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6 bst bcnm

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  • #16
    I'd imagine that you wouldn't want to have one guy soloing the bunny cause you would have to heal that one guy no matter who he is cause that damage will pile up and healing him may cause the NM uber~hare to decide to go beat up your healers and generally make a mess of things.

    Just have one pet fight the other one and everyone else beats up that main guy and all the bst can sit around and play cards or something...
    75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk


    • #17
      What we do with 5 bst is toss 3 bunnies on harry, then one on each straggler. If we get started fairly smoothly, we will usually heel a straggler over to us and beat the living crap out of it. Whatever you do don't go after harry! let your pets do the work for you. He hits for way more damage than we can handle healing without screwing up the little hate control that there is. once harry is down you take care of whatever stragglers are left then continue to release one by one. Goodluck! And please please please, don't screw up the economy on your server with lowering bc40 drops too much. Erase on Rag has gone from 400k to 260k ><
      war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


      • #18
        It's down to 180k.


        • #19
          since two days ago??? O.o;
          war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


          • #20
            wow... did this 6 times tonight the longest time was 9min and 58 sec. the shortest was 7 min flat just over 1 min short of my server record 5 min and 56 sec. but 4 of 6 we got erase which is still going for 380k on bismarck...

            i must say though that a Monster Signa is no where near needed for this fight... i had 2/6 failed charms and watched a guy with a monster signa fail 3 times in a row on one round... of course i didn't see what all he was wearing either...


            • #21
              Originally posted by brandan12
              It's down to 180k.
              Probably because everyone and their sister is lvling bst just so they can waltz through bc40 for money. :-\

              At some point there were like 15 Erases on sale. It's no surprise it's dropping, under-cutting or not.


              • #22
                Price seems to be going up and down now...

                Lily, I hit 35 so hopefully I'll get 40 by the end of next week. Maybe we can do a bcnm together with people from the Aurora Linkshell. ^^


                • #23
                  yup, after My LS mates see how much money i have made, with BCNM40, and soloing, & other regular BST activities, at least 4 people began to raise BST. It was pretty funny actually.

                  But dont worry guys, there are plenty of other ways for Beast to make money, I mean, i have never farmed, and somehow managed to get everything i wanted in terms of gear.

                  That'll probably change at lvl 70, the axe, juggarnaut(+30 freeking atack) is like 2million of fairy :sweat:
                  Leatha Crafta Masta
                  Leathercraft 100+3
                  Smithing 60
                  Clothcraft 60
                  [img][/i mg]


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by brandan12
                    Price seems to be going up and down now...

                    Lily, I hit 35 so hopefully I'll get 40 by the end of next week. Maybe we can do a bcnm together with people from the Aurora Linkshell. ^^
                    Hehe okay. Actually a bit low on seals, so I'll have to go get some more. :]


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bigbird
                      yup, after My LS mates see how much money i have made, with BCNM40, and soloing, & other regular BST activities, at least 4 people began to raise BST. It was pretty funny actually.

                      But dont worry guys, there are plenty of other ways for Beast to make money, I mean, i have never farmed, and somehow managed to get everything i wanted in terms of gear.

                      That'll probably change at lvl 70, the axe, juggarnaut(+30 freeking atack) is like 2million of fairy :sweat:
                      This is the part about bst that I like. No bad feelings towards ppl lvling bst, but the first 35 lvls are a *real* test of dedication to the job. I think most ppl get put off after the first 15 or so lvls. ;p

                      If you see someone in the 30-40's it's usually because want to play the job, not because of other reasons (bc40 or the age-old 'I didn't like waiting for parties' mentality). ;x


                      • #26
                        I've got like 160 Beast Seals. So it's not a problem.

