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BST sub job choices

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  • BST sub job choices

    First of all I would like to say that I respect your job choice and am sorry for the flack that this job recieves from other ignorant people. That said, I am starting up a Mithra BST. I am curious what subjob will be most beneficial. I was thinking maybe as a RDM for nukes plus good cures, but I have seen others say that WHM is the difinitive choice. I am looking for arguments (not literally an argument) in favour and opposed to both so I can make an informed choice. I was a 60 Pld, so I know my way around the game a bit, moved to Titan from Fairy, and am looking into the BST job since Partying, to me, seems like a chore nowadays. I am, although, perfectly aware that I will need to pt for genkais and BCNM. I'm just curious about the aforementioned questions. Also, I should note that Summoner has come up in my persuance for information as a sub, that a "Full Pet Class" would be great...

    Thanks to everyone who posts.
    - Lionna D'Winter

  • #2
    not e very high level bst but i found whm to be pretty nice...
    cures are always helpful as for 8 mp you can heal 30 hp which cuts down downtime by a lot.. also some people feel subbing a more damaging sub such as war or dark is good but is not really necessary when soloing since I am already dealing out pretty good damage even when i fight along side your pet.. not to mention the more damage you do .. the more chances that you will be "tanking" for your pet.. of course people say you can always turn your back and let the pet take back the hate.. but if so .. why do you need a more damaging sub.. red mage might be a good choice as well... but then again... my enfeebles are still sticking ok so i don't think its that much of a need to get more enfeebling boost... not to mention Poisana help tons when levelling... I mean lower level poison might not be deadly.. but higher levels one can make ur hp drop pretty quick... of course you can have the option of carrying antidotes.. but why waste your money and inventory space on it when a whm sub can do all this..

    Anyway .. been talking too much crap.. conclusion is I feel WHM is currently the best sub for bst.. thats all purely my opinion.. I've seen other japanese beastmaster around with interesting sub such as ninja and warrior(soloing) but not really sure how well they do .. since I don't level near beastmasters usually.. they might take the pet or monster i need >.<

    and i bet you will have tons of funs playing bst.. its a really nice job after u get through the initial 10-20 levels.. which can be a pain.. and you can kill tons of NM which no one can at your level.. I killed a spider NM(forgot his name) which is around lvl 44 (according to alkazham) yesterday.. and I am only level 32.. I am seeing great potentials with beastmaster
    DRK55 WAR30 THF30 WHM30 BLM20 RDM12 BST39


    • #3
      I've tried RDM and WHM, I like WHM alot better (I did Bst/Rdm to lvl 23 since I already had RDM leveled, but I started WHM and am quite pleased with it). A touch more MP, Divine Seal (very nice), Poisona (when you are leveling for hours at a time on crawlers or spiders it's very nice to have). About the only spells I miss from /rdm are Blind and Bio, but I think the benefits from /whm are greater.

      /Nin is a combo I've heard works well - but you have to stock up on lots of Shihei and Antidotes. You lose the shield, get another weapon (a bit more damage) - for soloing Blink is the main perk though.
      Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


      • #4
        I agree with the other posters, @35 Here on my bst. WHM is the definate winner for soloing, Yes it may seem cookie cutter but it works well.

        Subbing RDM while good on paper (En<element> spells, nukes) playing BST sometimes can be a blance of hate mangement. You may have a link (group zoned leaving you with a friend to deal with, sudden spawn or you just plain screwed up) and throwing in a nuke may cause bob and his friend to come slap you around a bit. (As a taru getting slapped hurts, especially if its called Sickle Slash... :sweat: )
        Also, I should note that Summoner has come up in my persuance for information as a sub, that a "Full Pet Class" would be great
        Unfortunally its only one pet a time, so either you charm a pet or take out the nuclear ferret.
        BST40 / WHM 52 / BLM 30 / All other 15. Back to leveling bst \o/
        "Never underestimate the power of denial".


        • #5
          WOW thats some font color you have there could barely read your post, however whitemage is the way to go, w/ red later your enfeebling/elemetnal will be to low to make a signifigant impact on whatever your fighting, i toyed w/ the idea of gravitying a moband kiting itwhile pet ate it, but would have no way of keeping hate off the pet =/
          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
          Use search, or deal with assholes like me


          • #6
            *agrees with WHM as sub job* But just wanted to say as a taru bst/whm leveling off gob spiders in eastern altepa. Sickle Slash -446 damage = dead X(. Last time i make that mistake of trying to do too much damage. btw only reason it was 446 damage is because gob spider is an IT pet that hits like an IT but has crappy hp. So its good xp if u don't take hits from it.
            Bitesized- Taru BST/WHM- Asura
            BST-46 WHM-30 BLM-18 RDM-30

