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New BCNM40 3 Man fights designed against BST

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  • New BCNM40 3 Man fights designed against BST

    As you might have noticed, there are new 3 member BCNM40 fights. Well hey, another bcnm40 has to be good, but no.

    I pretty much assume based on what these mobs are, that SE designed them, so that BST play no factor in them whatso ever. Here is a list of the new fight mobs from Mysterytour.


    Holaris Peak:
    Sobbing Eyes Hecteyes Special Attack / Firaga / Bindga
    Compound Eyes×2 Hecteyes Special Attack / Fire II / Drain

    Wauhgoon Shrine:
    Queen Jelly Slime Special Attack /
    Princess Jelly ×8 Slime Special Attack /

    Balgas Dias:
    Opo-opo Monarch Opo-opo Special attack /
    Opo-opo Heir Opo-opo Special attack /
    Myrmidon Spo-spo Opo-opo Special attack /
    Myrmidon Apu-apu Opo-opo Special attack /
    Myrmidon Epa-epa Opo-opo Special attack /

    Qu Bia Arena:
    Ghul-I-Beaban (DRK) x2 Skeleton Special Attack / Fire / Thunder / Absorb Magic
    Ghul-I-Beaban (BLM) x3 Skeleton Special Attack / Firaga / Blizzaga / Fire II / Blizzard II

    Hecteyes, Jellys, Opo, and Skeletons??? C'mon...

    It's obvious that SE is mad that BST using BCNM as a money making tool isn't incredibly tough, and want to make it a lot more difficult.

  • #2
    Maybe SE should ask themsevles how often BST get invited into regular PTs?

    Geezus, let us excel in SOMETHING.


    • #3
      .....3/4 of those are charmable............i dont get it, they will be easy to charm with the right equip.


      • #4
        They are tough charms... and the mobs that are in normal bcnm40 are very difficult charms...

        Which means it's going to be very lucky to get a charm off first try.


        • #5
          I don't think they are designed to specifically stop the bst domination of BCNM 40. Most likely they are simply designed to be very challenging as a majority of class combinations will have difficulty defeating these mobs with only three members. As it is the majority of 6 class combinations have difficulty with the normal BCNM 40 with successsful parties primarily relying on bsts and rngs.



          • #6
   have a "very difficult" time charming the 40 mobs? some CHR gear? lol, i only ever really fail the first 1-2 first charms, if any at all.


            • #7
              Yeah, I'm sure that a Signa, Corsette +1, 2 Hope Rings, Nobles Hairpin, and Beast Whistle isn't enough...


              • #8
                Maybe this is intended as a counterweight to the many existing BCNMs that are (reportedly) a cakewalk for BST and (I know this part from experience) very difficult for anything else?

                That is, if it's even that difficult for them. OK, the undead one (and possibly also the hound, weapon, and demon BNCMs) aren't going to let BSTs totally abuse them and turn half the "boss" monsters into their new extra tanks (although they can of course still fight fair like anyone else, but who wants to do that?). And the manticore, he stands alone so there is nobody to charm. But the rest are still fair game.

                The shorter charm and assault ranges some people have reported are an acknowledged bug that will be fixed in an upcoming patch, so you won't have to worry about risking being aggroed at any time during the BCNM.
                Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Karinya
                  But the rest are still fair game.
                  In all the new BCs, all the monsters in there are reported uncharmable (as in not missing charms, but charms ended up being "bind" effects). This includes the cactaurs, opo-opos (well, only one out of 3 weaker ones are charmable), gazers, crabs etc that are supposed to be charmable.


                  • #10
                    Well, if they make that retroactive to cover all monsters in BCNM, BST will have to fight like any other job. Which is pretty damn tough, I admit - but I'm not saying that with any particular sympathy.

                    The more threads I see in this forum, the more I doubt that a "solo job" can really exist in the same world as the other 14 in a balanced way. The ability to have your pets tank for you is way beyond anything any other job gets. Why would BST join a party when they can solo for more exp *and* more drops? Why would anyone fight a BCNM fairly when they can turn half the enemies into expendable tanks instead?

                    Change the exp penalty for having a pet so that it only applies when soloing, or better yet, remove it entirely (it's not really a good way to balance the overall overpoweredness of bst because it's too easy to get around). Make the assault command give significant hate to the BST so he can't just rest through the whole fight. Give pets less enmity so either the BST has to tank while the pet deals most of the damage, or the monster flip-flops between BST and pet (this means BST will have some downtime when soloing, but a BST and EM pet will still easily trash an EM monster). Reduce the timer of the call beast and reward abilities so they will be more useful and thus it will be possible to develop tactics based on keeping your pet alive (since it doesn't nerf your exp anymore anyway). Allow release to work on broth pets (and have them be non-aggro) so that a BST using a broth pet still has the option of releasing to emergency charm an add, and pick the pet back up after the situation is resolved. (They could also release pets to let them heal, but it would be kinda slow compared to the "new" reward).

