Originally posted by Keftenk
go get the quote yourself..if there is even one ;P
go get the quote yourself..if there is even one ;P
Thing about Axe, it attacks fast, but for low dmg compared to the Scythe, the only time I ever gain hate from the pet is if my pet has a freak accident and misses 3-5 times >< or if I get freakishly lucky and get 3-4 criticals in a row for 70-100 dmg ;P
it's just my preference tho...
about the charming resistaning and what not; spiders dont have a great charm resistance, but they do have a bitchy one. Corsette+1, Bird Whistle, and Monster Signa worked about 85% of the time. Yet, I ask you this. If you are so PRO on Warrior, why do you have all of that CHR stuff? Unless, do you use /equip macros? I would think as a BST/WAR you would get def+ rings or dex+ or something.
and the reason why i pick up CHR+ is because my main function is still that of a BST. and that being said, charming is the name of the game...
since belts, rings, and etc. are mostly used for stat increases, i just go for CHR+. with a WAR sub i already get 3+ STR, 1+ AGI, and 1+ DEX in comparison to a WHM sub. the only equipment other than armor that i use strictly for DEF is my back mantle....
Seblina Milk + Higher HP + Higher Def isnt...that great; first you don't have much more HP and not much more Def then a BST/WHM. The only big def plus you get is the head, which protect nearly nullifies. But, meh...im near the point where im ditching my hairpin for my BST AF4.
and Protect doesn't nullify a Head peice. not by a long shot....
a WAR sub gets 10+ DEF as a job trait at level 20. this is nullified by the 10+ DEF from Protect. but at that point you're still losing the entire factor of your headgear armor...
and it only gets worse. by the time you get Protect II (20 + DEF), i'll have Defender. Defender gives roughly 30+ DEF at that lvl and i already have 10+ DEF from my job trait. and at that level, you'll be missing out on a Raptor helm (18+ DEF). so my 58+ DEF is WAYYYYY better than your 20+ DEF from Protect II (which costs about 28 mp per cast)...
a difference of -38 DEF is pretty damn bad....
and this is not to mention that Defender naturally scales up with level the number of DEF that you have. so i will continually have more DEF than you as time goes on....
Also, I noticed BST/nearly anything can work if you have a crap load of gil for loads and loads of food. Waaaay later in the game I plan on doing BST/RDM and bringing Rolanberry Pies (+50MP) and Yagudo Drinks (120MP regen over 3minutes) and go solo hard ass shit with Phalanx and what not ;P Of course, this wont happen til I have a crap load of gil. Yag drink is 2k on my server and Rolanberry Pie is 1.8k i believe.
I know Selbina Milk isnt that much; but wont you think you will upgrade to better items with more and more hp -- I.E: Boiled Crabs and what not? If you have a shit load of gil, then I should apologize for all of this; but if not ~~:
I know Selbina Milk isnt that much; but wont you think you will upgrade to better items with more and more hp -- I.E: Boiled Crabs and what not? If you have a shit load of gil, then I should apologize for all of this; but if not ~~:
Selbina Milk is about 500 gil a stack in Windurst. i carry a Hi-Potion and a Potion but i rarely use them. almost never. boiled crayfish is also dirt cheap....
and since i cook, upgrading is also extremely cheap....
a "shit load of gil" helps, but it's not that bad...