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New Leveling Spots

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  • New Leveling Spots

    Well, I guess there is one small advantage to having the Japanese get CoP before us; they've already started organizing a Beastiary for the new areas. Most of you know this link, but for those that don't.
    Above Through AltaVista Translator

    Anyway, I'd thought I'd make this thread so we can identify any new spots in CoP that would be good areas to level in, because I'm sure there will be plenty of areas left empty for awhile once the excitement dwindles over CoP.

    TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
    Personality Tests

  • #2
    It seems in the 66-69 range there's Succubus bats in newmolvonopolis, or however you spell it, to use as pets against lv68-70 goblins.

    This may be freedom from the last gap as 67-69 is hell to solo (terrigan... duo is possible but the point is solo spots)

    I can't wait!


    • #3
      I'm so psyched for
      [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


      • #4
        bear in mind that for the next couple weeks you won't be able to level in these areas normally... people will still be checking the new areas out.


        • #5
          I can tell you after spending a few hours in the moblin zone (moldowhatever the hell) there are not many charmable mobs.

          Granted, I didn't have maps, but widescan didn't show much, save some bats in the lower level part.

          In the higher level part, I found the succubus bats (EM at 64) and used them in non XP allaince just to explore the zone.

          My pet may have been the lowest mob in there.... further down in Newton mobs were T++ to the highest in our group, lvl 74.

          Plus the moblins don't blow up for us BSTs like good old gobbies sometimes do. :D

          FWIW I made the bats sic and they did "Slipstream" heh.....


          • #6
            I can tell you after spending a few hours in the moblin zone (moldowhatever the hell) there are not many charmable mobs.

            Granted, I didn't have maps, but widescan didn't show much, save some bats in the lower level part.

            In the higher level part, I found the succubus bats (EM at 64) and used them in non XP allaince just to explore the zone.

            My pet may have been the lowest mob in there.... further down in Newton mobs were T++ to the highest in our group, lvl 74.

            Plus the moblins don't blow up for us BSTs like good old gobbies sometimes do. :D

            FWIW I made the bats sic and they did "Slipstream" heh.....


            • #7
              I got lost in Attohwa Chasm yesterday. There was nothing in my level range. One part had Tracer Antlions they conned "Too Weak" to me. I guaged and charmed one to see if they were charmabable and had no problems. After awhile I tried to find the exit but I ended going into an area filled with ITs. I encountered a couple High Level BSTs charming Antlions and killing Antlions. I think areas could be nice for their appropriate levels. There's a decent amount of Antlions and Scorps, and quite a few Lizards and Flies.

              TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
              Personality Tests


              • #8
                Uleground Range seems to be the new bst spot. There's 5 'islands' and on each island the enemies jump 5 levels.

                At 68, the first island had tigers, rabbits, and snow bombs that were all easy prey. second island things were decent challange, had raptors, the new demon things, more bombs ect.

                Third island things started getting T/VT, where the last island was VT/IT to my lv75 friends.

                The thing is, not only is it a great place to farm (grab a strong pet from deep within and pull it back and massacre buffalo), but also a great xp spot.

                In each 'island' there is a large field with at least 1-2 holes that drop you to lower underground tunnels. These tunnels eventually lead back up to the main fields.

                In these tunnels there normally were a wide selection of things to charm.

                Second island has pets from Lv67-68 rabbits and bats v. Doom soldiers (Em/T). This section has a zone line to bearclaw (Safety), and the repop is nice. Plus the rabbits are upgraded (they have a HP gain move like pollen, and their 'dirt cloud' does a 60% paralyze).

                This area solves my soloing problem at 67-68, and should take me to 69.

                There are bombs in each field that progressively get higher level, so I hope around 69-70 I can find a spot with 69-70 pets and T/VT ice bombs and use them to take me to 72 ru'an level.

                I checked out the other new areas. Bibiki bay things were VT/IT to me, but lots of pets around vs. normal goblins so it may be a solution for the 71's instea of Ru'an.

                NewtownMovolopolis was useless as an earlier poster said. Goblins don't blow up, and the pets are 2-3 levels lower than the rest of the areas, and the things link from very far away.

                Attowha chasm was all Too weak to me, but seemed to be about Lv40 area, so an alternative to crawler nest leveling.


                • #9
                  Hmm, sounds pretty interesting. That island thing reminded me of the Galapagos islands for some reason, lol.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Fooma
                    Attowha chasm was all Too weak to me, but seemed to be about Lv40 area, so an alternative to crawler nest leveling.
                    There's a lvl 60+ area in Attowha chasm. It's just hard to find. I found it on accident, and probably couldn't find it again without the map.

                    TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                    Personality Tests


                    • #11
                      where are the maps for these places found?

                      Coffer again?
                      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                      • #12

                        Ule. range seem to be the answer to my 70-75 problem hopefully >.>
                        Gettin sky access is just not going well.
                        wouldn't think ule.range is a coffer map since outside area dont have coffers
                        If you ever find a orc named named buffalohunter (sp?) he will ask u to bring him bomb cores and he gives u something special map quest :confused:

                        BST Heaven!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sudo
                          where are the maps for these places found?

                          Coffer again?
                          Some are coffers, others are quests or can be bought. I'd just check Mystery Tour Tips --> Map Acquisition

                          TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                          Personality Tests


                          • #14
                            Ulangurablahblah range map is a quest. You begin the quest in south sandy by checking a diary next to a bed within a house at G-6/7ish, you must read all four pages of this diary, the forth of which is a big long shpiel about the range and the war. Next, go to the rusty anchor in Port sandy, and talk to (I think) the bean guy, you'll know when you talk to the correct person. He tells you to go to the range and find his uncle, long lost in the mountains, or over them or something goofy like that.

                            The hard part is, of course, finding the SOB up there, and none of the people I know, or any of their contacts on various servers have been able to complete this as of yet. The area is frickin huge and has multiple zones to Bearclaw pinniacle. I have no clue if the guy is lost up in the range or in bearclaw. If you happen to make it to the top of the range and need to enter the cave where there is a frozen looking waterfall/bombs/king buffalo, you need to wait for the ice weather to go away, because while it is there the entrance to the cave is blocked by a sheet of ice.

                            If anyone finds this uncle and obtains the map, PLEASE post something about it for all of us who would like to know. I hope that I was at least slightly helpful >.>

                            Oh, the dino mobs see through sneak and invis, be careful, hahahaha..
                            war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


                            • #15

                              Well that's definatly a start Lurch
                              Guess better pop out widescan and go searching :<

                              BST Heaven!

