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Beast Guide to level 30 and Beyond

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  • Beast Guide to level 30 and Beyond

    The BST guide to 30 kinda turned into a big argument so I thought I’d summarize the important stuff out of the topic for easier reading plus my experiences past lvl 30. I m hoping this can turn into a place to strictly post your experiences within a given level range.

    1 – 10 Level Like a regular war don’t use pets too much because its not really worth it at these levels. Test our your skills with charming, have fun =D


    La thein
    Sappling -> Hare 10-12
    Poison Bats - Thickshells 12-16
    Grass Funguars -> Sheeps 14-16


    Sheeps -> Lizards 13-15



    Hare -> Lizards 17-20
    Damesfly -> Snipper 22-24
    Damesfly -> Pugils 24-25
    Pugils -> Leech 25-27

    Buburimu Peninsula

    Mandragora -> Rarab 17-20
    Zu -> Snipper 22-24
    Snipper -> Leech 21-23
    Pugil -> Leech 25-27


    Quifim Island (gah, i used snipers alot XD)

    Snippers > Snipers
    Snippers > Worms
    Sniper > Giant (2 BSt party, can do alone with multiple pets)
    Sniper > Pugil (2 Bst party)


    Korolocka Tunnel

    Spiders > Spiders
    Bats > Spiders
    Jelly*2 > Giants (2 bst party)
    Spider > Giant ( 2 BSt party)


    East Altepa Desert

    Spider > Spider

    Spider*2 > Beeetle (2 bst part)

    Yuhuntunga jungle

    Ivory Lizard > Goblin

    Bees Vs Goblin (2 bst party)

    36 – 40

    East altepa Desert

    Beeles > Anticans

    Beetles *2 > dhamels (2 bst party) careful with healing spree!!

    40- 43ish

    Crawlers nest

    Bees > Crawler (Bees are great pets cause they heal themselves!)

    Yuhuntuga Jungle Kaam
    Underground section near the Outpost- very dangerous

    Crawler*2 > Goblin (they con IT but the crawlers can take em,because they suicide) (2 Bst party NOT solo)

    West Altepa Desert (around 42ish)

    Spider > Worms

    Spider > Antican ( 2 bst party)

    44-50 ish

    Crawlers nest (you are basically gona live here for awhile)

    Multiple pets and enemies, try it out.


    Garliage Citadel (underground part)

    Bats > Beetles

    Bats > Hellmine (these give AWESOME exp, they blow up, keep throwing bats at it!) (2 BST party)
    Garliage Citadel (its too good)

    Beetles/Bats > Hellmines (should be able to solo now, or 2 BST party as well)

    Beeltes > FallenMage/ Fallen Major

    Beeetles/Bats > Magic Jug (2 bst party, stay away from the ‘ga Magic spells!!)


    Quicksands Cave

    Lizard > Lizard

    Lizard > Antican (2 BST party)

    60-??? (this is where im at)

    The boyada Tree

    Fungar > Spider

    Fungar > Robber Crab (2 BST party)

    Spider > Rober Crab ( 2 BSt party)

    Feel free to Add or comment to the above, as some of it, i did quite a long time ago so my memory is alittle fuzzy. Hope it Helps.
    Leatha Crafta Masta
    Leathercraft 100+3
    Smithing 60
    Clothcraft 60
    [img][/i mg]

  • #2
    Great job BigBird.. and a guide for 2BST parties too! Careful using Sic with a pet bee, if they use final sting (usually at <1/4
    health, they will kill themselves.)
    Complete: AF1, AF2.
    BST 60, NIN 31, WHM 30, SMN 25, BRD 23, DRG 23, THF 23.


    • #3
      thx for the great guide Bigbird...
      66 BST/NIN
      LS: Mischarm


      • #4
        I have a question. If you use a broth to summon something, then use release does it disappear?


        • #5
          where is Korolocka Tunnel?...
          66 BST/NIN
          LS: Mischarm


          • #6
            Suntan - Yes.

            Antwan - Bastok Mines - Zeruhn Mines - Korrolocka Tunnel.
            Complete: AF1, AF2.
            BST 60, NIN 31, WHM 30, SMN 25, BRD 23, DRG 23, THF 23.


