stuck at lv 75 ; ; ive been 74 forever...and im finally decided to get around to xping the rest to 75, but just one thing. i can't seem to find a good enough place. i thougth boyadha would work, but the korrigans are packed to close together and the saplings and higher lv spiders are still tough at lv 74.
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I'm kind of stuck too, cept at 57,58,59 ish lvs.
Garliage is REALLY packed. Nothing to do there at all.
Things in CN like crawler hunters are too tough for things I can charm to kill. I supposed I can throw a bunch of bees and dragonflies at one...
Allakazham doesn't address these lvs much at all. Wondering if anyone else got any great ideas for soloing these lv's.75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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What was the problem with the Korrigans? They rule. There's only 4 of them and there's tons of safe places to pull the Goobs to. The side, near the water, the cave with the Processionaires.
And the fact that they hold agro *really* well means you can do good damage with sub NIN and chain faster. Just bring echo drops :DBST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)
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mm...i tried the procs once.. most were dc to em. the rare tough and i wanted more. the goobs tho...never tried that...and with ni...hmm, i might try it. hehe, need nin to 37 tho :p
UPDATE: Ru'Aun Gardens doesnt work >< most are dc to em, the rare tough. all birds are dc there too with the rare em at 74. is something whacked on Fairy server or something? lol...
ANOTHER UPDATE: I think i found one safe spot in Boyadha...not all that safe tho really. Also, did you put up with the 92xp with chain 3 of 120xp for 43000xp? oO;;
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Goobbues don't turn decent till 75. At 74 the lowest is Even Match. Not sure how you got 93 exp.
And yeah I put up with 130=>260exp for 43000 exp =(BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)
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ok at 74 this is what I did: at waterfall at entrance to ramuh's cloister, there are 2 skimmers and then 2 skimmers in the hallway and 1 steelshell in the hallway leading to the tower. Spend some time getting these even match (note another PT here can screw this up, but most PTs dont kill skimmers). After that you can pull gobbues, there are several on the left side and several on the right side (right side easier to pull because no korrigans).
Gobbues can be kind of hard because they hit like freight trains but it's possible to get nice chains on them at 74 (100-200 exp base). They also drop tree cuttings and wisteria lumber so it's possible to make decent gil on them. Watch out for the area silence and the directional paralyze (need plenty of pet food to cure this).
If I had ru'aun access at the time I would have probably just stayed there, seems easier. Sprinklers should give up to 160 too base which should be fine, and they are fast repop which seems nice.Still trying to play way too much...
60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|
Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
Alksomething - 0/8
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just a thought.. hav'nt tried it myself yet coz i don't have a lv74 partner yet... but probably in a couple of days, a couple of my bst friends will be 74 too...
maybe bring an even match skimmer each, and go into the deeper zone with the bark tarantulas and duo off them ? they're 75-79 , not sure of the experience value though...
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