Check back in this post withing a week or so. I'm close to lvl.51, and I already have the quest for my AF2. ^^
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BST AF information
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Heres more info on AF2 And AF 3..
Thanks again Lily. I got the AF2 done & the maps helped out alot. ^_^
Thanks 0
Is it possible to do AF Gloves for BST when you have the quest for WHM. I was a 58 whm but I retired that that char for BST. Now Im not seeing the quest when I talk to the Galka in Upper Jeuno and I dont know what heck I'll get out of the Coffer in Crawlers Nest if I open it..
Am I screwed by having a the quest for WHM now?
I Dont feel like going to Beudeux (whatever the way its spell) Coffer twice for beast Coat and another Coffer for Dark Spark (WHM Gloves Coffer Location) now.
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I'm sorry, I can't help you with your question.
But I did recently just pick up the quest for my BST gloves. Talked to that Galka in the armor shop in Upper Jeuno (widescan, if you wanna make it easier to find him). He gave me quest. I went into CN, fought around 10 Helm Beetles with some high level friends. Got the coffer key and found the coffer chest. Open it, bam.
Talked to the Galka again, he didn't do anything.
Then went to the Tendosho in Lower Jeuno, talked to the mithra, and lost 1k gil.
THEN went to Port Jeuno, had a scary cut scene.
Now, I'm hoping me and my friends can go to Castle Yadda Yadda, kill my Dark Spark, and get that key item thingee.
BTW - I'm BST53. Not even sure when I can wear my gloves. I'm just doing the quest cause we were all organized for other misc AF stuff.
Thanks 0
Gotta go do BST Body soon. Maybe Saturday.
Ugh. I'm 57 now but dinging 58 wouldn't help much (I don't think).
Would everyone agree that a BST duo can't really do this one in any sort of reasonable amount of time?
/em calls in the big guns for help, with some remorse.
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Yeah Caution yah gona need some big guns for Beudeux Coffer. Ive done it now with 4 times now, and its not a treat the key pops probally every 2 hours.. The Coffers themselves are easy to find.
I would recomend to go go the room with 4 doors in it (N E W S exits. ) It is just north of the Burning circle there. Hopefully you can get there when no other ppl are there.. Saphire Quads are BLMs so Silence those if you can. Also the Platuims ones are the toughest ones so expect a long battle with those.
Best of luck and hope you get your key fast.
Thanks 0
Thx. Just wanted to confirm it here. I'm all for suicide trys on things we have to do if the possible result is somewhat reasonable.
Looks like I'll have to get some of the 7x LS members on board.
Eh. I'll make some food and drink, hand it out, call it a skill up party and get it over with quickly maybe, er hopefully.
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Yeah good thinking Caution on the Skill up party. Most of the High ups that came along with me just did that.. Its not so bad really, just that key drops are kinda rare, but Im sure you get it.
Like I metioned on the Saphire (BLM Quad ) dont wait til they come in the room you might have to send ppl out to kill it out of that certain room I metioned. That mob likes to keep its distance and keeps casting GA spell on everyone. So a Silenced landed on them is a big plus for the WHM in your group.
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use bst to pull with the larvas and pets maybe. Bring some bunnies for cheap sucidide pulls. Cuts down on links and everyone is happy. sub smn works too.75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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Don't know if it's mentioned in the AF Body write up, but in Beudeax (spelling) the Ruby Quadav will aggro even if you are sneak and invisible. I believe there are two other NMs that will do so as well.
Also bring plenty of echo drops if you intend to stay behind solo or duo BST after getting the key. You'll have to run from the "cross" room down to the bottom a few times scanning for coffers. Silencer > Curse thingy.
Took us about 4 hours total for two keys and two coffers and was heavily camped.
The AF is cute. I wish I could get my character's belly button pierced now ()
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Has anyone tried doing AF3 with just a BST duo? The description in the first post sounds like the PLD was tanking, and I would expect it to be easier if the charmable tigers can tank. I suppose it all depends on whether the tigers are strong enough to stand up to the hound.
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While it may be possible, I don't reccomend it.
IIRC there are three ghost mobs near the tomb, and at least one undead dog type mob. I think the dog was EP, don't remember the check of the ghosts. Even if they are too weak, ghosts are so messy for you and your pets.
So that would be kind of messy. You then want to kill the NM quickly and get your cuts before anything respawns.
I suppose it's possible, but I wouldn't want to do it without somewhat of a balanced PT (at that level).
We did charm the tigers and turn them on the ghost. So I suppose it's possible.
Thanks 0
Do Rumble Crawlers in Crawler's Nest drop Coffer Keys at all? MysteryTour's info. says they drom Chest and Coffer keys, but in fighting them, I've only gotten one chest key.
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