heh, i missed it, thats y im playing bard now, BST just got too repetive , /pet "assault" <T>, release
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Do you miss the social side of the game?
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I must be wierd or a loner or I just smell bad but I tend to not get pt's even when I play other jobs. cept whm. I've so far soloed thf to 15, nin to 15, brd to 12, war to 12, and sam to 8 as well as blm and whm to 12 before I ever got a pt. That's a lot of solo time ><
I soloed bst to 14 and frankly I like it a lot better than having some 13 yr old playing an elvaan war and not provoking and making my thf tank everything in valkrum dunes cause he was scared of dying since he was oh so close to getting his subjob.
Things like that and the whm in my pt's that go and melee and only cast cure 3's make me want to give up pt-ing for exp. I've had like the worst luck with pt's espically when I log on and my tank is from London and has to go to sleep 30 min into the pt starting. Wasted so much time lfg too...
but to your question, I help out a lot with my LS on all sorts of things like treasure hunting and RSE so it's really fun still. It basically comes down to having a good talkative LS. hell, I sometimes ignore my pt cause no one is talking and chat with my LS even playing a whm :spin:75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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I still party alot with BST. I'll usually just play the role of 2nd or 3rd damage dealer, puller, or backup healer (or someone for the theif to trick onto). If we're just killing easy VT-IT I'll go without a pet, if we're going against tougher prey I'll use a pet (don't have release yet). I do about as much damage as an average warrior, plus my pets damage (which does more damage than I do, me + pet and I'm doing about as much as an average DRK, not quite as good as a BLM or RNG though) . I can't wait until I get release, then hopefully partying will get alot better.
When I'm soloing I usually just talk to people in my LS, or alternate doing chores around the house and playing the game...
As far as invites go, I get invites whenver I play BST, WHM, RDM. Less invites when I'm Monk or WAR...Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK
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when i wrote my first post i was at a point where partys where not that common in the first place. but now that im out in the dunes or where ever i happen to be lvling. every once in a while i find my self watching pts work. and wanting to be with these people.
mind you i normaly feal this way when every one in my ls clams up for some reason. though i did get a invite in to pt not that long ago. i was running way from the ghost that aggroed me. and i zoned in to the dunes. i was meding up and checking around to see what the rabbits coned to me at that point. and i got a party invite. mind you i was not seeking and the rest of it is a whole other post together.
i was not in the pt for 2 seconds when some one was telling me not to charm. no problem nothing was conning close to what i feal comfortalbe charming to start with. when i finaly find this group. the group "accidentaly" disbands. and the person who was complaning about me had reformed the group leaving me out.
this is a perfect example of why i became a bst. any way im blathering on here.you might be a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you dance with the reaper.
Rank 5 San'dorian
current job
Drk 54
other jobs
mnk 30, war 30, thf 22, bst 18, whm 10, rng 7, drg 6, smn 8
Genki 1 & 2 Shatered
drk af 1 & 2 complete
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I've got a brd in my late 40's so if I really wanted to do a PT I can do that. Playing solo BST is an entirely different game anyway.
So far (@ 33) the only time I've pt'ed was when I was 25 or so and headed to Khazam to raise skills with Tomato Juice; after sending 30 or so juices to one LS mate just for kicks I still had another 20 or so, so I grabbed the SMN that was shouting for a pt, gave him a handful, gave myself a handful, got together the rest of the pt, and basically went nonstop pulling mandras. Whm sub worked remarkably well here, as 1) my crab did as much dmg as the rest of the melees anyway so it didnt matter if I missed a little more, and 2) dia pulling >>> other ranged attacks. I thought about pt'ing once more when I made about a hundred or so (8 dozen) meat broths, but that's been slowly consumed while I fished on the boat. Can't beat killing mobs and eles while you snap rods... er, while you catch bluetails on the side.
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hehehe, bst wants to play with ppl and work together...
Thf.... HAVE to work with ppl and more often than not, thf sucks w/o pt cooperation
Finding a pt that will work together is about as easy as finding a particular needle in a pile of needles >_<
Playing thf makes me want to go bst hehehehehehehe75/bst, 60/smn, 51/rdm, 46/whm, 40/blm, 37/nin, 37/thf, 37/war, 32/sam, 25/brd, 10/pld, 7/mnk
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