:94 Woodworking: 60 Cooking: 60 Smithing:34 Goldsmithing:24 Fishing:34


        • #5
          This is why I hope we can get some new alternative leveling areas in the new expansion. I can't stand being in areas where there are other parties. CN was an overcrowed hell that, now that I have my gloves, am going to avoid. I'm not looking forward to GC but I currently havn't seen any good alternatives.

          TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
          Personality Tests


          • #6
            I was thinking WTF is wrong with these people? If i was a party of 6 they wouldnt dare camp right on top of me, but becasue i am one person, they feel like they can tell me to leave?? Like the whole game is filled with spot to camp for a BST at 59??
            They would not care if you were one person or 6 people. Its the whole thing about you needing much more space and monsters than even 6 people do to fight safely. Well, maybe people do mind that its only one person and not 6. They feel that one person shouldn't cause more disruption than 6.

            Groups crowd groups all the time. If you've never seen it, then you've spent too much time soloing. And yes having groups crowd each other causes issues. If a group escapes out of a bad pull, then the other group can get into trouble.

            So having to deal with a BST in the same space shouldn't be a big deal.

            The thing people don't like is that a BST consumes 2-3 monsters (which then can't respawn) and often leaves them in a state where they can't be pulled for exp, or where they will link. Its rare that a full group causes that kind of disruption.

            So that is why people aren't fond of BST. Not much you can do about it. Its really SEs fault. But you pay your money, you should be able to exp whereever you like. Just like they paid their money, they can exp where they like and be rude and complain.

            Will people learn? Probably not. But then again I see this subject come in BST forums over and over, so apparenly the BSTs aren't learning either.


            • #7
              I am leveling there right now. I have compromised when there is a PT camping in that tunnel.

              My first pet is a beetle. And when I get it to Leave, it takes a long time to move back to it's spawn point (so the PT won't get aggroed). My 2nd pet is a bat or beetle. But I REALLY far away from the tunnel. Just far enough that if the bomb self-destructs, the puller and PT are safe.

              Now, if it was a LS PT that was pwning everything, just for skill ups, and killing mobs that don't even drop coffer keys, that's when I'll get a little "careless".


              • #8
                Re: Will people learn?

                Originally posted by xarddrax
                I was mid-battle while telling them this and released my bats, the party got aggro (like i warned) and started telling me to "go camp somewhere else" and "go fight elsewhere".
                This is the disturbing part to me when I read it. Kind of sounds like the other party didn't get enough time to re-act. Each time I read it that seems to be the same conclusion, so by that parties point of view it may of looked liked you released the bat to aggro them on purpose. So of course the resulting effect should be expected.

                As far as them telling you to move though, that isn't right at all. Thats basics going back to MUD etiquettes, since you were there first you shouldn't move. However from the sound of what I quoted it does sound like having a harsh responce back to you should be expected, and doing as stated by that quote is something done knowingly that you'll get a harsh responce back.

                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                • #9
                  Hasnt really happened to me yet but I havent been to Garliage to lvl BST yet so who knows. Tho I have had a few "issues" with parties in the Nest. Like I get a /tell from a guy in a party blaming me for his pullers death. Telling me to be more careful where i put my pets. I saw the guy die and he had a train of about 4 flys and 1 crawler... FLYs DO NOT AGGRO in the nest!! He probably went to pull a fly, got links, then aggroed the crawler and blamed his stupidity on the BST who just happen to be there. This is after I saved them from a link already a hour before.

                  Dont parties know not to mess with BST camps by now. I know parties take other parties camps and usually things go ok till something happens and some words are thrown. But other parties do not NEED to release possible aggro or linking mobs in order to continue lvling and stay alive.
                  58 BST / 62 RDM / 31 WHM / 31 BLM / 7 DRG / 4 NIN / 7 SAM / 10 RNG (Rank 5) Bahamut

                  RDM AF complete!!
                  BST AF1-2 completed
                  BST AF Helm completed
                  BST AF body completed
                  BST AF3 pants -Yes, Please


                  • #10
                    I don't know why people hate bsts so much, I always try to hook a bst or two up when I see them, mainly Prot and Shell IV when I see them in tulia. Most people just accuse beasts of stealling their pulls etc, and as a bst I will use whatever I can to stay alive, my -1000exp+ is > than your +200 to me, so maybe there is some grounds to that argument, but I never get invited to PT anyway so
                    The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

                    My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Roldarin
                      Groups crowd groups all the time. If you've never seen it, then you've spent too much time soloing. And yes having groups crowd each other causes issues. If a group escapes out of a bad pull, then the other group can get into trouble.
                      Leveled BRD to 65 and THF to 50,... I've done my share of partying and I know groups crowd each other, but parties of 6 dont have pets the need to release so they heal up.

