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bst hopes dashed.......the big boys?

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  • #16
    HNMs are hunted for their drops, and perhaps some bragging rights if the person thinks it's worth anything; as far as I know they're not a key element in any mission (quests, maybe; monks' black belt quest requires a ex-rare drop from a HNM). And in the case of non-BC missions where alliances are possible, there's 12~18 people pouncing at a mob anyway.

    You may also want to look at the non-extreme parts of things. While you may not be the star player in a HNM battle should you have the chance to participate, if you're not one of the kids that have way too much time on their hands the chance to take on a HNM might not arrive anyway. BSTs have a tremendous amount of potential to complete quests solo that would otherwise take multiple members (or someone of a much higher level); I'd very much like to see another job solo Ahtu or Lich C Magnus in their middle to late 50's. With the ability to charm mobs, the danger of sneaks wearing off are considerably smaller for us as well, allowing for easier wandering around in unfamiliar areas.

    And hey, if I ever happen to get 50,000hrs of free time to do jack shit and then had a hankering to fight a HNM, I could always a) find the hookups with whatever job I have then, or b) find the hookups after I level something like a blm (which is stuck at 23 for now since I don't give a hoot about it).


    • #17
      ya the whole thing with HNM battles is all about who you know and a lot less than what you are.

      If you are pals with the HNMLS or are the leader of one yourself, you can always tag along so you get the title and thus the bragging rights.

      People take this game so seriously. It's just a game. You can't put down "I beat Kirin" on your job resume.

      By defeating king behemoth, you aren't putting food on the table.

      And most gf's aren't impressed that you and your buddies spent the last 8 hrs beating on a HNM for an earring.

      Enjoy the game. Play the game.
      This is not a job.
      75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


      • #18
        hey sudo how hard is to lvl up bst since your a taru?


        • #19
          it's pretty hard but not that much harder than any other race I'm guessing.

          I spent a lot on eq so I think I do ok. The extra MP doesn't help very much since curing in mid battle is hate and also prevents me from hitting it so I really wish I had more HP. RSE will help this out I think. Going to wear the gloves and shoes and maybe the pants but probably saving the chain hose cause I like defence too.

          On the + side, I hit rather like a pre pubecent school girl with a dental instrument so I think I can melee alongside my pet a bit better but I don't really think it matters too much. Agro control is still pretty shakey to slim to none and I get hit alot.

          Probably going to take advantage of taru agi and try my hand at extra evasion but them low HP's do hurt. Still have not had a low life agro yet though so that's good.

          I'm doing around 1000 exp/hr at like 25-27. (ya kind of crappy but there has been a surge of bst on my server and I waste a lot of time finding a spot to lv on) Fluxes when I die though. If it wasn't so my AF looks so much cuter than any other race, I might have thrown in the towel weeks ago
          75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


          • #20
            The only time I noticed a difference btwn a TAR and ELV bst was vs knight anticans and other high-def mobs; as a TAR you're not able to penetrate the defense of those mobs as well. With the seeming switch in ways pet TP's calculated it's not practical to try and store a pet's TP for the next fight anyway (since most of it'll be eaten away by the healing period), so there's no danger of insta-death from deathscissors/darkspore/sickleslash/etc either.


            • #21
              lol aggred taru BST= god-like


              • #22
                yea, on the HNM fights i dont care if im not the MVP or star player. i really dont care wether i do ass loads of dam or not, just to be there and do it would be a fun experience i think. i am playing th game for fun like sudo, i just want to be able to get taht slot when and if i ever reach those lvls. so yea, thinking that it will work out ok from what people have said. and thanks for all of the replies......


                • #23
                  I hit rather like a pre pubecent school girl with a dental instrument
                  This made my day... too funny.


                  • #24
                    OKAY!! Here is a real experianced input on BST on HNM's NM's

                    Your a good BST when you always buy Courrier Carrie I dish out 15k-30k on Major HNM's like King Behemoth , Nidhogg , Sky Gods.
                    Why spend so much?? Well honestly YOUR PETS ARE THE KEY!!
                    Yeah that's right my woodworking is lvl 77 and I would make a jug pet called Panzer Galahad this guy owns King Behemoth and Nidhogg anyday but it is costly.

