Well, do BST contribute to an alliance in any way in killing HNMs and stuff?
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Are BST good for HNM?
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each hnm has a predeterimend kill limit, when it reaches that limit it self destructs.......
accually i can't see why u wouldn't just charm random stuff and throw it at the hnm, my first line was complete bs, semi quoted from futurama and killbots, i suppose u could pet zerg it, but i don't have any real exp w/ hnm's yetMarch 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
Use search, or deal with assholes like me
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Really? I didn't know HNM's self destructed?? I just know the bomb ones do but that's just cause they are bombs and are supposed to...
so um if say an army of 100 lv 1 newbies all attacked king behemoth and set their HP at the lower delk tower outpost and just kept running in there, they'd eventually win?
This doesn't seem right to me somehow... I know a few LS's with over 100 ppl in there and I'm sure everyone would jump at the chance to try something like that, hell we even had like 20 guys all drink poison potions in lower jeuno as lv1's to make a huge pile of corpses next to the AH... This sort of thing is right up their ally.
And if there is such a kill limit would it have to kill PC's or do pets count??? You making that up?75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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I am sure a BST with a FuguarFamiliar or a CourierCarrie would be a welcome addition to any HNM party. With a BST, you essentially get two extra people. You would really just be letting the pet do most of the work, using Sic as often as possible, and probably using a Scythe yourself. If you wanted to get really fancy, you could sub DRK and use Guillotine during the fight.
Most HNM-fighting alliances are made up of people who know each other, like a linkshell or people who group to take down HNMs on a regular basis. If you know of some high level people who are getting together for a HNM fight, I am sure you could get a spot in their roster if you tried.
There are some people here who argue that a BST in an alliance fight is just another mediocre melee, and that these fights are nothing but a few PLDs running around with mages nuking the heck out of it. Personally, I think that could be true, since the HNMs are really tough, and BSTs generally take down stuff close to their own level.
Really, it could go either way.Turgon, Elvaan of San d'Oria, Midgardsormr
R.I.P. --> April 28th, 2004
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Beast usefullness is completely dependent upon what hnm you are planning on fighting. Beast however, will generally not be attacking, nor will the beast be using pets to attack for true HNM level mobs.
The problem with hnms is that more TP on mob = more weapon skills such as AE that makes mages or tanks die. So sending in weak surrounding creatures is usually a waste. That's assuming also that there are things to tame.
Aquarius and maybe KA (but with KA there are no surrounding mobs) can probably be taken pretty easy by a PT of level 60 beasts. Maybe an alliance of beasts could take ancient gobbue as well. Serket can be taken by a good solo beast with a lot of pets but you will probably spend a lot of gil to do this. However all these mobs can also be taken by as few as 2 level 75's.
However, a job for many beasts in hnm is simply keeping other mobs away from the target. Fenrir darter death comes to mind, a few beasts in an outside party could probably clear the darters out and allow for some nice ga spells etc.
Unfortunately for most really high level mobs your going to end up with a lot of PLD's and a lot of mages. Maybe a few melee to do spirits and that's about it.The beast myth: "I hear it gets better next level"
My pet has more HP right now than a level 75 galka monk >.> If only it could provoke...
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Do we really get Guillitine if we sub drk? I thought you had to be drk main to get that WS.
Also, if we sub war, can't bst also do Spirits Within?75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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If you sub DRK, you get to use the DRK-only weaponskills as well. So when you reach level 62 with BST, or whatever level it is when you get the skill, you can sub DRK at lvl 1 and use guillotine. The same goes for RNG, you can sub RNG and use bow and gun weaponskills. Same goes for whatever class gets Spirits Within, you can sub it and get to use the weaponskill. So yes, if Warrior can use Spirits, sub it and go crazy.Turgon, Elvaan of San d'Oria, Midgardsormr
R.I.P. --> April 28th, 2004
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DRK is the only job that gets guillotine. It is for this reason, that you have to make it your subjob if BST is your main job.
DRK does NOT have to be your main job in order to use guillotine, it can be either your main, or your subjob. As long as DRK is one of the two, and your skill level in Scythe is high enough, you can use Guillotine.
A BST/DRK can use guillotine. A BST/WHM or BST/WAR absolutely cannot use Guillotine.
Another example:
Only Rangers can use bow and gun weaponskills, like Flaming Arrow and Slugshot. You are all probably thinking that the weaponskills are only available if Ranger is your main. This is not true, you can make Ranger your subjob, and you will still be able to use the weaponskills, as long as your skill in archery or marksmanship is high enough with your main job.
So, a THF/RNG could use Flaming Arrow if they have over 10 skill in archery.
Get it? :sweat:Turgon, Elvaan of San d'Oria, Midgardsormr
R.I.P. --> April 28th, 2004
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For example :
Dancing edge, only thf main job can use, it onwt work for sub thf.
Same as gullotine, only drk as main job can be use.
and also for raging rush, and some other..
These are consider as EX2(or SP) ws which you cant use it even you sub with certain job.?
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New Jug
In the update, it gave bsts 2 new jugs, useable at lvl 75. I know one for sure is a cactuar, not sure on the other. The cactuar jug will make them awesome for HNM, with thousand needles . Btw, i figure the recipe is 4x needles and 1 water crystal, but i have no idea.Apparently from the posts above i succumboned to the suction-SokomAddikTed
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