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BST; We need changes!

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  • BST; We need changes!

    This thought has always been in the back of my head, but recent posts are just bringing it up more and more. BST obviously need new changes, we can only hope that Chains of Promathia will give BST something more than just <pettp> for use.

    BST is a unique job in all. We have the power to solo things of power that one could not dream of soloing on other jobs or if we unify numbers we can take out the toughest of things; for example King Behemoth. (I once had a screen of the only 18 BST alliance of Ragnarok defeat King Behemoth with 500 some Funguar which took nearly 2hrs to complete; but alas the site has gone down ;( )

    The game has developed so much that new abilities are opened up with subjobs and new tactics come to the playing field. However, replacing a job just with a sub is something that should never happen, yet in truth it has begun to destroy BST as a main. All a person ever has to do is get to lv 70+ of any job and sub BST and they have the power that a lv 70+ BST/--- could use. What can we use that someone that subs a 37 BST cant?

    1. Lizard Killer
    2. Aquan Killer
    3. Resist Slow
    4. Plantoid Killer
    5. Beast Killer
    6. Resist Slow
    7. The use of jugs

    Woo, look at all that they can't use but we can! It make's so much of a difference (sarcasm). If killer effects were enhanced then maybe we would have something that we could feel somewhat special about. However, even with the Beast Trousers which enhances all "killer" effects, I may only get Amemet to be intimidated 3-5 times throughout a 5-10min battle.

    The use of jugs for BST is a great thing, however at later lv's it's not so great. We have CourrierCarrie, PanzerGhalad, and AmigoSabotender essentially that will deal our damage. True, jug pets like those 3 that are uncapped are incredibly strong, but it is hardly enough since Jug pets are nerfed to begin with compared to a regular monster. They have a summon duration which cannot be tampered with, not even FAMILIAR our 2hr ability which increases the strength of our pet and makes it last 30minutes can alter how long our jug pet stays out. AmigoSabotender costs a bundle and it lasts for roughly 10minutes. PanzerGhalad and CourrierCarrie last roughly 20-25minutes. All which have about 2000 less HP than a XP crab, beetle, or/and cactuar ;;

    Can other jobs that sub a certain job take over the sub jobs' main completley? Some can do it well, but it isn't the real thing. For instance, WAR/NIN -- decent tank but its not a NIN. THF/NIN is probably the closest thing that could take over a NIN's job, but you loose that /WAR aspect of no provoke. The various combos with /THF is a close one as well, but Sneak Attack is nerfed as a sub, why aren't any of the BST abilities? I think of all the possibilites and I can't think of ONE combination that would replace itself by using a sub, except for /BST 70+. Hell, you can't even replace /DRG for the real thing which in my opinion, is very sad ;;

    The Reward ability is something that I rarely see any BST use unless they are curing Paralysis effect on their pet. It has a hurting recast timer of 3minutes and with the highest Pet biscuit; epsilon and with full AF you can only cure somewhere around 450HP to your pet and cure's paralysis. That's like what, 3-5 hits from a mob ;; Not a very nice thing since it takes 3 minutes to use it again. The timer should really be brought to seconds if not that at least a minute. Sure it probably would open to soloing NM's a lot easier, but at least we wouldnt have to deal with KSing whores that just follow a BST around waiting, just waiting to steal. Let's not forget though, sub BST can use Reward shit too ;; RDM/BST can enhance the HP regain to the pet even, due to the Ogre set!!

    The infamous Sic ability. It is truely a nice ability, it's an ability one learns from using, when and where to use it with specific monsters/pets, AOE's to single attacks, etc. Again, /BST can use it to full power but what does a BST get? It is always random unless it's some effect like Photosynthesis which can only take place during the day. Seriously, I think at a much greater lv BST and ONLY BST should have the ability to select which attack our pet uses. Cheap you say? Hardly! It may be cheap though if it was on any regular dull pet; I.E. Cactuar; spam 1000 Needles. Square could easily just limit it to Jugs. Then it wouldn't be so "cheap". Duration of time divided by Sic command. Even with AmigoSabotender you could only get 3 1000 Needles off at max before it despawns. Paying 50-100k for 3000 damage and that's only if AmigoSabotender can land every hit, I think that's reasonably fair.