                    BST's aren't popular much because nobody knows their full potential, for example King Behemoth right? You can sick a pet at King Behemoth, YOUR PET IS THE ONLY ONE ENGAGED, because if any other PC enganges it they are toasted.. so compared to other melee jobs.. They would run around and build TP or Meditate.. Then USE SW but a bst can do both!! AMAZING? AMEN! Also your pet will keep doing consitant damage and if it is low HP go toss a pet food. If it dies go summon another one.. =P

                    lol compared to some other people id just use meditate and run around KB sometimes if things look bad I use CHARM on KB to bound him for a point seconds to save the PLDS's =P.

                    Same thing with Nidhogg and other gods just sub sam and get your super attack gear like me +120+++++ attack and you would do fine against HNM's.

                    You have to have a start and the money for everything =P. For weeny NM's like normal Behemoth and Serket sometimes I would draw too much hate with out pet. Because BST's are good =D!

                    Oh yeah BST's Rocks BCNM zilart missions I have helped everyone a lot on it, my pld died one time when I was doing zilart vs kam and it was at 50% and I had a few mages alive I soloed it using multiple pets.

                    If you want to HNM a lot as a BST you HAVE to use Courrier Carrie as a pet or Panzer Galahad.. I won't say the cactuar NM coz that's too expensive id save something like that for Kirin =P.

                    They also make great pullers =P example there is a NM in Kuftal Tunnel that drops Astral Aspis just ask for invisi then use a pet, and then pull away.

                    Hell I could even solo Bloodtear or Steelfleece =P with CC or PG pets.

                    Having a pet speeds up the kill =P, I am maxed Sword, And Axe I was going to max Scythe since I can learn Spiral Hell, but I am lazy.

                    Anyway if you guys have anymore questions just ask!! Bad grammar sorry kbye!


                    • #25
                      Huh...funny you say that. I tried soloing Steelfleece at lv 67 with CourrierCarrier. It was raped by the time i got Steelfleece to 2/10 of its HP. I know CC is uncapped, but wuold 8 levels do it much greater? When my CC died, I had to run around for a minute till my Call Beast refreshed. AND i used pet food.. ummm?


                      • #26
                        Soon as you got the teleport to steelfleece, you should have summoned immediately then, so the timer is up as soon as possible. Also don't be scared to run around like a little girl when your pet's hp is down 5-10% to wait for the refresh timer. If you find tricky terrain to make the enemy have to take a long time to pathfind around, it may help dodge a few attacks and especially TP moves while your timer resets.

                        Heck if you can find spots like this (multiple ones on any map, use your own pet to discover the spots) you can take a lot of field NM's like simurgh or roc if you truly wanted by sending your pet and saving time for refresh, save being lullubyed yourself...



                        • #27
                          Holy shit!! that was cool ass shit, but dont HNM's have teleport? and....not all.....rofl, that was cool none the less. my hat is off to you Fooma.


                          • #28
                            Now with dramatic tension!

                            Now to find space for more of my videos ><


                            • #29
                              over could u explain this part please? it is confusing for me

                              BST's aren't popular much because nobody knows their full potential, for example King Behemoth right? You can sick a pet at King Behemoth, YOUR PET IS THE ONLY ONE ENGAGED, because if any other PC enganges it they are toasted.. so compared to other melee jobs.. They would run around and build TP or Meditate.. Then USE SW but a bst can do both!! AMAZING? AMEN! Also your pet will keep doing consitant damage and if it is low HP go toss a pet food. If it dies go summon another one.. =P

                              lol compared to some other people id just use meditate and run around KB sometimes if things look bad I use CHARM on KB to bound him for a point seconds to save the PLDS's =P.


                              • #30
                                Hitting KB gives it TP. Melees can't do that too much because its TP attacks *will* kill people. That's why they go around using one-h sword killing the weaker enemies in the area getting TP for Spirits Within.

                                A BST can just send pets at KB, which are stronger than melees usually, and use meditate to gather TP for spirits within while he stays back.
                                60 PLD, 31 WAR, 25 RDM, 17 THF, 65 BST, 13 MNK, 20 BLM, 32 WHM, 6 NIN...

                                PLD AF: 100% Completed!
                                BST AF: 100% Completed!

                                Advanced Jobs needed: DRK, DRG, SMN ;_;

