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Do bst offer anything to a pt?

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  • Do bst offer anything to a pt?

    Hullo everybody, I was just wondering if a Bst is any good in a Pt.
    I know that they solo very well but i know from experiance in
    everquest that soloing for to long can often lead to suicidal tendincies.

    Do bst have anything to offer a pt to increase their chance of getting one? To me it looks like a bst could do some decent dmg in a group when combinded with a beast an as long as he keeps the beast lower than the group and uncharms it before each kill everybody would get full exp. Am i right or are beast pretty worthless in a pt? Any advice would be helpful

  • #2
    Bst have plenty to offer to a PT, mainly a really high overall damage rate (with pet). Also if the BST can keep aggro, the BST could probably tank half way decently with a shield. The main issue is however, that for a BST soloing can sometimes be even more efficient and less of a hassle than a PT, some reasons include:
    >no waiting for PTs
    >PT any time (this can be a big deal if you play on a JP server mainly US nights)
    >to get good exp in a PT you really have to be able to release your pet, and you can't do this until 35. The other problems are finding an appropriate pet (must be below the levels of all PT members to avoid a 30% cut). The summon stones don't really work because they are once every 5 minutes, and once you release the pet they disappear
    Although no matter what happens, a great PT is always better than soloing, but a decent BST soloer is like having a mediocre PT all the time.
    Still trying to play way too much...
    60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
    BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
    BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

    Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
    Alksomething - 0/8


    • #3
      only the bst loses the 30% not the whole pt. MY bst is only 17 but i had a pt from 14-16 totetote with pets in pt I got 110-140 max. So I didnt really use a pet becuase solo I could get about 100 anyway and lvling in pt at that lvl is insanely easy. Also I think someone made a thread here about bsts before I tried to find it but I cant. If anyone finds can they leave a link or something thx I am having problems with macros
      Lonewolfy -- Bismarck
      Bastok Rank 10
      75BLM, 75THF, 37NIN, 37RDM, 37WHM


      • #4
        BST can make decent pullers. If they send their pet to attack pull an enemy, that enemy won't link with any others (SMN can do the same with their Guardians I believe). I've only PT'd with 1 or 2 BST the whole time; They're usually solo'ing and not really interested in joining. :sweat:
        Server: Titan
        Country: Bastok
        Race: TaruTaru
        Rank: 6
        Current Job: THF62/WAR31



        • #5
          An only 2 BST PT can get very decent exp, sometimes more than 6 pple PT, definitely more than going solo. I have not tried 3 BST PT b4, but could be fast exp ...
          Weaver:98.1 (+2 & mog:weaver) Blacksmith:57 Goldsmith:55 Tanner: 59


          • #6
            One thing ive noticed about BST in a pt is that when you link monsters by accident when pulling or sumthing, having a bst can be very usefull because they can tame 1 and send it away or use their calm ability.

