Which part of Altepa are these gobs with spiders located?
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Beast Guide to level 30 and Beyond
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The 2 BST guide is excellent! Just what I've been looking for... been waiting for a friend who started, and he just unlocked BST.
I'm 15th level, so I'll have to wait for him to catch up to that. Any suggestions on a good spot for 2 BST PT at 15thish? I had been fighting in Tahrongi by myself, but.. it's fairly slow. There are Even/T Dhalmels there, but they are dangerous due to healing themselves. So, I mainly just kill weak stuff like crawlers, bee's, gobs.
Could we move to Bubirimu with 2 BST's? Or would there be no EM's?
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Just would like to add some of my observations;
JP Bst's at the low to close to mid 30's level at Gusgen to fight the bombs taming the flies and funguars.
Somewhere at the high 50's to low/mid 60's, I've also seen them fight in Garlaige using Bats to fight the bombs.
Those are the only leveling places I've seen bst's level besides Boyahda. (Listed already)"Close the world, open the nExt. - Serial Experiments Lain
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The gob spiders follow the goblin traders in the southwestern part of east altepa. If you just go south from the telepoint, there's a nice point where three ridges come together, sort of near a whirlpool with a scorp that hangs out there. This ridge is usually quite safe unless it's earth weather or of you have some cracked out sabotender. This should be about one square below the telepoint, just under one of the horizontal lines on the map, forgive me for not giving the <pos>, I'm at work. There is an open area to the west of this that has two traders that wander around. They are usually quite easy to pull off of, just watch out for the occasional whackass manticore and of course the lost souls at night, and you'll be fine.war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5
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- Korroloka Tunnel -@ Raboa
- Yuhtunga/yhoator Jungle - @Jeuno
- Altepa Desert East/West - @Raboa
- Crawler's Nest - @Quest , Selbina Clay quest
- Garlaige Citadel - @Jeuno
Well I left off at 60, in the boyada tree. But afterwards it gets tricky. There are a number of places to lvl depending on your playstyle and what risks you are willing to take. I try to play as safe as possible, because its more steady exp for me that way then risking death(3k+exp loss at 60 ~.~)
60-61 The boyada Tree
This place was Awesome for lvl 60-61. Fungars are really good pets, and dark spore/silence gas does 400+ damage, my highest was about 800+ damage darkspore. Again if you are soloing, you are probably killing spiders, and if 2 BST partying, you are killing Robber Crab and Kniight Crawlers.
I had a hard time finding a spot for this level, boyada got extremely slow as a 2 BST party, but for solo it was still very good. You can use Fungars Vs Crabs solo, but you'll have to use 2 pets and swiitch during the battle. I noticed a few BSTs in Ifrits Couldron at this lvl, however, the 3 times i went there, i died, so i was not able to find a good safe spot to exp.
63-65 Cape Terrigan
Ah yes FINALLY another great spot to go, after lvl 62 hell. You'll spend alot of time here.
Again depending on your playstyle you'll lvl differently here.
For the safe people, use Lizard > Rabbits. However there are hundreds of these guys, and they link, be careful.
For the risky people use Lizards > Goblins. Stay away from Goblin Bandits for now, they have extremly high agi/dex and TRIPLE ATACK. These goblins will con VT-IT at first, and will pretty much own your pets, but many times they suicide bomb for easy exp. This is your goal, to get them to blow up.
As for 2 BSTs, you have alot of options for exp'ing
You can use lizards > Goblins (thats what i did mostly)
Lizard > robber crab, and even Lizard > Velociraptor.
Goblins are the easiest as they often kill themselves, followed by crabs low ATK power, velociraptors are the hardest and have a move called Foul Breath that gives 'disease' .