    Let's not forget that Square has given BST the most useless ability ever to be applied to the game. I think all you BST know what I'm talking about, Gauge. The only time I EVER use it if I am insanely bored and am just wasting my own time. When I determine if I will charm something or not I just use the /check. It's a waste of a skill slot that we could use for something else personally -_-;

    I am unaware of what the dynamis AF2 hands piece exactly does for BST; "Enhances 'Call Beast' ability". Hopefully it will make them incredibly tough and not have the gimp HP, but knowing Square it probably isn't anything superb as the AF2 Reward pieces don't even give more HP heal while using any biscuits ;;

    I think its fair to say that we want new abilities that are of great use or at least some that is lv 35+ so that other jobs cant completely take over the job of BST when subbed!

    Ever since Square nerfed the mod damage on Rampage( was at 1.0 and now its at .5), it has become more and more useless for BST to even use axe ;; It has a nice delay, sure. Reasonable damage, but we RELY on WS to finish off our enemies. We watch our friends of other jobs crank out WS damage for 300-500+ damage and then I crank out a Rampage on a XP mob for BST and I would be lucky to hit 100-120 damage. Of course, I have been lv 75 for sometime now and I am able to equip myself to insane measures that I wouldn't of even had a chance to use for XPing. However, look at our other weapon uses:

    Dagger C+: That gets us Wasp Sting, Gust Slash, Shadowstitch, Energy Steal, and Evisceration. Granted it matters of what we sub to make the Dagger WS more useful. The only use; lv 75 for Evisceration, yipee!

    Sword E: C'mon ;; Only MNK, WHM, BLM, and SMN have a shittier rating than that ;; Sword caps at 200 for BST, at least make it a D rating like THF have so we have just that slighter chance of hitting a tough mob. Again it matters what we use as a sub, but regardless Spirits Within will probably be our best WS from Sword. Doubt we could really do much with Vorpal Blade even if we had WAR PLD or DRK subbed.

    Axe A-: Ok, good. Cept our WS usually suck. It's sad to say but Raging Axe is probably our best WS untill Rampage. Spinning Axe can be good for some, but it's all about Rampage. Calamity literally blows unless you have exactly 300% TP. Mistral Axe is somewhat nice since its a range WS (you throw the axe) and it can make light. Then our quested WS, Decimation is only good for making light; the dmg cap isnt even that high ;;

    Scythe B-: Square FINALLY increased this sometime ago from C+ to B-. Sure did a lot -_-; (more sarcasm). Scythe in general, or at least I think completely sucks unless you are DRK. I don't really complain about this weapon too much, but I was happy they raised it a bit so we could at least make dark with Spiral Hell.........of course at lv 75 -_-;

    Club D: Meh. Nothing much to say here, its a club -_-;

    I'm amazed though that we are unable to skill up in Marksmanship, Throwing, hell EVEN Archery ;; Nature boys not even able to skill with Archery and yet RDM can -_-; sad. Sure, regardless we would probably suck with the bow but god damnit...BST.....bow...BST...RDM?! wtf?! It's sad that now DRG in Chains of Promathia will be able to have a throwing skillup over BST ;; Even BRD is > than BST in that department, lol.

    I'm sorry if this post sorta turned into a rant/flaming thing, but damn -_-; We are being replaced and it's not fun...I mean COMPLETELY replaced. I guess we can reasure ourselfs though that we aren't the most useless job in the game, DRG holds that title, no offense. I do think Square should focus on DRG if they ever fix or tune up jobs first, damn they are hurting badly ;;

    What do I ask of you that think changes like these or similiar to these should be implemented? Tell Square! Login to your POL Viewer, click Service & Support, click on Support and then E-mail Support, Comments & Suggestions, Open Form, then fill in your information. Give them the URL to this forum post or briefly state what should and needs to be changed.

    Thank You -- I hope we can change the future of BST.
    BST Forever ~ Fairy

  • #2
    I have to admit I don't really share your disgust so to speak in our job. As long as I can solo ITs and VTs (which I can) or solo a NM 10 levels max above me(which I can) I think the job is just fine.

    I have to agree I'd like to see somthing new, but I don't think we are underpowered. Possibly in the PT department, but either way we don't need to party. Even with all the issues you've stated in terms of AXe and Sic, we are still one of the largest damaging classes in the game when you sum up the damage between us and our pets.

