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  • BST/WAR or BST/MNK or..

    I can't decide!

    subbing War would give me buffs to my str or to my def...yet would the buffs be TOO much so that i would create all the hate towards the Beast Tamer and not the beast? Yet I also get Double Attack

    subbing Mnk gives me HP Boosts, dodge, counter, and

    or is there something other then these two that would prove better for a sub for Bst?

  • #2
    You could go with /sea all BST EVERYONE has whitemage sub...but anywho I hate that sub ^_^ I chose Thief. But you pick who you want to be. In my opinion I would do MNK...becuase with War you wouldn't use need your monster to die.
    Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
    Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


    • #3
      hehe, cool, thanx ^^


      • #4
        So far, ive been playing my BST with a WAR sub and ive found it to be sort of counter productive in a BST's playing style when solo. If i attack at the same time as my pet i usually draw hate to myself rather quickly and either have to retreat/back off and let my pet hit it a few more times to get the monsters attention again. Sitting idle by till my pet dies is also possible, but extremely boring.

        Im really starting to consider the best sub for a BST would be a rdm. WHM at first sounded really good because you can always use the heals when your tamed monster and the active monster both turn on you.

        However, whm provides little to no impact on your naturally good melee skills. If you subbed RDM, you could eventually get the EN line of skills to do extra DMG when necessary as well as a few heals, and if u ever get to 66+, you could sure make use of phalanx.


        • #5
          hey.. just wondering..
          u guys ever thought of subbin a bard??
          cuz i just looked at the song list.. . and regen is lvl 5
          and def/atk buffs at 1 , 3

          and these cost no mp..
          wouldnt these beniift more than a mage??

          im thinkin whether i should sub a bard.. hmmmmmm


          • #6
            subbing bard is probably only useful to 30/15...then it becomes useless somewhat...since the bards full potential of song effects are needed by instruments, you would only get to use your voice, which song effects wear off much quicker and arent as powerful.


            • #7
              I'm going to sub MNK. I've been leveling my MNK since the start so why waist it, huh? Then I thought about it...the HP boost would be great! ^.^
              I'll be trying out the BST/MNK personally but I feel that you should do what you want to...I think that whatever you want is good for YOU and what anyone else's good for THEM LOL!

              Good luck in all you do!
              WHAT?! OOKKKAAYYYYY!!!!!!
              30-MNK 12-WAR 11-THF 8-BST 5-RDM
              2-BLM 1-WHM


              • #8
                I think Ninja would work very nicely. Utsusemi Ichi and Ni will ensure you almost never get hit, as well duel wield haste would increase your damage somewhat.
                Mikeb Hume - 48 BST / 23 WHM / 29 WAR / 37 MNK


                • #9
                  screw all the options listed above.

                  I'd go for:

                  bst/sam -- quick tp charge means you'll have a ws for the finish blow.

                  bst/smn -- short on pets to use for a pull? Carbuncle can do the bidding for you while your pet heals! Self-heal through carby, and get a nice dose of blink from garuda.

                  bst/drk -- lets you use that... bah, i forgot the one EX scythe WS you get to use.

                  bst/blm -- screw instant warps.

                  sadly enough, i've done bst/blm too many times... warp back from a shopping spree elsewhere to jeuno, forget to switch sub back, and realize i had the powers of BLAZE SPIKES (havent raised blm above 23, and i'm too cheap to buy ice spike) on my side. woo.


                  • #10
                    whoooooooooooooooooaaa.......incredibly old old old old post.....why are posts like this even still here, rofl. it was a waste to ....reply, lol...damn, thats an old post. almost a year ago.


                    • #11
                      Keftenk you newb, Sub WHM or you'll never get passed lvl 40 XD :D ^^
                      Leatha Crafta Masta
                      Leathercraft 100+3
                      Smithing 60
                      Clothcraft 60
                      [img][/i mg]


                      • #12
                        Heh, I saw your lvl on the character info and thought you were screwing around. didn't realize someone dug up a post from half a year ago...


                        • #13
                          oi, thanx for reminding me, need to edit my info to 70/35 :D just got it today ^^ time to go kill Maat ^^


                          • #14
                            Good luck!

                            Haven't seen any info on G5 for BST (though I haven't actually looked). Is it hard/easy?

                            Not like this topic needs to stay on topic anyway :p


                            • #15
                              been working the last couple of nights. tonight i will get a chance at it, i will try and remember to frap it.

