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how far will 100k go

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  • how far will 100k go

    currently lvl 6bst/3war oMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggg war yes. have no other sub available atm. how far can this 100k take me, and take into consideration that i already have scale armor, and lizard armor readily available, so i will not be purchasing those sets (just selling them when im done with them). what food do you reccomend using etc? :confused:
    thanks for your help
    Windurst Rank: 6
    Main Job: BLU
    All others:
    THF: 60 - BRD 57 - NIN: 31 - WAR: 38

  • #2
    selbina milk is your best friend
    cheap at like 50 gil a pop but doesn't last too long.

    some of the very long lasting gear you can pick up are:

    bird whistle, 2k ish... (swap for a spike necklace- 10k in fights)
    noble ribbon, 14k ish... (swap out when fighting, helmet varies)
    Hope rings, 20k each on my server ><
    Balance rings, 20k each (for swapping during fights)
    I'm currently using valor earrings 35k each and I swap out for beetle earrings +1 - 10k each? forgot price
    I'll switch over to dodge earrings at lv 29 (35k each give or take)
    Warrior's belt +1 = 15k (upgrade to survival belt later if you want)
    switch around with frier's belt if you want MP (5k)
    Back = dhamel cape (quested), and I already have a nomad's mantle = 24k to use till I can use that bat cape = 250k
    save another 400k for monster signa.... I think I'd rather just camp it and buy a dark staff when I'm 51 with the money...

    so this is my regular eq that I keep all the time. so um... about....
    240k worth of eq on my person at lv 21 not counting weapons and armor and pet supplies. Having 50 slots really helps

    hrm.. first big spending for armor and weapons at lv 20 when you want a 6k (on my server) battle axe and a 6k zanghel (scythe)

    next money spree = lv 24 chain mail set

    18k for body
    6k legs,
    6k feet,
    3k hands
    2k head

    then at lv 27 for that tiger hunter axe and next scythe

    = about another 47k. (selling scale set and lizard set gets you like um... (best guess around 8-9k?? weapon upgrades are cheap till lv 20 so I didn't count this) I consider this mostly liquid money as I can sell stuff back after I'm done with it. Unfortunately, I also lv up other jobs like my lv 24 nin that also uses this eq so I can't sell it back like right away.... more locked up gil...

    oh ya, and get a good shield too. I recommend laurean 100gil till fishscale lv 14 (quested)

    then get lantern shield at lv 19 (20k) then switch to bastokian targe (10k republic version is 30k) or something with more defence at lv 25. (I'm taru, I need the HP ><)

    so in answer to you, yes you can probably survive just fine with 100k but as you can see, if you want to be full power bst even at lv 21, a buttload of money is needed. And as I am solo most of the time, I need all the help I can get for myself.

    to play bst cheaply:

    um... screw the chr gear completely = save around 56k
    you can probably get away with this for a good long while but I don't know what happens at higher levels.

    But don't cheap yourself on fighting eq even if you do this cause you are on your own out there and every little bit helps.

    forget the scythes - save around 6k ish total? scythes are pretty cheap and it's nice to have something else to use...

    (you can dump the hope rings for the lv 36 chr (regular not HQ) rings and get back like 10k from the AH )

    Oh ya, bst make a lot of money so don't look at the costs and go OMG. Cause 1 bcnm fight can pay for all of this and even exping pays good money.
    75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


    • #3
      Windurst Rank: 6
      Main Job: BLU
      All others:
      THF: 60 - BRD 57 - NIN: 31 - WAR: 38


      • #4
        hehe np,

        oh ya by the way, some interesting info for bst.

        I got a japanese stragety guide that I consider top notch as they got info like you wouldn't believe. For example, to prove treasure hunter 2 works, the lv 60 taru thf went around giddus and killed 100 digger wasps, and then 1000 digger wasps and compared what the drop rate was to no treasure hunter. (almost 50% better for common drops and about 15% better for more rare drops)

        They even counted the number of stairs that it would take to get from the bottom floor to the 13th floor of delfka's tower. (ok these guys are just nuts at this point) (858 steps btw)

        Well anyway, they also had some interesting bst charm tests. Done with a lv 56/28 bst/whm taru on funnel bats.

        He tried it with zero chr, then +10 chr, then +20 chr

        the results were:
        91% success with +0 (charm lasted average 5 min)
        87.05% with +10 (lasted 6 min)
        95% with +20 (lasted 9 min)

        This seems to fit with what most people say about chr. They don't do any better than their counterparts, in fact, suck more with chr gear on sometimes. So I guess you either go all out on chr or you don't do it at all. (I wish he tested other combinations of chr though...)

        But in either case, I think you still would want some chr gear as there are monsters that are highly resistant to charm unless you got some great chr gear. These include slimes, cacturs, opo-opo (monkies), and raptors (those stinks you see outside garliage)
        75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


        • #5
          Depends on how far you want to take BST and what you feel you need. Currently my elvaan BST has these items:

          2 Astral Rings - 150K each
          Assault Earring - 170K
          Spike Earring - 35K
          Life Belt - 55K
          Royal Guard's Collar - 80K
          Krabkan's Axe - 230K
          Monster Signa - 250K

          I'll soon be purchasing a Dark Staff for MP healing for 450K and an Amemit's Cape for 150K

          But if you just want CHR gear then 100K will get you everything but the Monster Signa.


          • #6
            Yeah, I went the expensive ATK+ route.

            Viking Axe: 90k
            Strike Shield: 180k (want Viking Shield: 1mil)
            Steel Facemask: 5k (I need to rebuy my Valkyrie Mask: 290k)
            Tiger Stole: 2k
            2x Beetle Earrings +1: 10k each?
            Steel Scale Mail: 10k
            Magna Gloves: 55k
            2x Astral Rings: 160k each
            Wolf Mantle +1: 15k
            Swordbelt: 5k
            Royal Square Pants: 10k
            Royal Squire Boots: 10k

            Monster Signa: 400k
            Gala Corsage: 290k (Noble's Ribbon is better, but I bought the flower and might as well use it)
            Bird Necklace: 2k
            Corsette +1: 56k

            But don't worry! As you build up BST, you can make a phenomenal amount of money by just leveling. Then you can farm later with ease with Familiars.

            BST62 | WHM38 | NIN30 | WAR30 | SAM10 | BLM17 | RDM10


            • #7

              right now I am trying to coordinate playing ranger and BST my friend and I are going to do a 2 man BST pt once he can play more often :mad: . so yeah Ranger it is for now but BSt soon!. thanks for all the info once again, really appreciate it.
              Windurst Rank: 6
              Main Job: BLU
              All others:
              THF: 60 - BRD 57 - NIN: 31 - WAR: 38


              • #8
                1) don't waste money on a signa.

                2) until you get to your mid 20's you'll want to use a lower-grade weapon if you're attacking with your pet (otherwise you WILL hold aggro). i.e. cheap.

                3) chr+ ain't critical at the lower levels; refer to #1. Even w/o the ever-elusive signa, you can get 2 hope rings, ribbon and birdcollar for +10 chr right off the bat which will be more than you'll need. Use equipment switch macros to change into attacker equip post-charm and you're all set (once your pets can hold aggro).

                Having recently passed 60, my only really expensive piece of equip is dark staff (which i only really recently acquired); kabrakan's gotten ridiculously cheap, so i'd consider that std. equipment. CHR boost weapon? Use shellbuster. MP boost? I got electram rings*2 and a electram hairpin for +65mp (which is switched to attacker or charm equip after stoneskin/blink/sneak anyway). uber equip might be better, but as long as you're not after the bleeding edge equipment a little bit of cash can get you a long way.

