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Broth pet caps...

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  • Broth pet caps...

    anyone figured out all the level caps for the broths yet? if so, can u post some of them here?...

    i'd personally like to know what the cap is for the Carrion Broth (lizardfamilar) since i have a crapload of those in my mog house...
    66 BST/NIN
    LS: Mischarm

  • #2
    from what i have seen myself:

    FunguarFamiliar is around 65
    CourrierCarrier 71 and still going strong
    Panzer Ghalad 71 and still going strong

    sorry, only three ive tested so far ; ; need to get my hands on some Alchemist Water


    • #3
      Just curious whats the criteria you're testing?
      Would like to find some ways to check on my own.


      • #4
        Probably how well the broth does against an even match or tough.


        • #5
          simple, you summon a broth at say lv 65. let it take like 200HP then do <pethpp> to see how much % of HP your pet has left. Then you compare that to say lv 66 summoned broth and so on. I just noticed it wth Funguar...i tihnk i use him too much ; ;


          • #6
            what type of familiar is Panzer Ghalad?...
            66 BST/NIN
            LS: Mischarm


            • #7


              • #8
                Couldn't you work out their hp? If you do a <pethpp> before you use Reward, then check again after, you could work out how much you healed him by. The diffierence in % would let you do a calculation based on the amount healed. ;x

                A lvl 40, lvl 50, lvl 65, and lvl 70 bst, etc could do this (if you had enough bst friends) and get some interesting results.

                Pick a pet and all use the same pet food to reward (wearing no enhance reward equipment).


                • #9
                  omg, people underestimate Panzer!! I took him in with me on my Maat fight, once my Panzer had died Maat was at 1/4 HP and all I did was Rampage 350 dmg on him without a Icarus Wing to win, soooo easy with Panzer oO


                  • #10
                    Cool, thx for that tip Keftenk!

                    I've not used the beetlefamiliar once. :x Partially due to the fact I can't cook it, hehe.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, PG is strong if your in my server and your going to fight Maat i'l make you FREE! PanzerGalahads =P just coz I know how hard and tough it was for me to beat Maat with weak pets =\.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by overflow
                        Yeah, PG is strong if your in my server and your going to fight Maat i'l make you FREE! PanzerGalahads =P just coz I know how hard and tough it was for me to beat Maat with weak pets =\.
                        how many tree saps are made with the chestnut log + maple syrup + thunder crystal recipe? and how many panzers? thx

                        whm61 | blm31 | thf60 | bst35


                        • #13
                          2 Tree saps , 1 Panzer Galahad it's pretty ripped off =\


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by overflow
                            Yeah, PG is strong if your in my server and your going to fight Maat i'l make you FREE! PanzerGalahads =P just coz I know how hard and tough it was for me to beat Maat with weak pets =\.
                            OMG! I'm remembering that when I'm 70! :3

                            BST62 | WHM38 | NIN30 | WAR30 | SAM10 | BLM17 | RDM10


                            • #15
                              lol =D