                      -And Macht, they had PLENTY of time to react, I had just started my pet/fight from the initial pull and both my pet and the hellmine were at about 85-95%HP... battles get much longer the higher you go. I had time enough to rest my MP from about 30ish to about 110.... tossing a few sneaks on them wouldnt take much time at all.
                      Also, bats dont aggro RIGHT after release, there is a 4-5 second "stun period" plus the journey back (they were in the path of the bats, the bats werent fighting the hellmine right on top of them)
                      **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
                      +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

                      If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


                      • #12
                        Hey xarddrax! I just put a name to a face. I play Ferninado, I believe we met a few times in GC on midgard. I duo with Esango.

                        I have to agree Midgard has its fair share of idiot parties in GC. Esango and I met with one last night that decided to plop down infront of my camp and they had a harder time making a decision then a bunch of politicians. We asked them politely to move, and then they moved about 5 minutes later. They then kept moving after not listening to our suggestion of where to camp. Word of advice to anyone out there: If a BST tells you something you should nine times out of ten listen to them cause they've spent WAY more time in that zone then you have. It gets to the point where you know the mob paths and spawn points AUGH.

                        Just remember, in a duo you can get out of GC at 58 and go to quicksand caves. Otherwise, 60 and boyadah tree. I've noticed GC on migdard is usually dead the off hours of the weekdays and sundays.
                        BST / WHM / BRD
                        Status: Duo
                        Current Leveling Spot: Boyadah Tree
                        Current XP/HR: 2.5-3k (unparsed)
                        Alchemy:94 Woodworking: 60 Cooking: 60 Smithing:34 Goldsmithing:24 Fishing:34


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jaby
                          Now, if it was a LS PT that was pwning everything, just for skill ups, and killing mobs that don't even drop coffer keys, that's when I'll get a little "careless".
                          I always love it when a BST makes posts like this. I've seen several like it. Basically your response to some rude players is MPK. Sure, its unlikely they will die. But you are saying you release your monsters on these rude players on purpose. Maybe teach them a lesson. Or give a little back.

                          As long as some BST have this attitude, people are going to have negative feelings towards BST.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Roldarin
                            As long as some BST have this attitude, people are going to have negative feelings towards BST.
                            Yeah, I don't buy the whole MPKs are the reason people hate BSTs BS. If there already wasn't some animosity towards BSTs than maybe these incidents wouldn't happen. I mean let's be honest with ourselves, would YOU invite a BST to your exp party?

                            TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                            Personality Tests


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Roldarin

                              As long as some BST have this attitude, people are going to have negative feelings towards BST.
                              Pet killing you > Negative feelings towards me.

                              I could give 2 shits about what people think about BSTs or me. The only people that have helped me get to where i am now are me! No one else earned my XP and if i die im the only one that loses it. Sorry, but leveling all my numerous jobs, i have always had respect towards BSTs before i ever played one. I knew what they could do.....not feared, but respected because it is such a hard and tactical class to play. Ive died more playing a BST than all other jobs combined. I expect a little courtesy, the same you would give a party camping a spot.

                              In the long run it comes down to a basic philosphy... a BST can make your party's XPing a living hell or so very pleasent.
                              Showing a little respect can go a long way.
                              I saved a party from a total wipe last night and raised 3 of them.... i bet not even 5 minutes before this happened they were cussing me out in /p chat for "taking all the things to kill".

                              People in this game talk too much shit because you cant PvP and MPKing 6 out of 10 times ends up in you dying also, but not with BST, a BST can MPK so very easily...and people cry because of that reason. People hide behind the blanket of safety when it comes to claimed/aggro beasts. So talk as much crap as you want.....if you get your dick knocked in the dirt by a BST someday, youll know why.

                              Thats how I roll.
                              **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
                              +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

                              If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.

