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BST guide to lvl 30

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  • #91
    i hope this argument isnt my falt but the 2 of you are saying the same thing over and over again, if u wana keep arguing at least find a new thing 2 fight about.


    • #92
      yea, i like BST/PAL aswell...

      great DEF, natural curatives, and natural enhancings all sound great to me...

      a potential lack of MP is the only real problem that i can think of, but i don't really see it as a huge problem. especially since a WAR sub has no MP. it's just that since Sentinel only lasts for 30 seconds, you'll be depending more on your Protects for your big DEF boosts (which'll cost alittle MP with each cast), but it's really no big deal. having the option to heal yourself is very nice too....

      a WAR sub is still going to provide the better ATK potential but that's mainly for PTs...

      i'm still playing with the idea of a PAL sub but i'm going to fully explore my WAR sub first. i may look at PAL if/when i maxout my BST/WAR combo...
      66 BST/NIN
      LS: Mischarm


      • #93
        At lvl 30 a Galka BST/PLD has 15 MP. So you dont get a "few" cures. You get one cure.

        At lvl 75 a Galka BST/PLD has 32 mp.

        Excuse me while I go laugh my ass off.
        Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


        • #94
          Originally posted by The Heretic
          At lvl 30 a Galka BST/PLD has 15 MP. So you dont get a "few" cures. You get one cure.

          At lvl 75 a Galka BST/PLD has 32 mp.

          Excuse me while I go laugh my ass off.
          oh... so... you've never played the game and don't know about mp+ itmes... that makes so much more sence...


          • #95
            You not being able to spell sense makes more sense to me.

            (Oh and uh, who says ive never played the game, im about to go play it right now)

            By dumping stuff into +mp items, you are missing out on much needed +chr items (Galka's have the lowest, with Mithras), but of course, that all goes out the window when you cant spell basic 5 letter words.
            Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


            • #96
              yea, a subbed PAL's MP is quite minimal. even if you had a Hume, you'll still only get 36 MP at level 30...

              which is why you'd be very tempted to pick up some MP+ items (which would inherently lower other stats like DEF and HP)....

              But it can definitely work if you dedicate some time to finding the best way to balance your attributes...
              66 BST/NIN
              LS: Mischarm


              • #97
                Heretic, I cant believe what I am doing, but shush....I actually side with Antwan this time ;P

                As a Mithra or Galka BST all you will REALLY need is a corsette+1 and a bird whistle and you are set. Now, you might want to have a Monster Signa for back up as well, mainly as Mithra and Galka, but if your charm fails, big deal, start running, use Tame. Just be wary when you charm high resist charm creatures; I.E. Skinks, Jellys, Cactuars.

                I have seen BST/PLD played by a Hume. Yes, the majority of the items are MP+, 2 RSE and a Serket ring is what he wore. He probably had 100mp or so, more then enough for Cure 3's. You will just be out of luck with debuffs and self healing spells like Poisona and what not. It is a lot like BST/WAR actually, with MP. ;P Items are crucial though to how you will play the job combo.

                Was watching the BST/PLD take out Officers in GC, I was a little suprised that the Holy Circle thing was stopping the bones more then usual cause of the undead killer.

                Anyways, if you are BST, by lv 50+, you best have 2 sets of equip and have them switchable on macro command. I.E. a big one for me is switching out Corsette+1 after the charm for Life Belt so I can actually land hits with my Rampage ;P


                • #98
                  Who cares about spelling or whatnot, when someone actually gives good information? You're just picking at straws Heretic.

                  Hehe, I'm going to sound like Antwan now, but ... I KNOW /WHM is the ideal subjob I really do not enjoy WHM, and I have a leveled PLD... might as well, ya know?

                  CHR won't be an issue. Period. Why? I'm going to get Corsette+1, Monster Signa, Bird Whistle, etc... I can afford it. I hear people do perfectly well *without* the monster signa, so since I'll have it, that +8 or so CHR will be more than enough to make up for my race's .....incharismability (I made up a new word).