                    The net effect will be that BST now have some reasons to join parties because they can no longer rely on the pet taking 90-100% of the damage for free. I don't think you have to worry much about making BST too weak - in a party they can go berserk and deal good damage without themselves or their pets getting hate, shorter reward timer will allow them to keep pets alive through AOEs and axes have great SC versatility and some nice damage WS too. In fact BST/WAR and BST/NIN (dual axes, it's not really any better than going berserk but it looks cool) are already good damagers even without some of the improvements mentioned above (everything I said in the above paragraph is either irrelevant or an improvement in a PT situation).

                    I doubt if SE will overhaul bst like this anytime soon - but they should. A job that is designed to solo all the time is *designed* to work against everyone else on the server (or at least in the area). A job that can solo EM-T reliably generates tremendous resentment from 14 jobs that can barely (if at all) beat EP. And a job that uses up more monsters solo than two full exp parties is just a bad idea in a game where monsters of the "right" types and/or levels are often a limited resource.

                    I don't want to hate BSTs. I'd like to work with them and not against them. But a certain nasty type of personality is drawn to an antisocial and overpowered job, and the fact is that the job as it currently exists encourages bad blood between BSTs and everybody else. When was the last time you saw a BST looking for party? Why would they bother?
                    Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                    RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                    All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                    • #11
                      to the rdm that just replied to this post -
                      that is the biggest bunch of bullshit i've ever heard

                      You obviously have no expirience with beastmaster, and obivoulsy not much partying either.


                      • #12
                        Hey Karinya, if what you said was true, you think you'd invited me when my BST was your level and had my seek up?


                        • #13
                          All I have to say is this... If you're tired of the usual party setup and want a change of pace, try out bst.

                          I'm only estimating, but I'd say that less than half of the people who have bst leveled play it as their main job. In other words, it's nice that SE has this job around, it's a good balance to the other jobs, not some overpowered superjob.
                          war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


                          • #14
                            Sorry.. but most of what karinya is suggesting is absolutely rediculous. I suggest she Lvs beastmaster to 75 and see then if she still thinks its an overpowered superjob. Err even better i suggest she invites a beastmaster to her party to see how "overpowered" they are.

                            Really... losing 30% exp no matter what?? wtf?
                            ... not being able to have a beast 100% of the time?? are you kidding me?
                            ... The BST actually TANKING for the BEAST??? this is by far the stupidest thing she wrote.
                            ... Reducing the timer of call beast. - I guess you are suggesting that the beasts that are called will die a lot. I don't think she realizes how much some pets cost
                            ...bst having down time while soloing. - She acts like BST has chain 5s from 1-75.
                            ... releasing broth pets. - this is just asking for trouble
                            ... axes having nice dmg when a bst holds it. - Possible. If the best goes all out ACC+ STR+ and ATTK+ items trashing all the CHR+ items it has. Which would mean charming mobs for a bst almost impossible. But if it was up this mithra RDM she wouldnt have BST charm at all. BST have a "C" in STR and a "C" in DEX. "C" in VIT and AGI. Not exactly built for meleeing now is it?
                            ..."I doubt that SE would overhaul bst any time soon... but they should". - Very bold statement. Like SE has any obligation to you at all. Someone who knows absolutely nothing about how PTs most efficeitnly kill mobs and the difficulty of soloing.

                            In conclusion, Karinya is probably another EXP robot following her PTs around everywhere they go not exactly knowing why they go places or why they invite certian jobs they do. She thinks a job , even though it requires just as much skill as the hardest jobs to play in this game, with the ability to gain levels solo shouldn't be aloud in the game. And somehow that it makes it over powered. Karinya - learn the game before you make recommendations to change it.


                            • #15
                              *does the robot*

                              Seriously though, I joined the world of Beastmaster for a challenge. My DRK Rocketed to 51, was not exactly fun. This job has been a challange thus far, and I've heard that it get even more hairy the higher you get, sounds exciting.

                              Anyway, back to my original reason for posting. It kinda cheeses me when I see people wander around and talk down massivly about jobs they probably know nothing about... this is not directed towards anyone Karinya. I find that I will not say anything about another job unless I have leveled it high enough were I can make an assumption of my own.

                              Except for THF :angel: I always talk... uhm... nice about them :sweat: *turns around just before the THF tries to SA* muahaha *boot to the head*

                              This kinda goes the same for people that stand around in jeuno and listen to all the higher levels opinions about other jobs, then go blabbering some 2 cents made of chocolate to other people.
                              When you're born, you're given a free ticket to the freak show.

                              Rank 5

                              Wickedsteel - 35 DRK; 27 BST; 10 WHM; 12 NIN; 31 WAR

                              Sathia (retired) - 51 DRK; 32 WAR; 28 SAM; 25 WHM; 16 THF; 9 BLM; 2 RDM (lol)

