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Involving a BST in my EXP Static

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  • Involving a BST in my EXP Static

    had a question~ il explain the situation.

    my friend is a ranger/nin.. Im a samurai/war.. we have a thief/war.. a pld/war.. a whm/blm.. and a blm/whm..

    now.. we have been static since around level 20.. we are now 38~ the exp is pretty good with so many dmg dealers, but now that we are in crawlers.. no dispel is starting to be painful~

    anyway... at 42 the whm is dropping off... and our blm is getting on her whm... and we will be finding a redmage...


    at 48~ our rng wants to get in our PT as his bst - cause hes 48 bst.. and he rly misses it (and ive been forcing him to play rng.. barrage is beautiful)~

    so our party will be like this....

    Rdm/Whm Blm or SMN, dont care.
    and.... our beastie~

    what would be the ideal subjob to suggest?
    Im kinda pushing him to use bard.. because my main job is bard.. and i madrigal.... but I dont really know what would be ideal~

    we already discussed and he will be meleeing of course and using jug pets (and probably not abilities unless we in a safe area for the possible AoE)..

    Suggestions? Ideas?
    any help would be greatly appriciated.
    thx in advance.
    Follow the Northern Sky -

  • #2
    BRD sub will give him a bit more CHR which really isn't useful because in a pt the mobs around will be too tough to charm anyway. He would do more melee damage with a WHM sub... You are a BRD you know how totally terrible their melee is.. He'll be able to keep up one song.. big deal.. I think there are a lot of drawbacks to this combo with little good returns.

    A couple combos to keep in mind are: WAR (Melee Damage), NIN dual wield axe with stat boosts seemed to work well for me in lower levels with BST in pt., and maybe THF or DRK?

    Basically it's unlikely with any sub BST is going to be able to effectively do anything better then call a jug pet and hit stuff with their axe - So get him decked out in STR+ ATT+ and ACC+ with a melee sub and have fun.

    Also if you decide he isn't putting out enough damage with his axe be sure to sum up his, and his pets damage for the duration of the fight

    **EDIT** Almost forgot.. if he is a BST48 he is going to know what sub is best for him better then anyone else. You will probably be best off just to let him pick what he feels best with. If it doesn't work so great he can always switch subs

    Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

    Murphy's FFXI job roles

    The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


    • #3
      thx for input ^^
      Follow the Northern Sky -


      • #4
        Suggestions? Ideas?

        You don't have any heavy hitters at all. No RNG, No DRK, No MNK yet you have a THF for the TA onto the PLD? I don't get it.

        Let the THF go to a NIN or WAR tank who needs him.

        You've got no BLM? Who's doing the burst on the SC?

        Have you looked at what lvl 3 chain you can do with that combo?

        Looks like some long, long fights are in your future unless the BST charms and even mob every fight. IF he does that the PLD can take a nap becuase the pet will be hitting harder than anyone else.

        Not to be mean, but my suggestion is to drop the THF, let the BST go duo with another BST. Fill those slots with an eye on heavy hitting and bursting magic.


        • #5
          ~ i do pretty good dmg as samurai, and though i know I havent worked it out too well.. like i said- im workin on it..

          if rdm is blm sub - can burst a little bit.. im not really too concerned.. i know its going to be a make shift pt.. but its long time game friends - were just trying to have fun.^^

          me and thf do enpi>viper
          and untill rng goes bst - piercing>enpi

          i rly dont know how were gonna make up for the dmg, but we sure r gonna try.

          hey u never know.. maybe we can trick onto the pet and drop the pld!.. roflrofl...
          Follow the Northern Sky -


          • #6
            Yeah. I'm all for a fun PT, group of buddies doing XP for fun. I just think you pretty much have to have a few things going from 50-75 to make the experience "bearable."

            If you watch lvl 60-something PTs work, good ones, it's a non stop affair. Pull, TP, Chain, Burst, Dead, Pull 4 or 5 mobs later rest a little maybe.

            Mob HP gets so high you have to do it that way pretty much or it's pull, dink, dink, chain, dink, dink, dink, chain, ok almost dead, dink, dink, dead. Pull? No out of MP and convert isn't up yet.

            That's just me though. When I play in lowbie parties (40s) as BRD and people "stop pulling" I'm inclined to leave. As a lowbie BST (50s) I duo for XP now. It's just about perfect for me.

            An added challenge for you is that your RDM is buffer, enfeebler and nuker? Normally they refresh and enfeeble/debuff and burst as a secondary (and cure, but you have WHM).

            Since you guys are all buddies, try it out to 55-60. Can't hurt. If a few people have to re-roll. Just go with them in new jobs or farm while they relevel.

            Oh one last thing. You don't have a "bone advantage" in there. So the bone exploit that is popular for many NA PTs is out. Also since you have a BST, you'll need to map out your XP spots well. It will be more of a challenge.


            • #7
              /War or /Thf subjobs would be best - they do the most damage. BST/War with melee gear is actually a decent damage dealer, add an Even Match pet and it's possibly the best damage dealer...

              Try to EXP in places where he can charm DC-EM pets - that way he can keep pace EXP-wise, as well real pets do more damage than 'fake' ones, have more HP, and can be re-used....
              Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


              • #8
                in that kind of set up I would actually recommend something like whm sub, and he could help heal with refresh and going +mp. Dark staff and he could help with heals. With a pld tank you will probably want the extra heals.
                Still trying to play way too much...
                60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
                BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
                BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

                Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
                Alksomething - 0/8


                • #9
                  I'd seriously recommending rdm and whm for bst even in a pt.

                  As a bst, I can pull anything anywhere at all. Linking is not even a concern as long as there is anything I can use to pull with.

                  But to get to the prey, I will need a sneak invis job. Because sometimes you will need it in the most out of the way place.

                  e.g. pulling anticans at lv 56 in quicksand caves with lizards

                  got lizard pet, run deep in with sneak on to get past the pld anticans, pull a rng antican, run back, sneak wore off or maybe another ant spawned on the way back (happens often), I can stay my pet, let things link, cast sneak on self outside of ranges of agro, run, heel again, run past the pop, let everything link and drag back the entire train around till my pet is close to my charm range again.

                  I release, all links cept the origional archer antican still chases me, I recharm my pet, run back to my pt, and start fighting. I usually take maybe 1 hit or none at all in the entire exchange.

                  No one outpulls a bst. Bst/rdm for fast cast probably best puller in the game period. Smn can't keep up with the kind of stragety needed. Avatars don't survive long enough to wait out the massive trains beating on it, and pops are not a smn's friend. A thf or rng would have range advantage but there's nothing they can do about links. Let the bst pull and enjoy fighting almost any mob you want. Kind of evil how well it works.

                  Also kind of sad that most bst don't even know this kind of pulling is possible. And certainly no pt I've seen can think of doing this.
                  75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                  • #10
                    a bst in a normal pt would benefit most from a WAR sub unless you were in an odd hunting area where sneak/invis pulling to a pt is useful. As long as you have a couple healers already, there's no point to having a subpar healing attacker; not having DA and berserk makes a tremendous difference in damage output as well.


                    • #11
                      my suggestion to you is, let the BST charm a even match pet as ur going to ur hunting place. near end of battle BST uses release, everyone gets full exp, then BST re charms pet after its at full HP again....its not that difficult, but make sure the bst brings along some pet food so that his pet doesnt die from all the dmg it will be taking (unless ur PLD is a good one, the pet will deal massive dmg with its specials and regular hits).