                  About MP... the fact is, regardless of your subjob, subbed mage MP is laughable. The majority of your MP will come from +MP items regardless. This is what I plan to do (same thing I was going to do if I was /WHM as well)... just have 2 sets of equipment. Whenever I use Charm I have a /equip macro in there to use the signa, etc. Then as my monster whacks at it, I /equip my +MP stuff (hairpin, RSE, Astral rings, etc) and rest my MP. I then go and start whacking away... if I get hit, I cure myself, use macro to /equip +DEF equipment set.

                  I'm going to try this up to around level 20-30... if it's really horrible, I guess I can (cringe) level up WHM...

                  Antwan, you're right that /WAR is better for PTs... not just for the versatility (berserk and defender) but I'm guessing for emergency provokes as well. I plan to solo for a while, but I might PT with some friends later... in which case I guess I'd use /WAR. Oh well, finally hit 60, so now I can play with other jobs... kinda tired of PLD now :sweat:
                  I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                  • #99
                    Tsk tsk imac2much.... you know I've said this before, but if you swap out +mp stuff it boosts total mana, but still leaves your current amount the same. :p

                    You'd have to use a juice or rest to get it up to the new total.

                    And a serket ring? Can we say, "Hello 2 million gil"? :sweat:



                    • True, true Lily. That's a good point. But keep in mind I plan to switch to +MP gear at the beginning of fights (after +CHR for charming), then heal myself..... I should have worded this better. I meant, alt+H, kneel, whatever, so I can regen MP while my pet gets some aggro.

                      As for juices, that's actually a very good idea. Pineapple juice gets a LOT of bang for your buck (80 MP total for only 120gil really). I bring lots of pineapples and water crystals with me whenever I gilfarm or do AF hunts with friends, since it's so easy to make, so cheap to buy ingredients, and you get a nice amount of MP in return. I could probably just use this every now and then if needed. Melon juice and Yagudo drinks are nice too (I can *almost* make yagudo drinks... grrr), but they don't offer as much gil/MP conversion :p

                      Yeah I don't plan to get a serket ring. I already have 1 astral ring, and wouldn't be too much trouble to get another... of course I'd rather have serket and astral but, hey while I'm dreaming, I also want a pony. :sweat:
                      I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                      • A pony? O_o

                        But yeah pineapple juice is cool. I had been carring around a stack of pineapples and water crystals too.


                        • Yes, a pony Why aren't there any horses in FFXI? In other Final Fantasy's there were some types of horses (called Nightmares and stuff)... would be cool if I could charm one

                          Everyone should carry pineapples ^^ The recipe is pretty low level (I think it's only a lvl 30 recipe?), so it's pretty easy to make... water crystals are cheap, and pineapples are only 60-65 gil each at Kazham vendor... so it only costs 120-130 gil (I usually just get water crystal handouts... lots of people just trash them).
                          I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


                          • Originally posted by The Heretic
                            You not being able to spell sense makes more sense to me.

                            (Oh and uh, who says ive never played the game, im about to go play it right now)

                            By dumping stuff into +mp items, you are missing out on much needed +chr items (Galka's have the lowest, with Mithras), but of course, that all goes out the window when you cant spell basic 5 letter words.
                            OMG I can't spell a five letter word... you probably use spell-check bitch... at least I’m not a fucking moron...

                            also you left two ' out...

                            (sorry for the flame everyone else this guy just got to me on a bad day...)


                            • No, I dont use spellcheck, I just read over my posts (though no-one is perfect). Picking at straws, maybe. Pick up sticks was a fun game though.

                              Oh and please leave out the coarse language, you dont need swearing to get your point across.
                              Psalm 137:8, "O Daughter of Babylon, doomed to destruction, happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us - he who seizes your infants and dashes their brains against the rocks." - In God We Trust


                              • Originally posted by The Heretic
                                No, I dont use spellcheck, I just read over my posts (though no-one is perfect). Picking at straws, maybe. Pick up sticks was a fun game though.

                                Oh and please leave out the coarse language, you dont need swearing to get your point across.
                                i know i did it because i felt good...

