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BST70 vs Maat? What could happen?

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  • BST70 vs Maat? What could happen?

    K, the first reason I wanted to play BST is because I thought it would be the easiest job to play against Maat. I mean, all I would do, it call a pet, and melee Maat.

    But, the thing is, is that the case? I mean, will Maat have a pet as well? Will he be able to call multiple pets?

    Has anyone done this? And can anyone give me an idea on what I should expect when I get there.

  • #2
    check the other vs maat threads in this board.

    but basics from what I read is this:

    maat has a pet too

    he can resummon pets

    Victory condition might be to make him resummon a pet 3 times

    Maat is hard to fight as a bst but no worst than other jobs I guess

    I don't think there is an "easy maat" fight. It was designed to be hard regardless of the job. Personally from just reading. I think brd might be easiest to do maat. All singing and high potion spam anyway.
    75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


    • #3
      hehe bard wasn't easy

      took me 3 tries and took friends of mine more...

      I'm told whm is really easy as you just have to heal yourself.


      • #4
        WAR is the EASIEST they Win him in Seconds, SEconds!

        Mine took 3 tries but , its really easy if u know what you are doing.

        I used Starrealms strategy, she posted a few months ago.

        Ogre Gear and Carapace gear (for + HP and defense)
        Opo necklace, Defense rings, Some accuracy gears.

        10 Hi potions, 1 Icarus Wings, 8 sleeping potions, 1 Panzer Gallad pet, 1 Safety pet of choice, 1 Pet food Epsillion.

        1) As soon as u get in battle summon Pet
        2) Use sleeping potions(all 8) while Opo necklace equiped until 200% TP dont worry about the time, just do this as fast as possible.
        3) Send Pet Against Maat, use Sic
        4) Rampage Pet, and it dies
        5) Fight maat, he will eventually summon another pet
        6) Fight second pet,Use icarus wing, rampage second pet, it dies, use High potions
        7) Fight maat, Feed pet epsilon(recovers 400HP)
        8) Just keep fighting maat he should be almost dead by now and he may sumon another pet but by then you should have enough for another rampage so keep atacking him. Rampage, or summon new pet if needed.

        Leatha Crafta Masta
        Leathercraft 100+3
        Smithing 60
        Clothcraft 60
        [img][/i mg]


        • #5
          so da panzer can suck up all the damage from maat and tank the whole time? Just have to tank the pet for a bit during rampage?

          Would you ever have to tank maat and are the high potions just there for safety?

          Panzer i heard is pretty buff but I haven't ever seen him in action. How well does he stack up to carrier?

          I've only really seen ppl use carriers everywhere. I wonder if he's buffer or just cheaper to use in general. I'm debating if I should go to 100 woodworking or dump all my points into 100 cooking.
          75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


          • #6
            PG is stronger, only reason people don't use him is because no one makes it.. I make them myself and it's like 2500g a pop HQ or not =\. heheh I'll probably be using PG for Kirin this weekend though XDDD.

            Id probably go woodworking Sudo.. but that takes a lot of time and money, but since your a BST I don't think that would be a problem =X


            • #7
              lol, PG is spammed on Fairy for 10k a jug.... oO


              • #8
                (>_<) orz go make some and sell it!


                • #9
                  lol good idea stephen. I'll get cooking to 60 and crank on woodworking till cows come home.

                  Too bad I can't get cool glasses like bone/cloth/gold
                  or a better looking apron like alchemy...

                  Anyone know a way to get cheap chestnut lumber?

                  Also, as an aside, how often can I expect to get a carrier with just 60 in cooking? I might get a chef hat if that'd help with HQ. Would paying for advance synth give more HQ stuff?

                  I haven't really paid attention to HQ synths so far. Got cooking to 30 and only had 1 HQ mushroom made ever and that was with no synth support.
                  75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                  • #10
                    I heard it was really hard to HQ CC =\ at level 77 or something or maybe he was just having a bad time trying to HQ it!


                    • #11
                      I just got cooking to 50 for Epsilon biscuts, and next I'm going to focus on Alchemy. Potions can be helpful to a BST.

                      Hmmm, and I could make Sun Water...

                      BST62 | WHM38 | NIN30 | WAR30 | SAM10 | BLM17 | RDM10


                      • #12
                        Panzer Galahad is really bloody expensive on Ragnarok. If it's even for sale..

                        Try.. 15k for one, not even a stack. :[


                        • #13
                          Panzer Galahad is pretty cheap on Pandemonium. I bought a stack for 72k as there weren't any for sale in singles.

                          As for the Maat fight, fought him tonight 2nd time around (1st time around lost because I forgot to eat a mithkabob and couldn't 1 shot Maat's pet dead) and won pretty easily. Used 1 potion and Panzer Galahad was at 40% when Maat gave up.

                          Basically used the strat posted above except you don't need 200% TP at the start. 100% TP was sufficient to 1 shot the first pet.

                          I had full Thick armor set and a Hauberk with an ATK of around 400 when I ate the mithkabob. Fun fight, especially when I got howling fisted for 400 >_<
                          BST 75 (Active) | BRD 75 (Active)
                          DRG 63 (Retired) | BLM 55 (Semi)
                          WHM 37 (Support) | NIN 37 (Support)



                          • #14
                            Yea, well, i figure most BST dont have Hauberk, etc and dont have 400 atk so i wanted 200%TP to be safe.

                            I took a more defensive then offensive approach(i ate fish mithkabobs also), but either works well. Congradulations :D
                            Leatha Crafta Masta
                            Leathercraft 100+3
                            Smithing 60
                            Clothcraft 60
                            [img][/i mg]

