BST has been ok so far... but does it have any really good LVs that you enjoyed?
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Best LVs of BST?
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Level 35 was when I really really started to enjoy BST... Release makes things so much easier. After level 61 is when BST started to become very tedious. One little mistake can result in 2-3 hours of lost EXP and exp per hour is often lower than the other levels. It is very challenging indeed.Still trying to play way too much...
60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|
Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
Alksomething - 0/8
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Tahrongi Canyon...bah, if u arent durst...dont bother...just hurt durst control if they have it there ~~: lol...but its not fast exp, just lots of loot :D i killed Serpopard Ishtar (NM Dhamel pop) like 8 times from 15-18, getting his amulet 3 times which sold for 2 to 2.5k :D
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Woh, I was in the Canyon last night leveling up my scythe skill. I figured it'd be good to lvl it up alongside axe. Axe will be my primary, but thought it'd give me options later. Anyway, I've not seen this guy once at all - except about 1 week after playing when anything big scared the crap out of me (low lvl whm). Saw him then, and that's the only time. :p
Anyway, I charmed an even match dhamel last night and attempted a poltergeist, only for it to kill the dhamel a bit quicker than I had hoped. He was hurt a bit, so that's probably why. Needless to say I was running to the shakrami zoneline quite fast.
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lol, lv 15 bst...running from a polt after 1 pt? at lv 15, i used 2-3 pets to kill a polt. depending if i tamed a decent or evens or even easies ( >< ) ..yet the polts dont really drop anything cool, its just cool killing them ^^ Now, Dancing Weapons in Quifm, i love to kill those things :D Love it when they drop Kaiser Swords, worth 3k at the AH on Fairy :D
Also, i TRY and pop Trickster Kinetix which is the NM Dancing Weapon up there, did it once. Went to tame Kraken, use 2hr so i would have him for good. Killed Trickster rather quickly, main help by Krakens special Cross Slash, 415 dmg :D Too bad Trickster didnt drop the BST only axe i was looking for ;P
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