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some questions

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  • some questions

    Battle stratgy - what's the best way in winning a fight? especially at lower levels? do I need to stay back and let my pet do the killing or do I need to fight alongside it? I get hurt bad due to the hate I get when fighting so it's not possible for me to chain yet :/ only level 13 mind you.

    Also, is it possible to level in the recommended areas all the way from 15-60 as a 2 BST PT? and get 150+ EXP?

    I really should thank you for it afterall it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life.....Purpose of life, is to end.

    I hate my life.

  • #2
    on the forum here there are many guides.

    basic starting strategy:

    1-10 - No tame, Fight as normal (the orcish fodder axe is very good until like lvl12)

    10-23 - tame jibun pet and fight jibun/choudo enemies. You stand and watch your pet fight until the enemy is 1 hit from death, you use "modore" and let your pet die, then you kill the monster yourself. DO NOT ATTACK THE ENEMY BEFORE YOUR PET IS DEAD, it fucks up the hate issue and when u modore the enemy attacks you, and not the pet.

    23-35 - Same stuff, except you have "Honkidase" which makes your pet use a TP attack, nice with bat - Jetstream 300+dmg

    35+ - You tame jibun pet, and fight jibun/tsuyoi enemies. You and Pet both fight at same time, make sure your pet keeps hate and when enemy is about to die, u use "kaere" and release the pet then u kill enemy. Simple ^^

    Thats a starter, check the forum for far better guides ^^

    Sweetness - Ragnarok


    • #3
      Soloing to 35 is definitely the most challenging part. Once you get to 35 and you can use the jibun (equal level?) pets and it becomes a lot easier.

      Basically at 15 I did it like this:
      Usually tamed choudos (ones right below me in level). Attacked jibun/tsuyo (only very weak tsuyo). Knowing where to hunt is probably more critical at these levels.

      Here's how I would fight before 35:
      Get pet, have pet attack alone for a bit, join in on fight. If I get aggro off pet, use * and turn around until I lose aggro. Ideally the best thing to do is do as much damage as possible without getting a lot of hate yourself. Save up enough tp to do the first double attack WS.

      If you can tell your pet is going to die before you and the pet can get the enemy low enough to finish it off, stop fighting immediately and start searching for another pet to use. When your pet dies, send in the new pet, and take the beatings until your new pet gets hate. Assuming you yourself haven't built up too much hate the enemy should turn to the new pet after a few attacks.
      When the enemy is low enough for you to finish off, go far far away until you can't see your pet life. Use modore + matteru (or whatever this is) right after each other. You can spam these commands. This is the pet back off + the pet wait command at the same time. 95% of the time assuming you have the proper distance, the enemy will finish off the pet before coming to attack you, almost regardless of how much hate you've built up during the fight. Sometimes, if you've built up too much hate the enemy will still come after you, there is not much you can do in this situation but just finish it off and take the exp cut.

      Ideally at the end you have saved up at least 100 tp, so it's an easy shot to use your double attack WS and finish the enemy off.

      There are more nuances to hate control that I haven't said, you learn quite a lot about hate playing BST. You have to fine tune this strategy and learn it as you go but I think that sums up what I did. What sweetness describes too would also work but I think I enjoyed fighting more with them instead.

      Also don't forget that all BSTs have a hidden exp multiplier. In reality you need 130% or 150% * your level to reach the next level. The exp multiplier applies until 35 and after level 60. aka expect to die a lot, but once you get to 35 it's like sweet redemption.
      Still trying to play way too much...
      60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
      BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
      BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

      Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
      Alksomething - 0/8


      • #4
        Also 2 other things I forgot. One thing you can do early on is if your pet is weak and you think tame is about to wear off, you can use the wait command and go far away (where you can't see it's life). Then when tame wears off naturally it will not attack you. This is the only way to prevent it from attacking you when the pet releases without the release ability.

        As for the 2 BST PT thing, BST can't PT as well really until level 35, as the release ability makes a tremendous difference. I think a BST PT 15-35 would still work, however expect to take 30% exp cuts as it's going to be much harder to finish off your pet before the fight ends. When you get the release ability your pet can automatically heal and it makes PTing so much easier (and no 30% exp cut also).
        Still trying to play way too much...
        60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
        BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
        BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

        Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
        Alksomething - 0/8


        • #5
          Originally posted by StarRealms
          Also don't forget that all BSTs have a hidden exp multiplier. In reality you need 130% or 150% * your level to reach the next level. The exp multiplier applies until 35 and after level 60. aka expect to die a lot, but once you get to 35 it's like sweet redemption.
          this is something i didnt know!!...can you explain this alittle more?
          ...apparently there is still alot i dont know about bst...and there isnt alot of places to read up on the most unpopular job in the game
          i guess i just have to do it the hard way and learn from experiance!!


          • #6
            The hidden exp modifier is my way of joking around that you die alot. For example, I have lost ~30000 exp (lv 65+) while trying to gain exp in the past 3 weeks. There is no actual exp modifier.
            Still trying to play way too much...
            60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
            BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
            BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

            Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
            Alksomething - 0/8

