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BST LS on Ramuh

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  • BST LS on Ramuh

    i was wondering if there was any BST LS (NA) on Ramuh.
    If there is one, i would like to join. If not, I would like to start one.

    I plan to make LS as guide to some new BSTs as a start but ultimately, I want BST LS for doing various different things such as BCNM, farming HNM those can be done by some BSTs.
    Heck even doing mission, genkai, af possible

    /tell Strade
    if you are on Ramuh and interested or just
    reply to this topic

  • #2
    I am in. You know me Strade

    I have another member too. We both started Bst today.
    ********* Guilds Level *********
    (>o_o)> Lu Shang Obtained 8/8/2004 <(o_o<)

    Fishing 72.8, Cook 74, Woodworking 60, Leather 35 . Clothcraft 22, Smith 34, alchemy 84.2, Goldsmith 30
    ************ Jobs ************
    Ranger 60, Ninja 37, Rdm 57, Blm 32, Thf 20, War 18

    Current Gil .... 700,000, 25-40k per hour. ~ Eurytos Bow ~ 5.2M


    • #3
      ok. i got some other BST as well like lvl 16 or so
      I will get some LS pearl sometime soon


      • #4
        33 BST here

        I'd like to join. I'm working on getting to 34 at the moment, but I'd love to help out in any way I can.

        Plus I've been trying to find other BSTs to do BCNMs with once I get to 40+. Count me in.

        Carth - Ramuh - 33 BST/39 BRD/30 WHM/some other less important jobs


        • #5
          Hey Straden, did you started the ls yet?, if so I'd like to grab a pearl someday. Might be cool to do some activities with other BST ^^


          • #6
            same here id like to grab a pearl with my old char in ramuh D:


            • #7
              I bought Lshell, but i haven't received much responses from sufficient number of Bsts to get start and do anything.
              So far, there maybe 3 or 4 Bsts including me , and some of most of them are not Bsts main ><. it seems only me are going main BST path.


              • #8
                BST isn't my main unfortunatly, but still managed to get it to lvl 45 now, and planning on getting it much higer.

                I'm not planning on being in this LS all the time, but msot time I'll play BST I'll get on ^^


                • #9
                  Been leveling Bard

                  I've been leveling bard, but I switch back to BST all the time. I'm at 35.. nearly 36 now. Send me a tell if you want to get this all set up.


