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It pays off to be a master chef

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  • It pays off to be a master chef

    As a seasoned BST from beta testing FFXI online I would like to reccomend to all of you to become good cooks. It pays off to get your cooking skills and bonework skills up there to make herbal, carrot and meat broth. Once you get your skill high enough you will start making high quality broths which will give you exceptionally strong pets only useable by lev 45+ BSTs. It would be great for any of you BST chefs to share any tips or strategies youve fond useful in developing this skill.


    p.s. I would like to know if there are any broths aside from herbal, carrot and meat broths.

  • #2
    urrmmm bonework? as far as i remember is only woodworking alchemy and cooking for broth
    DRK55 WAR30 THF30 WHM30 BLM20 RDM12 BST39


    • #3
      you need bonework to make bone jelly which is an ingredient for meat broth.



      • #4
        Oooohhh.. that's how you make Gelatin!

        Thx ;]


        • #5

          OK i looked and stuff for the recipese on how to make the broths and i could only find one =\ the harefamiler. i think i might just be missing it or something but could someone post a link to the recipese or the recipese themselvs? sorry i looked i really did ^^
          Waiting for 360 release.


          • #6
            List of BST Broths

            Crafting Recipes


            • #7
              That is very awsome thank you i tryed going to this site earlyer but when i go directly to it with the address it comes up all in jpn yet when i go threw the links you provided its in english.. is there anything i can get that will translate it when going directly to these sites? bc i instaled the language pack with windows but still nothing.. ; ;
              Waiting for 360 release.


              • #8
                Hey Ferralxenobia!!! Remember me? It's Dragonnova ^^! I'm that lvl 54 Chef guy who cooked for you a lot? Long time no see :D!

                "p.s. I would like to know if there are any broths aside from herbal, carrot and meat broths."

                Lets see what i remember cooking in beta... i've made herbal, carrot and meat broth before... i made carrion broth once... but geleton was so rare i only made it once.. that summoned a lizard didn't it?

                I've also made bug broth.. but it wasnt efficient to make since shell bugs were overpriced at 1k in beta

                i've made Famous Carrot Broth twice.. and Famous Meat Broth once... that stuff was pure ownage.. i gave that to Stephen and he told me it was really good ^^

                I've also made Pet food Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma biscuits... tasty

                "you need bonework to make bone jelly which is an ingredient for meat broth."

                You don't need a very high level to make geleton... it's easy to make.. but chicken bones were rather rare =/
                ~MagicPatrick (aka DragonNova)
                Masterchef was my mule btw ^_^
                *FFXI Beta Stats*
                Dragonnova - Cactaur - Windurst - Rank 3
                LVL 31 Monk, LVL 12 WAR, LVL 9 RDM, LVL 4 BST, LVL 3 Thief
                LinkShells: Salvation, Phoenix Down, StarsofDestiny, UnionOfIfrit, ForcesofValor, Legacy, Suikoden, KnightsofSandoria, SavannaSuperstars, Karma
                Craft Skills: Cooking (54), Alchemy (4), Fishing (4), Boneworking (2), Woodworking (1)

