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New BCNM40 3 Man fights designed against BST

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  • #16
    >< try being a blm and getting into a bcnm pty.... yah like thats gonna happen, you have alot more chance of getting into one of those then i ever will even come close to
    [Insert Signature Here]


    • #17
      3 Man BCNM40 "Royal Jelly". BLM=Damage


      • #18
        hmmm you think you could go in with 3 blm? wouldnt like 2 and a tank be better? hmm.... any 40+ blms on unicorn wanna try this one?

        hmmm well i guess i know 2 bcnm40 now, my ls brd wanted me and a mnk to do Undying promise i dont see why he needs a blm tho... and i cant find any info on this bcnm ><

        also inviting bsts into the pty i always have tryed but i always get {i'm playing solo} if any bst wants to pty with me just give me a holla
        [Insert Signature Here]


        • #19
          To Drizzt_991: Most BC60 @ Ghelsba parties (possibly other 60s too, but ghelsba is the only one I do frequently) consist of atleast 1 BLM, Sleepga II makes it painfully easy, keep your enfeeble maxed and build up a good reputation in those BCs and I can guarentee you'll get plenty of invites!

          Anyways.. I'm really tired of everyone talking about how much BSTs dominate BCNMs.

          The only BCNMs in which BST really have an easy time with are Giddeus and Pal BC40s. I fail to see how these are at all difficult (and I've done these a total of about 60 times atleast). These BCs are a joke whether you're a bst or not, get a competant bard who can keep things asleep and a healer and you'd have to make an effort to lose.

          I believe there are a total of 31 different BC battles, two of which beastmasters truely excel at.. I don't see why everyone accuses beastmasters of dominating BCNMs really.

          If any job truely dominates BCNMs it's us bards.

          ps. This isn't a flame against anyone, sorry if I went a bit off topic
          75BRD 63BST 46WHM 30WAR


          • #20
            Just for the record, there is a BCNM that revolves around Spiders I believe, I dont' remember what level, that BST dominate as well.


            • #21

              no level limit
              whm50 blm32 bst50 thf16 war15 rdm21 all other jobs unlocked but not lvled.


              • #22
                I played BST for a while, it was ridiculously easy and boring. You watch some monsters fight each other and get free items and exp. The challenging part is not falling asleep (and I'm not talking about Dreamflower). It doesn't begin to approach the difficulty of several other jobs I've played.

                Some people obviously didn't bother reading my post before ranting about it - to take only the most obvious error, I suggested eliminating the 30% penalty any time you are in a party (regardless of whether or not you have a pet), not having it apply all the time (which would be silly). Of course BST are somewhat less impressive in a party - for one thing, a party fights VT-IT mobs, not evens and toughs, but more importantly, you can't make a pet (or a succession of pets) tank for the whole party.

                Really, what kind of world are you living in where it's fair for one job to have an unlimited supply of free disposable tanks while the other 14 have to spend MP, gil or time avoiding hits or recovering from them?
                Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                • #23
                  1) playing a BST isn't necessarily "easy"... you have to do all the jobs of a PT by yourself.. plus until you get "Leave" at lvl 35, your pet is looking to turn on you at any given minute.. its a pain to say the least and requires alot of planning..

                  2) some BSTs (like myself) actually prefer PTing (whether its a regular PT or a BST PT) over strict soloing.. imo, soloing is extremely boring. even tho its a great option and somethin i greatly appreciate when no potential PTs are available, i simply enjoy the social aspects of PTing... some others will agree...

                  sure there are situations in which a solo BST can make better xp than an average PT, but sometimes its just more "fun" to just join up with another BST or join up with a regular PT and get some xp...

                  its not fair to assume that all BSTs don't "bother" with PTs...

                  3) i also would like for the 30% penalty be eliminated, but only when you're PTing with a familiar (the "leave" command takes care of the xp problem when using regular pets).. it would make it easier for BSTs to PT in areas where there are no "even match" pets..

                  but even if i swallow the 30% penalty by using broth pets in PTs, i still make up for it by having the option to go and solo once the PT breaks.. thats an option that most other job classes cant enjoy..

                  so even by having an xp penalty on BSTs with pets, there's still a sense of balance considering that we're the only soloable class. and vice versa..

                  anybody who feels "resentment" for BSTs since they can solo needs to realize that it takes quite a bit of commitment to strictly solo (and i mean absolutely no PTing. this includes BST PTs) in the later levels... not everybody can do it.. and knowing that if you can't find an "even match" or below pet, you're gonna be leveling 30% slower than everyone else in your PT (unless you wanna gimp the PT and not use a broth pet)....

                  yes.. there is indeed a bit of balance..

