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BST/NIN capable?

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  • BST/NIN capable?

    Hi! A question to BST:

    Is NIN a quit good sub for BST?

    As how I see it, it has many advantages against WHM. WHM sub is for healing yourself after fight, right? So when you use Utsusemi:Ichi you won't need any heal. PLease explain why my thoughts are write or wrong.

    THX in advanced


  • #2
    WHM also has a higher CHR boost, and not just healing but also enfeebs and buffs. I usually use NIN sub when I feel like joining a party. BST with dual wield axe can do as much if not more damage than your typical warrior.

    Jobs: BLM60, BRD45, WHM38, BST31, SMN18, MNK17, THF16, RDM18, NIN11, WAR14

    Murphy's FFXI job roles

    The Tank keeps the Healer alive. The Healer keeps the Tank alive. The BLM warps, THF flees when things look bad.


    • #3
      it's doable, but there's no reason to dump the whm sub for it. because your sj ninjutsu levels will be half the only thing you can use it for is dual wield and utsusemi. -ga spells will still eat you for lunch, and for what little attack speed bonus you get overall from dual wield you're trading off by not being able to keep a balance buckler on you.

      in a normal pt, it can be fine to have a nin sub, but once you're past 30 a war sub's more useful in a regular pt anyway to temporarily hold aggro for sneak-trick attacks (well, that and the fact that you can berserk, have DA, etc). In a BST pt you'll be forced to rely on oils for sneak, and you'll be more limited in assisting ptms should they get in a bind (I grouped with one in terrigan, and I'm not sure what more he accomplished... pets are our damage dealer anyway). Soloing mobs with AoEs will be a bitch as well.

      If you plan to go in as pure melee in Dynamis, then a nin sub can be useful post-74, as that'll reduce the burden of anyone healing.


      • #4
        Sometimes, BST/NIN will help you out a lot leveling, and other times it won't. Like fighting Dhamels which hit incredibly hard, but don't have any strong AOE or something that doesn't eat through blink. I was able to level in the desert with Dhamels very easily with a NIN subjob.

        However, when fighting stuff like gobs that use bombs, blink doesn't eat that, and you get hit for lots of damage and have to heal rather than cure yourself.


        • #5
          BST/NIN owned hard when I levelled 74 to 75 in The Boyada Tree on Elder Goobbues. They hit so hard (180 normals, 300 crits) that having the Utsusemi is invaluable and the fact that you have *ZERO* downtime adds to your exp/hour pool. I'm fairly sure I did 4000 exp/hour there chaining Goobbues with Mandragoras for 130=>260 exp.

          A few days ago I also soloed a few NMs with BST/NIN. Tarasque, Ose and Aquarius. It was far easier to pet change with the Ninja sub because of Utsusemi (particularly in the case of Ose, because he will do addition effect : Paralysis).

          Farming normal regular mobs just became that much less of a hassle and speeds things up (I dual wield Juggernaut with Kabrakan's Axe).

          All in all, I'm happy I levelled up my Ninja :D
          BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
          DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
          WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)



          • #6
            I like ninja sub a lot when I'm leveling on stuff that suicides (to eat damage in between pet changes) But otherwise on stuff where I actually need to melee to finish off the monster I prefer whm. But then again I don't have utsusemi: ni yet.


            • #7
              I got NIN to 30 recently and subbed it in an exp party (59BST/29NIN). Having Utsusemi is very nice just to have in case of a bind. And dual wielding axes caused me to be able to nearly keep up with the SAM's TP and I did a decent amount of damage.

              I plan on leveling SAM to 30 as well. Get a little versatility going on, and of course cap them all when that need arises.

              BST62 | WHM38 | NIN30 | WAR30 | SAM10 | BLM17 | RDM10

