Hi I've just discovered these forums and am trying to suck it dry of of info... In the General info forum I posted about possibly 2 boxing FFXI... now the first responses I recieved where not very positive.... As I understand it Beast Tamers are the Solo job of FFXI... so would a 2 boxed 2 main job Beast group be viable... or would there be another main job that would compliment a soloing BST? For this would be my intent with 2 boxing... basically I might have my Main Main character be job that I would like to play 100% and this might be BST... who knows? for atm I have not had the opertunity to play the game as of yet... But if I'm unable to find a PT within an acceptable amount of time... I could just fire up the second computer... bring up the second character and be off to the races... now I would not expect this to be as exp. plentiful as if I was in a 6 person PT group... but at least I'm making some exp rather than just waiting around making Zero exp.... with the hope that while I'm boxing an opertunity for more effective exping comes along and then I drop the second box and play as most ppl do... Or if I find I can effectively play both characters and ppl are accepting of me bringing both characters into the PT (say they have a spare slot anyways)... the better... Although it's been stated that FFXI is a bit demanding attention wise... so this might not be very possible... but then again I know lots of people in Everquest that can run an entire 6 person group by themselves very efficently and in some cases better that a group of 6 single played characters... so I'm not going to rule out the possibility that with practive it can't be done... although I don't consider myself to have those kinda skills I can play in most groups with both characters and not skip a beat.
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Main BST + Main BST == Group???
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Well, I don't know about how much attention is required (Haven't played the game yet) but I heard that two (or more) BST parties could be pretty effective, especially for a few of the special battles.The sole thing that one possess throughout their entire life is hope.
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BST Pts work great, hardest part is finding BSTs around your level to PT with. There are times when a BST needs absolute attention and you always keep busy, 2 boxing would be difficult at best.Still trying to play way too much...
60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|
Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
Alksomething - 0/8
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To start off I'll say that I have nothing against 2 boxing moraly as some people do. If I had 2 computers I would do it myself.
I am not sure how new to the game you are, but there are a couple things I figure I'll let you know in case you don't already.
A) One character can level every class. Unless you are leveling a friend's character or you are planning on selling the second one there is no reason to have 2 characters (I also have no moral objections to eBaying).
B) Although FFXI is mostly a grouping game after level 10, BST is the one and only job which can solo, all the way to the top. NOTE: I haven't played, just read a ton of information on these boards.
From what I have heard, BST is the powergamer's job. It can be played solo from level 1 on through 60. It is the fastest job to level simply because you don't have to deal with groups. You can level as fast as you, as a player, can pump them out. Now, just about anyone that 2 boxes is also a power gamer so this would probably be a good job for you to take.
Now, to answer your question, I have also heard that a 2 person party with 2 beast tamers can outlevel a 6 person party of other classes. And a 3 person beast tamer party can out level a tightly knit and well organized 6 person part.
Many people think that you can't 2 box FFXI, but personally, I would wait and see for myself first. Many people underestimate the ability of a true power gamer and what they are capable of. I imagine when EQ was in it's early stages no one would have thought 2 boxing possible for it, but now it's common practice.
I plan on getting to 30 so I can take on Beast Master (it's an elite job) because I am a power gamer and I also can't stand slow leveling groups. Soloing is my style and I am glad that this job was put in the game for those of us that enjoy solo play.
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Ok some of this is true and false. Im a lvl 40 bst in beta,yea a group of 2 bst is good but its not as easy as you think it is. If your in an area with a lot of people,pets are so available for you,so its a little dangerous. But 2 bst can take on IT easily because when your pet dies,the other pet is still on it,all you have to do is keep finding pets and sicing them on the monster. Not that many people could handle bst,until they saw the only 3 high lvl bst in beta,more and more people started trying it out. I say its the most favorable,famous class. You dont have to solo really,but its best to. I have tried a party of 3 bst since there was only another lvl 40 bst that I could party with.Anyways what im trying to say is make sure you know the rights and wrong on how to battle. Its easier wants u get the "release" ability cause you can reuse the pets. If you want anymore advice just send me a Post Message.There are some other hugh lvl bsts on this site that can help you too.
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