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Combat & charm equipments?

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  • Combat & charm equipments?

    Have been away on the game for a while. I'm thinking of taking a break off of my Ninja due to unexpected costs (Arghhhh.). While I'm off trying to find a new way to make gil, thought I'd give Bst a try just for the heck of it.

    I'm just being curious, but for the bst's in this forum, do you have equipments for both charming and fighting? I've heard that higher bsts usually have 2 sets of equipments, one for charming and other for fighting, but unfortunately, all of those high lvl bsts in my server are Japanese, and are usually too busy to ask. Most of them I see carry Hauberk or Byrnie sets (+ thick I think? Looked like it...) and some Scythe.

    "Close the world, open the nExt. - Serial Experiments Lain

  • #2
    Many do, but it's not really necessary. I'm too lazy to do it anymore myself, and have just spent extra on getting items that help both areas
    60 PLD, 31 WAR, 25 RDM, 17 THF, 65 BST, 13 MNK, 20 BLM, 32 WHM, 6 NIN...

    PLD AF: 100% Completed!
    BST AF: 100% Completed!

    Advanced Jobs needed: DRK, DRG, SMN ;_;


    • #3
      My charm macro is...
      //switch to all my +CHR stuff

      My attack macro is...
      //switch to all my +DEX and +evasion stuff


      • #4
        i'm lv 45 and i have a set of fighting a set of charming

        charming set:
        -monster signa
        -noble ribbon
        -bird whistle (it's the lv 15 neck)

        fighting set:
        -AF1 axe / shield
        -frostreaper scythe
        -emp pin
        -neck piece +3dex -6mnd (forgot the name)

        and my stuff that i don't switch is:
        -astral ring
        -hope ring
        -coressette +1
        -all RSE (to lazy to get new armor)

        hope that helps and the marco is:
        /equip head "Noble Ribbon:
        /equip neck " "
        and so on...


        • #5
          I kinda go over the line a little bit, but here's what I switch:

          Charming gear
          main: Monster Signa
          head: Noble's Ribbon
          neck: Bird Whistle
          rings: Moon Ring x2 (when I buy #2)
          waist: Corsette +1

          Fighting gear
          main: Mythril Pick +1 / Demonslicer (when I buy it)
          sub: Balance Buckler
          head: Valkyrie's Mask
          neck: Tiger Stole
          rings: Tamer's Ring/Fluorite Ring
          waist: Life Belt

          The stuff that I don't switch is this:

          ears: Beetle +1 (Spikes when I buy them)
          body: Royal Knight's Chainmail? (lvl 55 sandy cq)
          hands: Beast Gloves
          legs: Wonder Braccae (taru rse)
          back: Wolf +1
          feet: Beast Gaiters

          So yeah, I switch a WHOLE lot, and loose A LOT of tp. I have my neck piece tagged on to my charm macro, so that after charm hits, I equip the tiger stole. This works well, but is annoying as hell if I need to use charm a lot. I miss uhh, an abnormal amount of charms, it's kind of absurd actually. I plan on buying myself a dark staff, demonslicer, spike ears, a second moon ring, the ex cq mantle once I get rank 6, and an amemit mantle. I already have a wrath tabar and uh the level 59 axe too. So yeah I need about... 700kish in equipment before I'm happy and sitting at level 61. yikes.
          war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


          • #6
            if you're starting to feel like you're missing too many charms, it's time to up CHR. in the lower levels you won't be missing much, so you might as well not bother.

            I don't have my chr equip on the same line as the charm itself; i could, but i'm already not switching everything with 6 lines.

            What switches:

            corsette (NQ)
            BST trousers
            noble ribbon

            dex: (attack)
            dex+2 rings *2
            RK helm
            RK pants
            spiked necklace
            Life belt

            Reward macro:
            AF body piece (normally RK body)

            that thing that unaggros mobs:
            AF headpiece

            MP healing:
            Dark staff
            Electram rings*2
            Electram hairpin

            Later on, you do want signas and such, but even at my level it's doable without it. If I need a CHR weapon I usually grab my shellbuster.


            • #7
              I have 4 macros, one for fighting with emphasis on MP, one for charming with emphasis on MP, and my 2 main ones which is pure fighting and pure charming.