    At least at 49, I haven't completely become unhappy with our job. That mostly happened in my 20s and early 30s. I also played a rogue in EQ 4 years ago... now that has stuff to complain about.
    BST / WHM / BRD
    Status: Duo
    Current Leveling Spot: Boyadah Tree
    Current XP/HR: 2.5-3k (unparsed)
    Alchemy:94 Woodworking: 60 Cooking: 60 Smithing:34 Goldsmithing:24 Fishing:34


    • #3
      I think two things should be done to fix BST.

      make charm 20-25% less effective on SJ ( I think it is weaker already but not by a lot ).

      Give Sic II at 50.
      55% Skill
      35% Equipment
      10% Race

      White Mage - 75 - Completed
      Ninja - 75 - Completed
      Summoner - 75 - Completed
      My Livejournal


      • #4
        just make release 38 and problem solved
        Rank 9 San d'Oria
        69bst/34(40) whm
        going for 75 all solo!


        • #5
          i agree with most of what keftenk said, im LV70 now and yes i have had time to save up cash and get uber equipment which stops me being gimp. If i had spent that amount of money on a RNG for example, people would be "WOW"ing me. Except they see a BST with good equip.

          The Square Enix nerfs, as some may recall are due to constant complaining years ago that BST was overpowered, yes somewhat it still is.. But on the flipside its totally gimped (i know it sounds weird).

          BST have never really been beefed up anywhere down the patch line, its been nerf after nerf (except scythe +)

          The ONLY thing really you can say you want to get a High LVL BST for is BC30 at Feiyin. Thats pretty much the only plus to the high level side of BST. People will marvel at how much money you can make and how quickly it can be done. But that money is just spent trying not to be gimped..

          In my opinion we need:

          - Some Natural MP (enough that would equal a SJ amount of MP) and some natural cure abilities.. Say BST got like "Natures Reward" or something that allowed u to gain healing from the earth or whatever S-EX would want, this would open up a wealth of oppurtunities. We could pick a Sub other than WHM so we didnt die, BST/NIN with curing abilities too? Maybe were not so gimp after all. Same with BST/WAR..

          But anyway, yes, i will also post suggestions in POL. We DESPERATELY need Sic2 tho..

          Sweetness - Ragnarok


          • #6

            i agree with everything you guys say basically. i have a few things id add, like if we could use vermillion cloak. the mp regen would make more sense on a bst. or give bst the basic abilty to cure like a whm, except not as good of course. or give us more abilities like you all are saying. i think we could finally, be given better ratings in weapons.


            • #7
              mm.. another problem SE has is jobs are developed around sub jobs -_-;; Which I think is a weakness. I.E. a PLD isnt good unless /war sub, etc.


              • #8
                I plan to get it bst to 75 eventually, but there was something that bothered me about BST that made me stop for awhile which keftenk mentioned.

                NM steals
                People follow BST around and wait till the mob is almost dead and then steal it when you recharm. This is incredibly frustrating especially when you have been fighting Aquarius, lets say, for over 30 mins just to have it stolen so easily. My last days with BST began when i saw a THF , NIN or RDM easily soloing the same NM's that would take me as a BST soo much hard work and possible theft. The primary reason i choose BST was because of their soloing power, but this power is extremely limited to the pets/prey in the surrounding area, and i Didnt like being soo limited.

                S-EX really needs to ungimp our familiars, that would really allow us to do alot more, and choosing which Special our pets do would also make us more desirable in a party situation since alot of pets have soo many useful abilities, Summoners can choose what their summons do, why cant BST!!

                BST damage is defintly under rated, i even underestimated it myself until i Saw keftenk busting out high damage Rampage/decimations just like a war would and grabbing hate once in awile. However he had to invest millions upon millions just to pull off -average- damage.

                I know all of us can testify and say that BST is by far the hardest job in the game. But when i reached 72 i kept asking myself 'why?'
                Why go through hell, what does having a BST 75 give me an advantage over any other job at 75. As a NIN 73 I can solo amemet/aquarius (75 ill try crab) without worrying about anyone stealing it. And i can make just as much gil/seals soloing as NIN/WHM.

