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Beast Lords

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  • Beast Lords

    I am curiouslly wondering, has anyone here ever played a Beast Lord in Everquest? in my opinion they are quite similar to the likes of the Beast Master except that their pets are brought out in different fashion..

    As a Beast Lord player (65 Elemental level on Druzzil Ro) and having a Bard (36) the Beast Master has interested me quite a bit (even though I am trying out a Bard at the momment)

    How do Bsts fair grouped? well just misunderstood I suppose?

    What is the length of their Solo-exp Abilities? can they do it 1-75?

    And lastly.. what is the item I see most Bsts carry that look like Orcish Axes.. are they Orcish Axes? because it seems relativelly weak to me..

    Signature by me, Copyright 2004

  • #2
    It's Kabrakan's Axe probably, or even rarer still, the Juggernaut (same graphics). ;x

    Yes, BSTs can solo from 1-75. They may need a hand on a couple of the AF quests Genkai quests, but that's about it. In terms of lvling they don't have a problem. :-)


    • #3
      WoW Congrats on lvl 75 Lilly!!

      And Mursk that is an awsome graphic in your sig!
      Charm Gear -->

      Attack Gear -->


      • #4

        Signature by me, Copyright 2004


        • #5
          As for groups teams of 2-6 bst are great
          6 bst party has 12 damage dealers better than 2 in a
          pld thf rng whm rdm brd style party.

          Meanwhilst in conventional groups bst/war or bst/nin are a bit behind war/nin for damage alone not including pet, but with a charmed even match pet they are one of the best damage dealers, as you said they are just misunderstood.

          Even in zones with no pets to charm you can pull out a jug pet and although not optimal it does about the same damage as a decent challenge , 30% xp loss is meh but depending what the options are for soloing at that level range it can still be faster. I.e
          solo 2k/exp hour or party 4k/hour (cut down to 2.8k an hour due to exp loss) but anyway partying chance of death goes way down and its generally alot more relaxed than soloing . Plus you get to talk and be with people!


          • #6
            Is Bst/Whm usually the way to go? and do you fight with your pets too?

            How does NM Killing go with Beast Masters?


            Signature by me, Copyright 2004


            • #7
              We have a BST LS on Fenrir Mursk, if you are interested in learning more about BST, send Frogger a /tell.

              Oh and congrats on 65, Lilyanne! Been watching your progress for quite some time as a BST

              Rank 9 San Doria


              • #8
                Okie Dokie

                Signature by me, Copyright 2004

