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Bison Gear Stats. Universal lack of "+Charm"

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  • Bison Gear Stats. Universal lack of "+Charm"

    Does the lack of universal + Charm on this gear bother anyone else?

    If I'm realding the stats correctly, it's "Versus Xxxxxx: Charm +5" on each piece rather than universal charm duration.

    At 71-75, I've been told charming toughs is somewhat necessary (if you XP in Sky at least). Is this true?

    (Hell sometimes I charm Ts now just to try to keep a chain. Avoid it yes, but if it's a dumb lizard who's T, I'll use him)

    As far as looks, I want the set, of course. It looks really nice on female characters. Male? Hmmmm. Maybe.

    As far as cost. Well. They are selling a bit too high right now, in my opinion. I look for the normal version parts to be 300-400K, with maybe one or two items (harder to make, etc) going for around 500K. Just guessing at that really. A guy who made the body just sold one to himself for 500K to set the price, put another up and it sold at 500K. Not bad for first sale.

  • #2
    Someone on Ragnarok sold it to themselves for 2 million, then after that someone else for 3 million. *shakes her head*

    Heck, why not 4 million!!? :mad:

    As for the stats, you might be right. What this seems to promote is wearing the full outfit all the time, rather than skimping. Seems that normal AF itself is still somewhat favourable. But I'll admit I'd like to get it for the looks too. :-)

    When I xped in Tulia at 71, and all the Flamingos were T+, I used Lightstaff and my AF gear, and I hardly ever got a fail. My 72 friend pointed out which ones were EM to him, so I knew I was charming a T, not a T++.


    • #3
      The only race that could really make use of these would be EL and GK, mostly cause of the MP+; charm+ doesn't really do anything to the charm rate (just extends the time), so if you're trying to charm you might as well be in full CHR gear, and use AF if you want a time extension. 2 million? Hells no.


      • #4

        Well friend has a few pieces bought some off the AH and had the body crafted which seeemed way cheaper than the joker bragging prices on Rag AH.Only usefull pieces is mostly the helm with reward time reduce

        And with the pieces he has it doesn't look to well on a Elvaan :sweat:

        BST Heaven!


        • #5
          Bison Cost

          Yeah, saw the same ridiculous prices on Bahamut AH when I checked for Bison Gear. The few pieces that have been sold were for 1-2 million per piece, which seems completely retarded.

          Ok, right now there's the novelty factor, but if I remember the craft recipe for bison gear did NOT look especially expensive, so ppl are just being greedy about it. Sell a Hauberk to buy Bison? Yeah right *falls down laughing*.

          Can someone check out the cost to craft this thing and determine what it should be worth in a more sane economy? I'm pretty sure it'll be less than 500k when the dust settles.

          62 bst
          60 thf


          • #6
            I just bought Bison Jacket.. everyone thinks I'm a girl ;_;
            It makes me have big hips and butt, and I think it also makes me look like I have boobies.
            "I like hexa strike, I like it a lot" - Rioo


            • #7
              taru with boobies O_o
              75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


              • #8
                Yah, they really screwed the male BST chars on that one. It's like they got lazy and decided not to make any more masculaine variations. As for the tarus, cover their hair up and I can't tell if they're male or female.

                TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                Personality Tests


                • #9
                  does anyone have a pic of what they look like?


                  • #10
                    Taking a look at the BST only gear(including bison) I myself have devised a list of high lvl(70+) BST armor for soloing/charming or for people who are too poor to buy the multi-million gil hauberks and other things.

                    -Monster Helm
                    -Bison Jacket
                    -Bison Wristbands
                    -Beast Trousers
                    -Monster Gaiters

                    The jack and wristbands are in my oppinion the best pieces of bison. The +charm for bison isn't very useful so I looked at the other stats. I believe comining all three types of BST only armor will provide the best usability.
                    BST / WHM / BRD
                    Status: Duo
                    Current Leveling Spot: Boyadah Tree
                    Current XP/HR: 2.5-3k (unparsed)
                    Alchemy:94 Woodworking: 60 Cooking: 60 Smithing:34 Goldsmithing:24 Fishing:34


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sudo
                      taru with boobies O_o
                      Seriously! I think they're like size 32 A.

                      I'll try to get a picture with my taru in Bison gear.

                      So far the best equipment you can get for charming at 72 is:

                      Weapon - Apollo Staff: +2 chr
                      Head - Panzer mask: +5 chr
                      Body - Bison Jacket: +4 chr
                      Earrings - 2 Melody Earrings: +2 chr total (I'm cheap, I didn't get +1)
                      Rings - 2 Angel's Rings: +8 chr total
                      Neck - Star necklace: +3 chr
                      Legs - Beast Trouser: +4 chr
                      Feet - Dance shoes: +3 chr
                      Waist - Corsette +1: +6 chr
                      Hands - your choice since no gloves add +chr for tarutaru. I use thick goves because it's +3 acc & +4 atk. I think it's better than Bison Wristband.

                      I think total is +37 chr :D
                      "I like hexa strike, I like it a lot" - Rioo