                I just pray that CoP gives BST a break, and something to make all our long hours, deaths, and work worth it so i can go back and finish lvling BST to 75.
                Leatha Crafta Masta
                Leathercraft 100+3
                Smithing 60
                Clothcraft 60
                [img][/i mg]


                • #9
                  Just give me resist "Draw in" >.>. Stupid HNMs.


                  • #10
                    Would an HP recovery when pet dies make BST overpowered? I've only taken BST to 11 or 12, but I've spent hours running from Windurst to Tahrongi, getting buffer exp, dying, HPing, and running back..repeat repeat.. IE Gob aggros you, you make your pet attack it, then the monster your pet was fighting+the gob kill your've lost some health, a pet, and now youre running..

                    I've had experiences with that...
                    There is no knowledge without experience.
                    San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
                    Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


                    • #11
                      um... even more bad news keft...

                      they already stole our killer abilities.

                      Note the earrings that give plant killer and some other killer abilities too - ALL Jobs usable.

                      Note the koneing and other shields - beast killer given out like candy.

                      Basically EVERY skill bst has is on somewhere else or can be replaced with equipment if you even really wanted that.

                      We need a sic II bad.

                      And how about that archery? I've been saying crap about that for a long time now.

                      Maybe add in a whip weapon? A++ with useful ws's?

                      I'd be happy if they ever let us have staff skill or hand to hand. I mean it's funny that so many of those claws and staffs have bst equipable but we get no skill in it.

                      Since smn gets to MB and renki with their avatars, shouldn't we get to renki with our pets? That would be a whole lot of fun if not as useful as a better rampage once again.

                      but to be fair, SE also nerfed pentathrust and guillitine too. However, contrary to bst, a blank/nin can be argued to be almost as good as a full nin cause of the utsememi: Ni aspect but the real nin gets a ton of dual wield bonuses.

                      blank/bst is pretty much a bst minus jugs.

                      Personally I believe SE thinks it's too easy to lv up for everyone so they are making it easier to die, harder to chain which will then force ppl to pay more monthly fees. Incidious but maybe true.

                      Who makes these game "balancing" decisions anyway? Does the development team even have anyone playing bst? Or maybe he's the guy that everyone else makes fun of and no one listens to?
                      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                      • #12
                        Personally, I think they hate the fact that we are able to solo so well. I think they'd rather have us party, but any more nerfs and we're screwed in parties, as well.

                        I agree with the ideas that have been stated above. A Sic II that alowed us to choose the TP skill would be awesome. It'd be even better if we could renkai with it, too. I, also think that they should remove the EXP hit while in parties, or at least remove it from Jugs so it is easier for us to party in aeras that don't have EM mobs. Jugs also need to be as strong as an EM pet, too. That could also be something that is exclusive to parties. Though it probably will never happen, I wouldn't mind a pet provoke that could allow us to be a third type of tank (Pet would tank, but we'd take hits when cycling pets).

                        TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
                        Personality Tests


                        • #13
                          OMG Pet provoke now that would be Sweet. o.ob
                          Leatha Crafta Masta
                          Leathercraft 100+3
                          Smithing 60
                          Clothcraft 60
                          [img][/i mg]


                          • #14
                            Whats wrong with bst? Do you have problems? Are you gimped? I dont think so. I see bsts soloing NM's all the time without breaking a sweat, when i would probably die in a few hits.

                            So what if youre not proficient in a lot of weapons, nobody is, except warrior. Your strenght is in charming mobs. Thats why youre a bst.

                            I barely ever see anyone subbing bst, and if they are, theyre not doing it for EXP gain. Ive tried subbing bst, it didnt work very well, i couldnt even charm easy prey mobs consistently, even as a brd with all my +chr gear.

                            So what if you get a single stupid ability. Guess what? I have one trait/ability as a brd. And mine doesnt even work. Yours may be useless, but at least it works. My "Resist Silence" works about as good as the toilet when my grandpa gets out of the bathroom.
                            /ja "poop pants" me

                            My Character!

                            Tu'Lia is COOL!


                            • #15

                              Would have to certainly agree with Laehn. Most of your comments are just pointless only thing we really need now would probably be a SicII.
                              And about MBing here u go!
                              Do u feel any better cause the only thing that would make this semi-usefull is a SicII

                              BST Heaven!

