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BST AF helm adds +5 INT

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  • BST AF helm adds +5 INT

    .. why? Is it because it affects a skill or ability we have? The gloves give +dex, the boots give +agi, the body gives +vit, etc. Why +int on the helm? >_<

    Discuss. ;x

  • #2
    No offense to you personally, but this is getting a bit rediculous. There have been numerous posts in the past about AF items giving "+X stat" so it must be needed for a skill. This is the same misinformation that has lead numerous people to think that +INT effects a THFs steal or +CHR for provoke. There doesnt have to be any sort of method to the madness. There is no reason other than maybe they (the developers) decided to give a stat bonus that the class may be lacking in.
    Why would a DRG need +MND? Why would a BLM need +CHR? they dont, but its on thier AF.
    Heres a list of useless stats....its not just BSTs

    WAR HAT = +INT
    THF HAT = +INT
    BST HAT = +INT
    RNG HAT = +INT
    SAM HAT = +MND
    NIN HAT = +CHR
    DRG HAT = +MND

    Now when i say useless i dont mean TOTALLY USELESS. I know they have a purpose (like resisting magic damage), but you dont go out trying to get as much +MND equip as a DRG do you? Please stop looking into these AF stats. They are much like stats where they job may be lacking instead of the race.
    **Co-Founder of TheCynicalJadedBastardsWhoUsedToGiveAShitButRealizedThatGetsYouNowhereSoNowWeJustInsultPeopleAndCussALot**
    +302 lvls gained (not including the -20 for purposely deleveling BRD to 45)

    If you havent played BST past 35, you havent played BST.


    • #3
      actually the +MND for the DRK makes some sense. MND is the stat that effects enfeebles and since DRKs can enfeeble.... well you know
      Vermillion Cloak O ^^
      Maat Mashed
      Windurst Rank 10


      • #4
        wrong, mind effects white magic enfeebles/resists, while int effects black magic enfeebles/resists
        March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
        Use search, or deal with assholes like me


        • #5
          Int supposedly is what affects your non phyiscal ws damage. Ive never tested this theory but when I started thats what I was always told. However the reasoning ive always found for weird stats on af is to help resistances to what they are supposed to be good at fighting. IE: DRK is strong vs Magic type. +MND makes them more resistant it makes sense. Mages get +STR because +STR is good for solo mage. +MND for dragoon proably helps resist attacks by dragons or something like that. AF IS made to make the char better though the reasoning can be way out there sometimes there is almost always some reason for it. +CHR for attackers affects hate or at least thats the relevant theory for it anyway. Which there was a way to get nice conformations about stuff to much speculation in this game.


          • #6

            maybe i am wrong but i remember reading thru a thread on the BLM Matt fight and the BLM that did it opened with +MND gear so for his enfeebles and then +Int when he was done enfeebling. I'll look for that thread and post it later.

            Edit: there you go... its the 4th post from the top. And he couldn't need the +MND for light-based enfeebles since subs are disabled for that fight and since he managed to get to a high enough lvl to fight Matt I would imagine he knows something about the job.
            Vermillion Cloak O ^^
            Maat Mashed
            Windurst Rank 10


            • #7
              you would be surprised teh amount of high level ignorance/not knowingness i come across. i know a certain blackmage who didn't buy cure2 b/c he didn't wanna be a healer, and now, he's lvl 60ish
              March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
              Use search, or deal with assholes like me


              • #8
                I had always thought that int increased any and all enfeebles??
                Mnd just helped resist, cures, and divine magic. Dia and paralyze are both enfeeble class magic. Granted dia is considered light but paralyze is considered earth so wouldn't you want some int to help get those debuffs to stick?

                espically since the whm sub we got is 1/2 ed for enfeeble skill too, I can't get paralyze to stick on IT mobs at lv 43 even with 120 enfeeble skill. Of course you would say that oh, it's an IT, but a lv 60+ bst would be fighting it too and only be using a lv 30ish whm with maybe 100 skill in enfeeble. You would want that int!
                75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                • #9
                  Yes if youre useing a mage sub that is
                  Where is the official letter that whitemage is the official subjob of the beastmaster?


                  • #10
                    I think it's under /sea all bst 60-75



                    • #11
                      i alternate between 2 subs..
                      whm for soloing..
                      nin for grouping.

                      The Little House of Pain
                      Mainjob: 65 Mnk / 37 War
                      Farming: 66 Bst / 37 Whm / 30 Nin
                      Other: 34 Drk / 25 Thf / 20 Brd


                      • #12
                        1: Its for ppl who have other subjobs than the whm or war. Same for all the gear. Yes there is a minimal effect of resists but sub job is the main reason. It actually helps rdm and blm subs with that finishing nuke or enfeeble ( black magic only)

                        2: INT = black magic
                        MND= white magic

                        Raising your int or mnd or lowering the enemies int or mind affects those magics. It doesnt matter what type of black magic or white magic... nuke or debuff or buff or heal. However it should be noted that INT and MND have a very minimal affect on resists... its more for dmg. In fact day of the week and weather both have more effect on resists than INT or MND. Btw alot of dragoons sub WHM and it works out really well so + MND on thier AF is nice for them.

                        54BLM/27RDM/19BSST/19MNK/ everything else but smn 10+


                        • #13
                          Maybe it's for "Gauge." Like the player would see more definitive answers when using it instead of "should" or "might not."
                          60 PLD, 31 WAR, 25 RDM, 17 THF, 65 BST, 13 MNK, 20 BLM, 32 WHM, 6 NIN...

                          PLD AF: 100% Completed!
                          BST AF: 100% Completed!

                          Advanced Jobs needed: DRK, DRG, SMN ;_;


                          • #14
                            I beg to differ but some white magic spells are elemental based and do not fall into the category of the MND boost. MND only affects healing, and divine for offensive magic like banish.

                            INT affects are different than MND and will affect elemental spells be they white magic or black magic. You can tell what element the spell is by the color of the icon in your spells window. Not all spells are light based nor are all whm spells based on MND power alone.

                            Ever take a look at erase? It's a white magic scroll spell but it's cast as a black magic spell .... (off topic but just fun to point out)
                            75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


                            • #15
                              Yes Erase is black magic, but neither INT nor MND make any difference. It gets rid of a negative effect on a PC. No int or mnd check... no resists.

                              So other than that name 1 black magic spell a whm has that INT would affect. Holy, banish, flash... all divine and MND based. Dia, paralyze, slow... all enfeebleing and MND based. Cures... MND based. Everything else is either a buff like protect or or a elemental buff like barfira, or a staus removal and not subject to the effects of MND or INT.