                  4) BSTs aren't gonna use their pets to tank for the PT.. the purpose of the pet in the PT is for damage. pure and simple. a BST (primarily with /WAR sub or maybe /NIN) who is meleeing alongside an "even match" pet (or maybe a broth pet) is going to be doing some impressive damage.. top rated damage imo...

                  other than that, our pets can make great pullers aswell...
                  66 BST/NIN
                  LS: Mischarm


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Karinya
                    I played BST for a while, it was ridiculously easy and boring. You watch some monsters fight each other and get free items and exp. The challenging part is not falling asleep (and I'm not talking about Dreamflower). It doesn't begin to approach the difficulty of several other jobs I've played.

                    Some people obviously didn't bother reading my post before ranting about it - to take only the most obvious error, I suggested eliminating the 30% penalty any time you are in a party (regardless of whether or not you have a pet), not having it apply all the time (which would be silly). Of course BST are somewhat less impressive in a party - for one thing, a party fights VT-IT mobs, not evens and toughs, but more importantly, you can't make a pet (or a succession of pets) tank for the whole party.

                    Really, what kind of world are you living in where it's fair for one job to have an unlimited supply of free disposable tanks while the other 14 have to spend MP, gil or time avoiding hits or recovering from them?

                    what level did you get bst too pls share

                    my rdm is 54 my whm is 50 my blm is 33 my bst is 56 and i can tell you bst is 100x harder than whm. its about 50% harder than a rdm that does alot in a party 100% on a rdm that plays like a whm, its about 50% if not less harder than playing blm, blms have to at least pay attention to damage and see what spells are actually doing full damage and if yoru bursting ancient magic you as blm take charge of the parties skill chains because it revolves around you and not the TP.

                    dont think people that play bst havent leveled other jobs or do level other jobs but i know for a fact you havent played bst passed 16. level 16 is the hardest level i have had still and i am level 56 so in 40 levels i still consider level 16 the most difficult and i tell people to bare through it, for that mater 11-34 are tough levels and you do alot of running around and come up with some silly shit to not have your pet rape you after so long. so please your bias bs is annoying and stupid move on hate bst and keep it to you and your friends we dont need you to bash bst on bst forums
                    whm50 blm32 bst50 thf16 war15 rdm21 all other jobs unlocked but not lvled.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Karinya
                      I played BST for a while, it was ridiculously easy and boring. You watch some monsters fight each other and get free items and exp. The challenging part is not falling asleep (and I'm not talking about Dreamflower). It doesn't begin to approach the difficulty of several other jobs I've played.

                      Some people obviously didn't bother reading my post before ranting about it - to take only the most obvious error, I suggested eliminating the 30% penalty any time you are in a party (regardless of whether or not you have a pet), not having it apply all the time (which would be silly). Of course BST are somewhat less impressive in a party - for one thing, a party fights VT-IT mobs, not evens and toughs, but more importantly, you can't make a pet (or a succession of pets) tank for the whole party.

                      Really, what kind of world are you living in where it's fair for one job to have an unlimited supply of free disposable tanks while the other 14 have to spend MP, gil or time avoiding hits or recovering from them?
                      Lmao. It's true, that it's easy to get 1000-2000 exp/hour as a BST. However if you want to level quickly, it takes quite a bit of skill to get 3000+ exp/hour (whereas in a regular party it's incredibly easy to get 4000-5000+ exp/hour, unless the party members are noobs...). I've seen some pathetic BSTs who are fighting the exact same mobs as me for EXP, yet they're 3-4 levels higher... BTW, BST are decent in parties IF theres mobs to be charmed. In Crawlers nest I partied with some people, used a Bee or Lizard as a pet, the damage was impressive.

                      The only change I would like to see, is to remove the EXP penalty when we use broth pets (keep the penalty when using mobs as pets).
                      Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


                      • #26
                        Yeah, if we have a pet in a PT, the damage is awesome. I, Taru Beastmaster with a Lizard pet, out damage SAM,DRK,MNK,WAR, and DRG easily. AF Axe, Tabar, and Pet are doing a lot more than other melee aside Ranger.

                        I like how you thought BST was easy though. Please, play it some more. I want to see you do it so easy.


                        • #27
                          To Karinya: Not to flame, I just disagree with what you have written. Nothing against you personally, just some of the arguements you have brought forward.

                          "I played BST for a while, it was ridiculously easy and boring." Wow, someone that claims to have actually played beastmaster and says it's easy.. that's honestly the first time I've heard that. I don't know a single person who actively plays BST that feels it's in anyway an easy job (atleast not in comparison to any other class in FFXI). As for it being boring, I'm sorry you don't enjoy the job, but many of us do which is why we play it.

                          "You watch some monsters fight each other and get free items and exp." Basically what everyone who hasn't played the job seem to think beastmasters are all about. I'm sure anyone that's played the job can tell you, it's far from the truth. As a beastmaster I work hard for my exp, we don't just sit there and watch two monsters duke it out then claim the rewards at the end. I honestly fail to believe you've played beastmaster AT ALL if this is what you think of the job. Maybe you levelled a summoner to level 5 and mistook it for a beastmaster?

