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King Ran's Tomb @ 54 Duo, Where are the Goblins?

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  • King Ran's Tomb @ 54 Duo, Where are the Goblins?

    In *the* leveling guide for BST that's a compilation of posts from Alakazham and other places, King Ran's tomb is listed.

    My BST duo buddy scouted it out for XP at 53-55 the other day wile waiting for me to get off work, said he couldn't find goblins down there.

    He's much smarter about the game than me, but it's my turn to go scout. I don't like bein' all up in PTs in GC and the VT mobs in CN at 54 take to long to kill with the selection of pets (in the back, where no one in PTs goes).

    Besides, I like killin' goblins.

    Any general description of how to get to this area outlined?

    From that site:

    4) LOCATION(S): King Ranperre's Tomb (Slab with ??? on it)
    PETS TO CHARM: Funnel Bats (53-56)
    MOBS TO FIGHT: Funnel Bats (53-56), Goblins (Bouncers, Raiders, Enchanters, Hunters) (54-58)
    NOTES:It is very difficult to work here but the EXP is relatively good. When working in this area it is perhaps best to kill of all the tough funnels and have them respawn until you have a decent and even mix at the beginning of that section. Use sneak when hunting the goblins in this area. Warn the unwary low level players about this area if they enter, unwittingly.
    CONTRIBUTOR(S): UserThree

    I guess I'll also explore other alternatives. Bignasty Omlette (Sandy sewer place) has dried up in terms of VT targets. And I'm kinda tired of charming slimes.

  • #2
    An update or two ago they (SE) changed the monster types and locations in king ramps. I have no clue why? I remember this dearly when after countless PT's and making 75 in ramps, I came back to get some Merit point exp. I was suddenly attacked by 2 dire bats and a scorpion . . . WTF?

    So it's all different there now.
    The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"

    My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...


    • #3
      Thanks. Off to explore some more alternatives.

      Maybe they felt goblins in a tomb were out of place, eh, who knows.