            • #7
              and here i would have thought some beasts would like to go to out of the way places where no one exps at, i know when i'm leveling my subs, or alt jobs, in qufim, valk, etc and i see a beast move in, i just sigh, then again i'm a bit racists against beastmasters
              March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
              Use search, or deal with assholes like me


              • #8
                there are many other places to go besides this, I lvld in a lot of different places. I think these are a great start though and props to the poster who took time to write this.

                One of the best sites if you know even a little JP is:
                then click on the solo guide (one of the links in the bottom) -- all the enemy lvls/names are in english so it should be pretty easy to figure out.

                for more flexibility visit vana'diel monsters which lists monster lvls and what can be tamed/can't be tamed.

                these two websites I have used from lvl 20-75 (well 75 soon!)
                Still trying to play way too much...
                60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
                BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
                BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

                Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
                Alksomething - 0/8


                • #9
                  Another good one for lvl 36-40ish is Beetles > Gob spiders in east altepa. It's a little dangerous under 36, but still doable.
                  war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


                  • #10
                    Yea as a BSt there are tons of places to go besides the path that i choose. I use that website at times but sometimes its diffucult to understand what they are saying,(i dont understand jpn, and use Babelfish)

                    "As for pet in ƒIƒ|ƒIƒ| and night framework bat. Because ƒIƒ| fascination tolerance is high, unless you do, before the area changing danger."

                    THats an example of what comes out when babelfish translates it,
                    difficult to understand = /

                    I forgot to say when i originally posted, one of the best ways i have found, to find leveling spots is to frequently do a /search all bst (your lvl range here) and see where people are leveling. Usually thats a good indicator of where you should be.

                    When i hit 60 i wasnt sure if i could tame in the boyada tree, i did a search all bst 60, and saw a BST i did BCNM40 with leveling there, so i went and tried it out. Found evenmatch - very toughs there yay! To me thats really the best guide that i have followed.
                    Leatha Crafta Masta
                    Leathercraft 100+3
                    Smithing 60
                    Clothcraft 60
                    [img][/i mg]


                    • #11
                      That gob spider thing in east altepa is freaking awesome lol. I started doing it at level 33 just to see if i could. And i got 200,240,250 xp then i had to rest. Its just great because i can keep my pet alive and still get the xp. I just need to find a good pet and use summons simetimes to do it solo but its great once you find a good spot and get the hang of it. I also did a duo there when i was 33 and friend was 35. We were getting chain 4s for about 97-240 xp. That was the xp for me when im 2 levels lower than him with my pet living most the time. Of course he did release so his xp was much better but hey this spot is great. Im level 34 right now and seeing you say its a good spot at 36 makes me excited to stay there for at least 4 more levels lol.
                      Bitesized- Taru BST/WHM- Asura
                      BST-46 WHM-30 BLM-18 RDM-30


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I got all the way to lvl 40 on those spiders. At 39 you get some that are only decent, but hell, I still managed to eek out chain 5 solo. It may be void of loot, but you get mad beatmen seals while chaining like mad. Cool with me.

                        And oh yeah, bcnm 40 with all bst is frickin awesome.
                        war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5


                        • #13
                          I thought I would add a good spot for BST that I found as well: Ordelle's Cave.

                          I went there at 18 and am now 21 with leveling still in sight.

                          There are bats and clippers at the entrance to get you to 19, then there are gobbies in either direction to pummel with bats and blood bunnies. You just have to be careful not to aggro the other gobbies, so I lure them away before battling.

                          Once the gobbies get too easy, you can fight your way past them into the next areas on either side that are gobbie free. The have more stink bats, hognosed bats (aggro), some leeches, saplings.

                          At 20 and 21 there is a room of 5 or 6 fly agarics that still con T, so I imagine at 22 they will become EM for even better choices with a room full of T gobbies just next to it. I actually was getting about 2K exp per hour. Just have to be careful with linking with all those bats....I did die a few times hehe


                          • #14
                            regarding gob spiders in altepa

                            i went from 34-40 in 6 hours game time.
                            Ask lurch


                            • #15
                              True, I logged on one day and Teejay was 6 levels higher than the last time that I saw him. He got some mad chain 5's going though, where I only got to 3, maybe 4. So it took a good 9-10 hours for me instead. And by the way, the desert either loves your or hates you, just stick with it.
                              war28 / mnk9 / whm42 / blm67 / rdm7 / thf13 / pld16 / drk1 / bst75 / rng36 / brd34 / smn20 / sam12 / nin25 / drg5