                          "Why would BST join a party when they can solo for more exp *and* more drops?" If beastmasters are getting more experience than you, you seriously need to find better parties. In good parties I can top 4k/hr on my bard, I'd be lucky to make 2k/hr on my beastmaster. Then ontop of that is the deaths. I've died at most 5 times in exp parties on my bard total. For many beastmasters I've talked to, this many deaths a day is common. In a party situation having to release and return to HP is also very rare, while sadly I've grown quite acustomed to do doing it on my beastmaster. As far as the drops go, sure we get all the drops it's one of the perks about soloing I love; are you implying that this somehow overpowers our class?

                          "But a certain nasty type of personality is drawn to an antisocial and overpowered job, and the fact is that the job as it currently exists encourages bad blood between BSTs and everybody else." I'm not even sure how to respond to this. I think this is the single dumbest thing ever written on this forums. Any 'bad blood' between beastmasters and the rest of the FF community is due to the lack of understanding of how the beastmaster job actually works -- and I think your posts are a perfect example of this. I've met players in their late 60s who hold to their belief that inviting a beastmaster to an exp party will cut everyones exp by 30% (Thank you Brady Games!). Then we have the even more ignorant players ranting beastmasters are overpowered. If beastmasters were overpowered, you'd see a lot more of us around. Try do a /sea all bst during normal EN playing times; Fenrir rarely has over 30 beastmasters during prime North American playing hours, and many of those are still JP.

                          "When was the last time you saw a BST looking for party? Why would they bother?" When was the last time you tried to invite a bst to a party? I've personally never turned down a party offer, and I have lfg up almost full time while I play. Guess how many party invites I've recieved? One. In 55 levels, I have received ONE party invite. I don't complain about that though, I knew this to be a consequence of playing as a beastmaster. In a way it might even be fair, at the price of being able to solo we're almost forced to solo.

                          "Really, what kind of world are you living in where it's fair for one job to have an unlimited supply of free disposable tanks while the other 14 have to spend MP, gil or time avoiding hits or recovering from them?" Beastmasters spend mp, gil and time dealing with damage done every fight actually. MP, why do you think almost all beastmasters opt for a WHM or RDM sub? Gil, broths and pet food aren't cheap. Time? In many situations beastmasters can keep killing constantly, but we take the time during the actual fights. You'll rarely see a chain #5 while soloing as a beastmaster (except if you get lucky with suiciding monsters) due to the speed at which you're killing. An exp party which can't chain #5, or atleast #4, on the other hand is quite a sad thing indeed. That's like saying NIN should be nerfed because they almost completley avoid being hit at all? (NOTE: I don't feel NINs are in anyway overpowered or deserve a nerf! XD)

                          "The more threads I see in this forum, the more I doubt that a "solo job" can really exist in the same world as the other 14 in a balanced way." The only challenge I see to our co-existence is people like yourself who seemingly know nothing about the job.

                          Basically, you want to turn BST into another damage dealing class, as if there aren't enough already. What makes the job appeal to many people who play it is the very fact we can solo. Not all people have flexible enough schedules to be able to play conventional jobs. Not everyone can dedicate 6 hours at a time to level with a party.

                          To brandan12: I wasn't aware of this, thanks for the info! My bst being enly 55 I haven't quite reached the point where I can take the higher BCNMs, but I certainly look forward to it! Though I think my point still stands, 3 of 31 isn't very many still.

                          Sorry this post turned into a bit of a novel, I blame it on FF withdrawl >.<
                          75BRD 63BST 46WHM 30WAR


                          • #28
                            I played BST for a while, it was ridiculously easy and boring. You watch some monsters fight each other and get free items and exp. The challenging part is not falling asleep (and I'm not talking about Dreamflower). It doesn't begin to approach the difficulty of several other jobs I've played.
                            This undoubtedly ranks up there as one of the single stupidest statements I have ever seen made in any FFXI job forum. Exactly just how long did you play BST? What level did you reach?

                            I can deduce from your past posts that you obviously never made it to level 23 because you had absolutely no clue as to the effectiveness of jug pets.

                            I can also deduce that you probably never even made it to level 12 as you once again were ignorant in regards to another basic BST ability, namely the reward ability having a substantial reuse timer.

                            So please, do further enlighten us on your l337 experience as a BST. Some of the statements you have made in this and another thread are so out there, that personally I question whether you have even completed the BST flag quest, let alone played the job for any length of time.


                            • #29
                              im starting to wish i had my mod powers back ><


                              • #30

                                Karinya's a troll. At the rate she's trolling false information/accusations I begin to wonder if she plays this game, and if she does, if she is truly a rdm of the level that her info suggests. The problem with blind accusations and misinformation is that eventually people will stop believing anything you say.


