Tame II should be an ability to lower a "tough", VT, or maybe even an IT, down to an "even match" status for a short amount of time...
it should have a short duration/recast (about 30 seconds) and you can't use it on more than one mob at a time (kinda like how u can't charm more than one mob at a time)....
this way, a BST can be an obvious addition to any PT in almost any zone...
this means that even in zones that only have "toughs" and above at the low end, BST's can still have a consistent "even match" pet...
for example: i'd Tame II a VT wasp or lizard in the crawler's nest to use against beetles alongside my PT. before the beetle dies, i can release as usual. before the next fight, i would Tame II again and then charm it....
no xp penalty for the group and no xp penalty for the BST...
the "balance" is that Tame II can still fail and resultantly aggro the mob. "fail rate" is based on the level of the mob (i.e. "toughs" are easier to Tame II than a VT or IT). at that point u'd have to try and use Tame, Tame II, charm, and etc in order to regain control....
this makes it more of a "hassle" to PT with a pet in areas with higher level mobs but its still possible...
good idea? comments?...
this would make BSTs even more recognizable as viable PT members....
it should have a short duration/recast (about 30 seconds) and you can't use it on more than one mob at a time (kinda like how u can't charm more than one mob at a time)....
this way, a BST can be an obvious addition to any PT in almost any zone...
this means that even in zones that only have "toughs" and above at the low end, BST's can still have a consistent "even match" pet...
for example: i'd Tame II a VT wasp or lizard in the crawler's nest to use against beetles alongside my PT. before the beetle dies, i can release as usual. before the next fight, i would Tame II again and then charm it....
no xp penalty for the group and no xp penalty for the BST...
the "balance" is that Tame II can still fail and resultantly aggro the mob. "fail rate" is based on the level of the mob (i.e. "toughs" are easier to Tame II than a VT or IT). at that point u'd have to try and use Tame, Tame II, charm, and etc in order to regain control....
this makes it more of a "hassle" to PT with a pet in areas with higher level mobs but its still possible...
good idea? comments?...
this would make BSTs even more recognizable as viable PT members....