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bst hopes dashed.......the big boys?

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  • #31
    yeah also while fighting KB you need to keep him winged and running around at all times if I had fraps id record a clip =\ but KB is a pretty busy fight! think our best record was we killed him in less than 1 hour W/O a SUMMONER!


    • #32
      stephen rules

      thanks stephen!!! im really excited about beastmaster now!! .....just 5 more levels and im there hehe
      cant wait to get there......thanks again for the replies stephen


      • #33
        It's just a game take it easy! or Take it out of your life!

        From Sudo
        People take this game so seriously. It's just a game. You can't put down "I beat Kirin" on your job resume.
        Hehe quite original way to explain your point made me laugh and smile!

        And I completly Agree! It's just a Game peoples! Enjoy and have fun! If it no more fun for you : STOP to play and STOP TO WHINE!
        Fenchy Canuck who Rock On in Hong Kong!
        " Take life with a smile for we're not getting out of it ALIVE! "
        Matt: Lv up for New Abiltity "Cantonese Language"


        • #34
          Re: stephen rules

          Originally posted by Takaida
          thanks stephen!!! im really excited about beastmaster now!! .....just 5 more levels and im there hehe
          cant wait to get there......thanks again for the replies stephen
          no problem anytime =)


          • #35
            Uploaded a very short and fast Nidhogg clip =x

            Which is one of the stronest HNM's in game

            Nidhogg Clip

            If you guys have problem d/ling acessing the clip just PM me the clip is in FastForward mode so you gotta keep pressing pause and play or find a program to slow it down^^ see


            • #36
              Hi Stephen ^^ Nice to see you again!
              (^^^^ is the reason I want to become a BST)

              Once I get Black Mage to 60(with three genkeis done) I am leveling BST to 60. After that I will play both to 65 and then 70, ect.

              Anyway, Stephen do you know of any BST LSes in Midgardsormr?

              Also... what level is it possible to solo any NM or even HNM that gives good drop/gil that with another job you could not solo?


              • #37
                gobsavior heronex drops 6k gil and gob armor and helm and gold beast coin pretty much every single time I kill it.

                10 min work = 6 + 2 (armor and helm) +8 (beast coin) = 16k

                Also I am a firm believer that mobs in general do not need TP of any kind to do their specials. The subtle blow thing was just there for ballesta. The frequency of mob special attacks simply does not relate to their TP at the time. I've had leech pet suck TP for 245% and the mob still did a special like 10 seconds later.

                I'm pretty sure monsters operate on timers and life remaining and not on TP.

                I for one have also not noticed any difference what so ever in less or more monster weapon skills since before and after the subtle blow thing's been put in.
                75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                • #38
                  isn't there another gob nm in labrynth of onzo? for moldivite earring or something? Is he bst soloable?
                  75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                  • #39
                    yes, use the leeches or mushushu's in the area, pretty easy. just hope he doesn't Rapid Cast you when your pet dies, lol. else ur hurts being Rapid Cast+Freeze+Fire III+Stone III......killed me ; ;


                    • #40
                      Yes, there is another Gob NM in LOO. It can be solo'ed also by using Torama pets =P

                      Bloodredpoet there is a bst ls but there aren't much NA's in it. There is also a BST LS all JP around lvl 60-75 called Sankakibou try talking to Whiteillnes.

