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Level 60+ Bst Armor Choices

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  • Level 60+ Bst Armor Choices

    It kind of sucks, I just got to level 60 and am finishing up my AF, but already looking past it and seeing what I will replace it with.

    I understand the Thick set is the standard at 70+ for obvious reasons, but what about until then? I see a few choices...

    Haubergeron: This is the DD armor of choice. Are we DD? Well, short of. Mostly we're there to support our pets. How much accuracy is needed? I have +23 accuracy at level 60 and had no problems hitting because Bst generally level on T and VT mobs which are usually fairly easy to hit. Is there a major change in this regard that requires bst to have as much accuracy as a drk? The attack and str bonuses are also very nice because they increase our damage over time and can make the difference of finishing a fight with one pet, or needing to cycle pets. Downside: I'll never evade an attack ever again. The defense is pretty good, same as our AF and one of the best for the level range. When soloing evading an attack can make the difference between life or death, and while I realize we don't have a high cap in evasion, crippling it even further surely can't help.

    Byrnie: I don't see this armor in circulation very often at all, and I personally think it is better for bst than Haubergeron (maybe even Hauberk). Why? It's got more of what we need. Defense and vitality, similar to our AF. But it also has twice as much damage boosting as the Haubergeon, none of the accuracy though. I'm not particular in danger of stealing aggro from my pet most of the time when I assist, so I feel the +attack is worth a lot over time. I also don't know how much we need the additonal accuracy.

    Assault Jerkin: It's ugly and orange, and rare/ex, but this is the third alternative I've seen. The advantage is that it's rare/ex and can be gotten without millions of gil. The downside? It's got poor defense compared with both other armours, but combines the best of both with small accuracy bonus and a huge attack bonus. It's also a lot higher level than the other two (67 vs 59-60).

    I'll admit that there is one area bst require all that accuracy: Rampage. My rampage girates wildly from 30 damage to 250 damage, and nothing sucks worse than releasing pet, doing rampage, hitting for 25 damage, and then being unable to finish the mob before it kills you. At this point I've learned calamity and while I must submit that CALAMITY SUCKS SO BAD, I appreciate that when I use it, I will always do about 100 damage, and hence I find myself using it or spinning axe in some situations. All three armor pieces have their merits, but before I drop by millions I want to know: How much accuracy is enough at 65-75?

    60 bst
    60 thf

  • #2
    It all depends on what you are fighting.
    If you fighting Ts, then accuracy is not a big issue. If you're fightin VTs/ITs, then yes you will want as much accuracy as possible.
    "I like hexa strike, I like it a lot" - Rioo


    • #3
      for solo purposes, I'd almost say the byrnie is the way to go but I'm poor and I'll just go try and solo Ose somehow but other wise I'd wait till the Haubruk cause you will want that Acc when you take bst to the limits and fight HNM's/dynamis etc.

      That acc is a lot better than some vit.
      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


      • #4
        Obviously past level 70 we can be involved in HNM and Dynamis which is why I said the thick set (which includes hauberk) is the best choice, but until then I think I would like Byrnie the best.

        Sadly, I'm way too poor to afford either, but what about the Carapace Set with the latent affects?

        Carapace Breastplace def 44, latent effects +44 def and +12 attack.

        This sounds like a good set to save your ass when you're soloing. I didn't check prices yet, its a level 61 set and it looks pretty nice. Might be a cheaper alternative.

        60 bst
        60 thf


        • #5
          The carapace set is actually pretty cheap, Ive been planning on buying the full set for some time now. I think its 6-10k per piece.

          I will use it mainly for farming though, as I dont see it being better than the other armor sets in terms of Exp sessions.
          smOkt-unicorn server
          65Carpenter ~ 74Angler ~ 52Chef ~ 51Chemist ~ 34Metalworking ~ 64ClotheWeaver
          AF: 6/6 - Complete - - Charm Gear!
 - - Fight Gear!


