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charming strongest monsters

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  • charming strongest monsters

    Whats the strongest monsters a beastmaster can control?
    And, can beastmasters control notorious monsters??

  • #2


    • #3
      I charmed an IT and saved my prty from dieng ^^ but i had to use my 2hour witch sucks.


      • #4
        Originally posted by poppipo
        I charmed an IT and saved my prty from dieng ^^ but i had to use my 2hour witch sucks.
        BST in a party?

        * LE GASP *
        You think you have won?
        You think all is well?
        Kiss my green ass,
        -The Grinch from Family Guy.


        • #5
          Originally posted by SephirothYuyX
          What about NMs inside BCs?
          There is no knowledge without experience.
          San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
          Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


          • #6
            Depends on the BCNM fight. For instance we can charm the Mandragoras in Gid BCNM 40, but not the main Mandragora, though.

            TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
            Personality Tests


            • #7
              Hmmm. If you mean the strongest family or type of mob at EM we can charm, I'd have to go for a fungar.

              An EM fungar is like a well balanced WAR to me. He can take damage and give it out. Of course, you always want to exploit target mob weakness with your pet, and fungars only live in certian places. Thier 800+ attacks are nice for taking out big chunks of HP in just about anything.

              But I've found them to be best all around for duo play. In terms of strongest mob when solo, well, I like crabs and lizards, but I'll often start with a big hit mob (like a rabbit or some bats) and replace them with a tank mob after they sic.

              Other mobs are just as good (or better) but can be hard to get a hold of, like jellies and sometimes leeches (leeches often travel in herds, so missing a charm sucks). They both "undercon" if you ask me.

              If you are talking about charming higher than EM, well, the full BST AF gives you enough "Charm +" to make a tough mob useful, but in a long fight, you'll break. I won't go higher than T unless I know the mob will die in seconds.


              • #8
                im gunna prty from 1-35......


                • #9
                  Strongest charmable may be Dragon Aery darter with 2hr. Maybe could do something in the new areas


                  • #10
                    Even though it isn't really a NM, you can charm the Stroper Chyme in Ordell's.

                    P.S. Don't use charm as your voke if you're camping stroper. :sweat:


                    • #11
                      I think the hecteyes next in king ronpere's room for optical hat area are pretty damn strong too. Those were like IT to lv 75's

                      Maybe the new zones will have something too. I heard they jump lv's a lot so maybe go grab yourself a lv 80 mob, 2hr it and go farm the heck out of the lower zones.

                      just be nice and don't leave it at the entrance X_X
                      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by poppipo
                        im gunna prty from 1-35......
                        and you'll have no solo experience and end up leeching further?

                        Slime type mobs have natural physical atk resist (50% vs normal attacks, 75% vs blunt attacks; most mobs' attacks count as blunts, which is why bones/pots are so favorable as prey for bsts) and are great; Opo Opos have insane attack speeds and have some powerful WS's. The strongest pet you can charm are the ones that are strongest to fight against.

                        If you meant highest-leveled, etc... it'll be the highest leveled charmable mob.


                        • #13
                          sort of wanted to get an idea of how charm success/duration is calculated when you sub BST. EX, theres this corse nm in attowa i hunt alot, and i noticed theres like WHM/BST RDM/BST and the likes charming Antlions (DC to 75) with ease. I know last BST ability is 35 so where does that leave main BSTs with? Can anyone just sub BST and have as much power as a main BST? I saw a WHM/BST make quick work of the NM. :mad:


                          • #14
                            high lv's charming things can abuse the lower lv areas easily but as has been explained many places earier:

                            /bst is gimped if you never lv'ed up your bst

                            a lv 75 rdm who is subbing his lv 35 bst will be charming at the power of a lv 35 bst meaning that with light staff and lots of chr gear he can get lucky to charm a lv 70 mob (DC to lv 75). estimated success on many many charms to be around 4/10. Maybe 5-6/10 if HQ light staff.

                            Case in point: A lv 61 drk/1 bst tried to play around with the kraken in qufim. He charmed it first go and then dragged it over to the tower to show off his uberness to newbies and to taunt all the bst's lving there (I was there as a thf) but anyways the charm eventually wore off and so of course he tried to charm the kraken again and again and again and again. Then he tried to drain the kraken and tried 3 more charms before he died due to a ws from the kraken before he could zone and then he deleveled to 60 and then home pointed due to all the low lv's laughing at him. He got it first time then failed 7 times in a row there after. He did not bother to get a light staff and I doubt he even knows why bst use the thing.

                            A lv 1 bst can technically have a chance of charming a lv 75 mob. It is a vanishingly small chance but it can be done. Expect to fail 999/1000 tries.

                            A lv 75 rdm who is also lv 70 in bst job and is running around as a lv 75/37 rdm/bst is charming at the strength of a lv 70 bst. If the bst job was higher lv till it matched lv 75 main job, then the rdm will be the full equivilent of a full time bst. If you have enough armor you can even get all the killer abilities. Duration may be affected by the lack of +charm on AF's.

                            So the answer is NO, you can't just sub a low bst job and expect to be like a real bst or even a retired bst who took the job to lv 75.

                            /bst only works for those who have already played through bst and demonstrated that they can.

                            And by the way, 18 bst alliance was the first ones I've heard about able to kill Tiamat.

                            In case you don't know or heard, Tiamat (Dragon from old FF games like #1) is in CoP. 3x harder than Fafnir/Niddog at best estimates from 3 HNMLS's that tried it. He flies around a lot and melees can't hit it. Also a LOT of adds near by. Even regular HNMLS's need to bring bst to help with other VT to lv 75 mobs in the area.

                            There is great reason to keep lving bst.
                            75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                            • #15
                              yeah someone told me same thing...but its stupid if you got like lv70 BST why would you sub BST and go as WHM to hunt, that makes no sense whatsoever.