This should easily take you to 65, where i am now. Other noteable places i heard of for these lvls are ifrits couldron, sea serpent , and upper dekfutts. However, Terrigan is really where you'll end up going.Leatha Crafta Masta
Leathercraft 100+3
Smithing 60
Clothcraft 60
[img]http://img94.exs.cx/img94/550/sniper.jpg[/i mg]
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Yeah with a beetle pet I can get some good EXP chains on the gob spiders/worm things... (best so far, 260 XP on #3 chain...got chains to 4 before but for less xp)
I just wish there were more places like Qufim to level. Soloing in Qufim from lvl 25-29 was the most fun I've had with this job so far... I could tame crabs and bats (at night), and would kill crabs and worms for mad xp, plus there were always mobs available to kill and to charm...Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK
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LOL Last night for the hell of it I went to see what Garliage Citadel was like at level 44. I had also never been there before, so I was interested to check it out. After running around for awhile and getting lost as usual, I find a Puroburous (a Bomb). I decided "Well, I always hear of BSTs throwing pets at bombs till they explode, I'll try that out!" I get a Seige Bat and send it at the Bomb. I also had another Bat in easy access right next to me. Well all my luck a Borer Beetle spawned between me and the other Bat. My bat dies and I just try to charm the Beetle instead. Charm fails and the Bomb starts Self Destructing. I was one shotted for 760 damage.
It was pretty funny.
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Bump for this guide! Great info, I've been levelling at around 1 lvl per day (only play a few hours per day too). Since Release the lvls have been flying by... Also, hopefully this won't be too much of a problem, but every single BST I've seen on my server (past lvl 35) is JP. (Server is Seraph btw, so if any of you are on it /tell Mikeb)Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK
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I'm having a bit of trouble leveling in CN at 46. Nest Beetles are way too camped for me to even try to get one. I usually party with BSTs in CN, which is wonderful. 2 BST party and we were taking out Soldiers. 3 BST party and we were taking out Exorays and Hornflies (got my mold!).
But when it came to soloing my way past the 1000 exp to level 46. I either trudged through Caveberries (evil bastards), or charming an EM scorpion and blowing through Workers and the ocasional T Scorpion.
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at 46 you can use the killer mushrooms that spawn in the eastern room, or rather the path to the right of the exit from the top main room. These mushrooms are lvl 45-47, the same as those beetles that everyone levels off of, but they make killer pets. They don't aggro, but will link with other mushroom types, like exorays, so just be careful. At 47 we were using these mushrooms to kill blazer beetles, and chaining pretty easily up to 3 or so for 260 exp. If you have a rdm friend around your level invite him to come along for dispeling that lameass evasion boost and you'll tear through those beetles. We are level 49 now, still doing the same thing for fairly decent exp.war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5
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Level 46
(1) LOCATION(S): Sanctuary of Zi’Tah (near outpost or F-9, in the dip near the road)
PETS TO CHARM: Lesser Gaylas (39-42), Ogreflies (41-44), Myxomycetes (Funguars)(41-46), Gobbue Parasite (42-45)
MOBS TO FIGHT: Goblins (Robbers, Traders, Reapers, Poachers) (42-46)
NOTES: Traders possess pet leech. There is a spot if you look at section F-9, a small narrow path there. If you run by choco you will notice it is actually a dip there between that section and the section with the gobs. I would recommend working from that spot to pull in the gobs, I have not seen anything spawn there, save for an occasional Hell Hound (if your HP is yellow, it may be close enough to seek you). You will find that the outpost is rather unsafe at times since monsters can sometimes spawn bascially inside the NPC area. Always have a instant warp scroll or teleport capabilities handy in this place.
(2) LOCATION(S): Yhoater Jungle (E-9)
PETS TO CHARM: Worker Crawlers (43-46)
MOBS TO FIGHT: Goblins (Reaper, Robber, Poacher, Trader) (41-49)
NOTES: Do not try the coeurls, they have a tough Special Attack (Blaster.) Bring a Warp Scroll to get back to Kazham
(3) LOCATION(S): Western Altepa
PETS TO CHARM: Desert Dhamels (44-48)
MOBS TO FIGHT: Desert Beetles (47-51), Anticans (Essedarious, Retiarius, Eques) (41-49)
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