          • #6
            Scorpion Harness > Haubergeon for a BST. That +10 to evasion is just yummy. Of course, this is assuming you can afford one in the first place ... :sweat:

            Byrnie isn't good. You lose stats on DEX, CHR, AGI, etc. You'd be better off with an Aketon.

            Remember, since you are soloing, your focus must be a different mindset from another melee that parties up. So, accuracy would still be important, but your survivability should be your next priority. This is a different mindset from a MNK or WAR where they need to go all out with Attack and damage enhancements. Since you might have to tank from time to time, you need to think of a more neutral position or think about carrying 3 sets of gear (or near equivalent of sets) where you will have 1 for defensive posturing when the need arises ...

            At least, that's how I'd play the job.
            My Stats


            • #7

              Scorpion harness is useless for a BST you will get more outta of a Byrnie, haurbergeon or haurberk for ending with WS.
              If anythin was to go wrong chances are +10 eva too our already low evasion won't save you from nothing, blink and stoneskin is the best think at our disposal use it heck even our Beast trousers can be more dependable :p

              BST Heaven!


              • #8

                Well, Carapace it is for now. The entire set of 3 pieces was less than 30k total, and it has a potential of over +110 defense over anything else available if things start going bad (ie I hit the red hp) It also has up to +30 or so attack as my hp goes down, which is a nice boost for the price.

                I'm not saying its in any way a replacement for those 1+ Million armors, but at worst it has the same defense as AF, and at best a whopping +110 def and +30 attack. Plus I really like the way it looks. I'll wear it as my combat armor for a few days and see how it works, while I futilely save up for something better.

                I wouldn't want the scorpion harness for the same reason I don't wear my emperor hairpin as bst... our evasion cap is low we don't dodge very well at all, an extra +10 evade is NOT worth the lost defense and vit over most of the other armors I chose. I'd still probably choose Byrnie as my #1 choice, but it'll have to wait.

                61 bst <--- woot levelled tonight
                60 thf


                • #9
                  The new Bison set (BST JSE LV 71) is quite nice. Everything adds like +5 or more to charm and -enmity.

                  Looks badass too. I love the hat with all the feathers and the body piece looks like its made out of whicker or straw.


                  • #10
                    That's something I've been wondering about as well, if a BST would suddenly need to worry more about accuracy in the level 60+ range. I've been thinking about saving up for a Byrnie because the +atk is nice, but I'm still not sure about haubergeon vs byrnie. Overall, I would like to go all out on doing damage, but not if I miss a lot and need more accuracy.

                    I've killed some pugils in Sea Serpent Grotto recently and they have a special move that boosts their evasion or defense. It's a little annoying when I'm using my axe and they boost defense and I start hitting for like 20 dmg, or when I'm trying to cap my scythe skill and they boost evasion and I start to miss.

                    I kind of want more of both accuracy and damage. For somewhere between 2.5 to 3 million gil on my server, you can either get a haubergeon or you can get a byrnie and a pair of sniper rings. I'd probably go for the byrnie and sniper rings, but I don't have that much money yet anyway so I'm just wishing.

                    But maybe the +10 acc from the haubergeon would let me switch out some other equipment to make up for some of the difference in +atk. For example, I could get str rings or pallas's bracelets.


                    • #11
                      I've considered that carapace set myself too, it looks bad ass on taru.

                      I still support haubruk until armada stuff.

                      There is no serious need for any of the uber armors for bst till very late 60's. Our AF's are fine for most of the stuff.

                      With the new exp thing in. I'm actually perferring to solo a VT instead of 2 T's or Em's. The new exp raise is now 240 base exp. A T would get me 130x2 = 260 and hard to chain as my pets are getting beat up alot in boyada.

                      It's actually easier for me to just get 2 EM death caps and do VT onions or rabbits. I don't melee but just play the pet merrigo-round. The uber armor would just make me look cool sitting on the side.
                      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk

